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江苏省南通市实验中学2014届九年级英语上学期期中试题(无答案) 牛津版( 试卷满分150 答卷时间:120 分钟) 第1 卷 (选择题 共90 分一、 听力部分 (本题共20小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)一 单项选择 (本题共15小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)( )21.The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 is awarded to Mo Yan, _ famous Chinese writer. And he is _ first Chinese to won the prize.A. a, a B. a, the C. the, the D. the, a( )22. Its generous_ him to give so much money to charities .Now he thinks its important _him to help people in poor areas.A. of; to B. for; to C. of; for D. for; for( ) 23. Work hard, _you will get good marks. A. andB. butC. orD. so( ) 24.There are _in the reading room, but many of those books arent _to read. A. enough books ,enough easy B. enough books , easy enough C. books enough, easy enough D. books enough , enough easy( )25.The new computers _to the village schools next Tuesday.A.are sent B. were sent C. will be sent D. have sent( ) 26. Hes never sung French songs before, has he? _. Its his second time to sing in French.A. Yes, he has. B. Yes, he hasnt. C. No, he has. D. No, he hasnt.( ) 27. What do you think of the museum? Its great. I think its worth _.A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visit to( ) 28. We never doubt _David is honest. A. soB. whetherC. if D. that( ) 29. Do you prefer tea_ coffee?-I _drink some tea. A.to, would rather B. to ,prefer C .or, would rather, D. or, prefer( )30.Doctor Li tried his best to make the baby_. A.to stop to cry B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.stop crying( ) 31. If you dont have a good sleep ,you will feel _in class.A.sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. asleep( ) 32.I waned to buy some books but there were _left in the bookshop here.A. anyone B. no one C. nothing D. none( ) 33._great progress you have made! We are pleased with you . A. What a B. What C. How a D. How( ) 34. -Thank you , Millie. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons.-_.A. All right B. With pleasure C. Its my pleasure D. It doesnt matter( ) 35.-Tom, please _how much time you need to finish your homework -OK, Ill make it at once.A. find out B. work out C. give out D. put out二 完型填空 (本题共15小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) There was a time when I thought my dad didnt know how to be a good father. I couldnt_36_him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “_37_” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a _38_. Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their drivers licenses(驾照). Not my dad - he said that Id have to get a job and buy my own.So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and _39_every penny(便士) I could and _40_I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to _41_it off to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, You only need to pay me five dollars.” I offered with a smile. “I see,” was all he said.One day, there was something wrong with my fathers truck. So he needed a _42_to work. The sun wasnt even up when we left the house, _43_it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a hotday. As my dad got out of my car, I _44_him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his _45_from the truck (车尾箱) of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were _46_lines(皱纹) than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).Suddenly, I knew that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete(混凝土) to make _47_ for his family. And he did this day in and day out. I had _48_, even once, heard himcomplain about it. To him we were “worth” it. When he closed the trunk, his tools(工具) fell down to the side, he walked over to my window to handme _49_ dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. Its my treat. Dont work too hard. I love you.” His eyesmet _50_, then moving away in the direction of his waiting tools, he cleanedhis throat and said, “Oh, and me, too.”( ) 36. A. likeB. rememberC. forgetD. care( ) 37. A. SorryB. YesC. NoD. Well( ) 38. A. car B. friendC. job D. present( ) 39. A. spent B. madeC. keptD. saved( ) 40. A. whenB. if C. becauseD. though( ) 41. A. takeB. putC. turnD. show ( ) 42. A. rideB. leaveC. tripD. hurry( ) 43. A. asB. althoughC. butD. since( ) 44.
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