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福建省泉州第一中学2014届九年级英语毕业考试试题注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息。2请将正确答案填写在答题卡上。第I卷第一部分 听力 (30分)第一节 听句子(A)从A.B.C三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。(5分)(B)根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)( )6. A. See you. B. Speaking, please. C. Id love to.( )7. A. China did. B. Brazil got the chance. C. Japan will.( )8. A. Just a little. B. Ive got a pain here. C. I hope not.( )9. A. Im sure. B. Yes, they do. C. I dont think so.( )10. A. I was scared. B. Youre kidding. C. I was studying in the library.第二节 听对话:(A)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。(15分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。( )11. What match did Jim watch last night?A. A basketball match. B. A football match. C. A tennis match.( )12. The woman asks Jim to _.A. take a walk B. have some coffee C. go to bed early tonight 听第二段对话,回答第13、14小题。( )13. Who was playing computer games at 8:00 last night.A. Peter. B. Tracy. C. Ted.( )14. Linda was_ at 8:00 last night?A. writing vocabulary lists.B. writing to her uncle.C. talking with her uncle. 听第三段对话,回答第15、16小题。( )15. Ken is unhappy because he_.A. failed his math test B. doesnt feel well. C. doesnt like his clothes.( )16. What does Rita advise Ken to do to get money?A. To ask his parents for money.B. To find a part-time job.C. To save up his pocket money. 听第四段对话,回答第17、18小题。( )17. What season are the two speakers probably talking?A. Early spring.B. Late spring. C. Early summer.( )18. Brain gets to work every day by _.A. bike B. car C. bus 听第五段对话,回答第19、20小题。( )19. How often does the woman go to Qingdao?A. Every week. B. Every month. C. Every year.( )20. Brain prefers to _ for vacation.A. go to the beach B. climb mountains C. rest at home 听第六段对话,回答第21、22小题。( )21. _ will take part in the activity.A. Marias class and Michael B. Michaels class and Maria C. Michaels club and Maria( )22. When will the activity start?A. At 8:30 a.m. B. At 9:30 a.m. C. At 10:00 a.m. 听第七段对话,回答第23-25小题。( )23. What test will Susan have tomorrow?A. A science test.B. A math test. C. A physics test.( )24. Susans father will _ tonight.A. go to bed earlyB. read a science book C. watch a football match( )25. When will Susan finish her lessons?A. At 10:00 pm.B. At 10:30 pm. C. At 11:00 pm.(B)听一段长独白,回答第26-30小题。(5分)( )26. Visitors can pick _ at Park Farm now.A. strawberries B. cherries C. apples( )27. Where can people watch their children playing?A. From the fields. B. From the Gift Shop. C. From the Tea Room.( )28. Park Farm opens at _ am. A. 9:30 B. 10:30 C. 11:30( )29. How much does a family ticket cost?A. 15. B. 6. C. 4.( )30. What do we know about Park Farm?A. Its open only at weekend. B. Its very difficult to find. C. Its near the river.第二部分 选择填空 (35分)A.单项选择:从每小题A,B,C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(15分)( ) 31. We should make the classroom_.A. clean B. to clean C. cleans( ) 32. Michael, my new iPhone 5 doesnt work. Why not _ Mr. Liu to repair it.A. to ask B. asking C. ask( )33. Im going to see a doctor _ next week.A. in B. on C. /( ) 34. You shouldnt lose _ in computer games, boys. Sorry, we wont do it again.A. yourselves B. yourself C. you( ) 35. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China. Japan lies _ the east of China.A. in, on B. to, in C. in, to( ) 36. Lily seems upset. Lets go and _ her _.A. give; up B. cheer; up C. cheer; on( ) 37. This car is _ expensive and I cant afford it.A. too much B. too many C. much too( ) 38. Is the bed _ for three Kids? Yes, it is.A. small enough B. big enough C. enough small( ) 39. How long_ in Chengdu? For just the weekend to come. Ill be back next Monday morning.A. did you stay B. are you staying C. have you stayed( ) 40. The more regularly we eat, _ we are.A . healthier B. the healthier C. the more healthier( ) 41. _ your coat, please. Its cold outside.A. Put on B. Put away C. Put out( ) 42. Please turn down the radio, _? The baby is sleeping.A. will you B. can you C. shall we( ) 43. Could you tell me _? A. how can I get to the post office.B. I can how get to the post officeC. how I can get to the post office ( ) 44. These brown shoes are _ , while those black shoes are _.A. my, his. B. mine, his C. mine, hims( ) 45. James isnt in. He _ Ya an to be a volunteer.A. has gone t
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