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沟通课程自考本科英语(二)试卷专业姓名学号考生注意:答案要全部抄到答题纸上,做在试卷上不给分第一部分选择题(共60分)一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)1. My grandpa went to see his doctor for about his heart trouble yesterday.A. advice B. advices C. an advice D. the advices2. There a teachers room and many classroom in this new building.A. isB. are C. wasD. were3.like to eat fried chicken but like to eat fish.A. the American, the Japanese B. the Americans, the JapanesesC. the Americans, the Japanese D. the American, the Japaneses 4.Monday morning, I missed the bus and was late for class.B. On C. At D. OfI have seen it with my own eyes.C. when D. untilby bus.C. take place well my classmate.B. got on; withD. went on; withwhat he had seen in London.B. reminded; ofD. remind; offEnglish and I shall go on to study it hard.C. learned D. to learn next month.C. will be holdingA. In5.1 wont believe you A. before B. after6. They went to the village on footA. insteadB. instead of7. My mother asked me if IA. get on withC. go on; with8. The film himA. remind; ofC. reminded; off9.1 will never give upA. learn B. learningD. take place of10. An interesting sports meet A. will hold B. are held11. He had no way to find a hotel A. to live B. to live in C. living12. If tomorrow, well stay at home.A .it will rain B. it rains C. its to rain D. it will raining13. Your shoes are very beautiful. They must be expansive M No. Theyme 20 dollars.A. spent B. took C. paid D. cost14. Johnny, you play with the knife; you hurt yourself.A. won t.can tB.can t.shouldn tC. shouldn t .mustD . mustn15 . is your English teacher?A. Who B. whom C. which D. what16. John was made the truck for a week as a punishment.D. will be heldD. to be livingonlyA. to washB. washing C. washD. to be washing17. Too much time is one of the reasons to get you.A. into trouble B. to trouble C. in the trouble D. to the trouble18. A close friend is the person to you are willing to lend a helping handA. who B. whom C. that D. him19.1 will leave a note he can know where we are.A. in order to B. in order C. so that D. so as to20. Our monitor me since I didnt clean the blackboard at the beginning of the class.A. get angry with B. got angry with C. got angry about D. got angry at21. Weather, we are going to have picnic next week.A. permit B. permits C. permitted D. permitting22.1 think is necessary us to protect the grassA. that; for B. it; for C. it; of D. that; of23. Mike tell me the matter, but I didnt take it seriously at that time.A. do B. does C. did D. was doing24. We were all very tired, but of us stopped to have a rest.A. any B. some C. none D. neither25. The room window is still bright is our English teachers office.A. which B. its C. whose D. that26. He will come back this month.A. in the end of B. at the end of C. at end of D. at the end27. There are several huge trees the temple.A. in the front of B. on the front of C. in front of D. on front of28. rd like share this bedroom other two students.A. for B. in C. withD. to29. The Mid-Autumn Festival is of the lunar August.A. on the fiveteenth B. in the fifteenth C. on the fifteenth D. in fifteenth30. Red lanterns to celebrate the National Day eveiy year.A. are hanging upB. are hung up C. hung upD. are hanged up31. It is he is the best teacher in my school.A. known that B. known as C. know D. knowing32. Bob said would do what he could you with your study.A. helpB. helped C. helping D. to help33. Excuse me, sir, could you tell me.A. where the nearest bank isB. where is the nearest bankC. where the nearest bank wasD. the nearest bank is where34. Written English is the same in both British and AmericaA. more and lessB. more or little C. more or lessD. much or little35. 1 don t knowhere the day after tomorrow .A. when does he comeB. why will he comeC. if he does comeD. how he will come36. The medicine has the growth of children.A. a good affect inB. a good affect onC. an good effect onD. a good effect on37. We should the trees.A. prevent them to cuttingB. prevent them from cuttingC. prevent them cuttingD. prevent them cut38. Some people pay more trouble the air-conditioned-bus take the ordinarypublic bus because it is too slow crowded.A. would; thatB. would rather; thanC. had rather; thanD. rather; than39. The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongueA. whichB. that C. / D. it40. If it should rain, the crops saved.A. will beB. would be C. areD. were%1. 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage OneIn American, when a family gets larger, a van is usually bought. This is because a van can hold seven people easily and the grandparents of the family could then be
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