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1(2010河北省唐山二模)10His story of the accident does not make any He is telling a lie Adifference Bsense Cexcuse Dpoint10C2(2010湖北省武汉八中二模)21A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said _ among new graduates grew to over 12 percent last year at 1.5 million because of the global economic crisis.A. disagreement B. enlargement C. unemployment D. encouragementC3 (2010湖北省武汉八中二模)22This research has attracted wide _ coverage and has featured on BBC televisions Tomorrows World.A. message B. information C. media D. dataC media传媒4 (2010吉林省实验中学二模)19. A gift is a _ of what a relationship means to us. The best gifts meet the needs of the receiver.A. signal B. means C. symbol D. recordC单项填空之名词5. (2010河南示范性高中五校联考)Most female workers in Beijing suffer from _ connected to the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey.A. curiosityB. eagernessC. thirstD. anxiety D考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据最近的调查,在北京的职业女性多数患有与经济危机有关的“焦虑症”。 Curiosity好奇;eagerness渴望; thirst口渴;anxiety焦虑。6. (2010河北石家庄市二模)Charles Dickens wrote many novels to call to social problems at that time.A. interest B. attention C. notice D. mindB 此题考查名词辨析。解题的关键是:记住短语call attention to 唤起对。的注意。7 (2010河北正定中)It is too bad for someone in such a high _ in the government to behave badly in public. A. position B. situation C. profession D. condition A考查名词词义辨析。Position职位;situation情景; profession职业; condition情况。此处someone in such a high position意为:有如此高职位的人。8 (2010河北唐山市三模)Jo was doing a lot of exercise to build up her .A. strength B. power C. force D. energyA考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jo进行大量的锻炼以增加他的体力。根据句意选A。strength体力;power力量,电力;force力,军队;energy能量。9 (2010陕西宝鸡市质检三)I got a really good on my new computer for only 1,000 yuanAcost Bview Cdeal Dvalue C 考查名词词义辨析。此处deal意为:交易。10 (2010陕西西工大附中6次训练)His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any _ of it. A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. guessC考查名词辨析及短语。解题关键是:掌握短语make sense of。11 (2010全国大联考预测卷)I have been told that the new law will come into_on January 1st next yearAeffect Buse Cservice Dexistence A 考查名词词义辨析。come into effect(生效,开始实施) come into use(投入使用) come into service(投入使用) come into existence(开始存在,成立)12 (2010湖北六校第二次联考)We have strong _ for believing that the mine accident in Heilongjiang was due to the poor management.AgroundsBreasonCcauseDpurposeA 考查名词词义辨析。“grounds”在本句中意为“充分的理由,且常用复数形式。这句话的意思是“我们有充分的理由相信黑龙江的矿难事故是由于管理不善所致”。13(2010湖北武汉四月调研)I must have been a great _ to my parents in those hard days, for I never failed to live up to their expectations.A. achievement B. comfort C. disappointment D. supportB考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那些艰难的日子里,我从来没有辜负父母的期望,对他们来说我一定是一个最大的安慰。Achievement成绩,成就;comfort 安慰; disappointment失望;support支持。根据句意选B。14 (2010湖北六校第二次联考)There is an obvious _ between the cultures of the West and East.AcontentBcontrastCcontract DcontactC考查名词词义辨析。“contrast”意为“明显的差异;对比;对照”;A项意为“内容”;C项意为“合同;合约;契约”;D项意为“联系;联络”。这句话的意思是“东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异”。15 (2010湖北六校第二次联考) A trip to the forest park is a wondful _ of my happy childhood, when I had no end of fun with my playmates.A. adventure B. celebration C. reminder D. attractionC考查名词词义辨析。句意:去那个森林公园游玩勾起我对快乐童年的回忆,那时我和我的伙伴们有无尽的快乐。题干中的定语从句使用了一般过去时,可见这里表示回忆起快乐的童年,用reminder表示“提醒人记忆之物”,符合题意。adventure 冒险; celebration庆祝; attraction具有吸引力的事物或人。16(2010湖北武汉四月调研)Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional _ so that they can be qualified for a well-paid job.Acertificates BpermissionCadmissionDperseveranceA考查名词词义辨析。“professional certificates”意为“职业证书”;permission意为“准许;许可;批准”;admission意为“(机械、组织等的)准许加入,进入权”;perseverance意为“毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神”。此句译为“现如今人们不得不通过各种各样的考试以获得职业证书,这样他们就有资格获取一份高薪工作”。17(2010海南五校联考)Mr Li has some trouble sleeping, so dinking a glass of milk before going to bed every night is his common ApracticeBknowledgeCexperienceDdutyA考查名词词义辨析。解题关键是:掌握习语common practice惯例。18(2010湖北黄冈中学一模)Shes hoping her first performance in the US will be the first step on the road to success, then she wants to try her _ in Hollywood. A. reputationB. fortuneC. fame D. targetB考查名词词义辨析。解题关键是:掌握短语try ones fortune碰运气。19(2010湖北黄冈中学一模)He spoke so casually, as though the problem were of little _. A. matterB. circumstanceC. benefit D. consequenceD考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:他讲得太随便,似乎这个问题不大重要。此处be of little consequence不大重要。20 (2010利德智达模拟)-How much should I pay for the ice cream?-Its my_.A.choice B treat C present D charge B 在情景交际中考查名词词义。Its my treat,我来请客。21 (2010利德智达模拟)On your way to New Youk William will keep you _,if you dont want
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