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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思高分口语分享:女性思维的最佳利用雅思口语高分:雅思高分口语分享:女性思维的最佳利用 雅思考试名师指导 一、It depends 分情况讨论法 话题:How do people in China feel about old buildings? 解析:首先我们可以用建筑的不同用途来对旧建筑进行分类,出于不同的目的,人们对旧建筑的态度和感受也就不一样。一般来说,姜是老的辣,酒是陈的香,所以有经典风格的建筑是会受到政府以及群众的保护的;而商品楼或是住宅楼则会随着时代变迁日新月异地更新下去。此理放诸四海而皆准,但要切题,不要忘记在答案中加上in China或者是in my countries这样的同义替换。 Different purposes:commercial use, residential buildingshistorical meaning 参考答案:Well, people might think differently in different situations. For instance, if the buildings have been used for commercial purpose in a long term, like shopping malls or residential buildings, then people in China will tend to put it down after it gets old. Because it might not satisfy the businessmans needs any more. On the contrary, the out-of-date buildings are more likely to hinder the further development of a company. However, those buildings with historical meanings will probably be treasured by Chinese people. The government, as well, will also try their best to protect the old valuable buildings. The ancient ones can either be conserved for academic research or be opened for visitation. 二、Separate into different parts 分层法 话题:How do people in China feel about old buildings?解析:同样是刚才这个题目,如果按照分层法来把主体人分为不同的层次,那么我们又会得到不同的答案。例如按照人的年龄来分,年轻人和年长者对旧建筑的看法又是有所不同的。大多数年轻人是喜欢追求时尚的、西化的、现代的东西,对于建筑也是一样;而对于年长者来说,旧事物更有怀念的价值,是他们最为珍惜的东西。 Different ages:the young, be keen on fashionable and modern buildingsthe old, like things to stay the same 参考答案:Well, it depends. You know, people of different age have different tastes about buildings. Young people, who chase after fashionable and modern things, have little passion for the old building. Because they think its out of date and therefore they prefer to go to all those advanced and multi-functional buildings rather than visit the old and less developed ones. For the old, on the contrary, old buildings carry lots of memories, which they cherish more than anything. They find it so difficult to move out from a place where they have spent most of their life. 三、Opinions and details 观点加细节 话题:Is it important to preserve old buildings? Why?解析:这个问题并不适合分类讨论和分层的方法,一开始我们就要给出直截了当的yes or no的回答。然后继续扩充我们的思路来回答why的提问。在雅思考试当中我们倾向于给出积极的答案,所以这里肯定的回答是首选,然后从文化、艺术、国家软实力各个方面分述原因,补充相应的细节。 Yes.respect the traditional culturea form of arta countrys soft power 参考答案:Yes, I believe so. First of all, the old buildings represent the traditional culture of our country. (Opinion1) We can learn more about our history by enjoying the ancient architecture. (detail) Also, the old buildings are a marvelous form of art. (Opinion2) They enable us to learn more about architecture and its different styles. (detail) Besides, the old building shows a countrys soft power. (Opinion3) It makes our country more competitive in the world. (detail) 四、Personal experience 个人经历 话题:Do you think you were more creative when you were young?解析:当问及跟个人有关的信息时,烤鸭们就可以放心大胆地打资历牌了,把个人经历经过加工呈现到考官面前。人小的时候不谙世事,认知范围也有限,但想象力丰富,不受现实的左右和束缚所以更有创意一些,长大了之后想法就变得更加实际,思维也会相应受阻,创造力也会下降。 Yes.rich imagination, dream to be a scientist, an astronaut, a doctor and so on.more practical, more understanding and knowledge of the world. 参考答案:Yes, I think so. (先明确自己的观点)When I was still a child, I have rich and even wild imagination. (开始陈述幼年时的人生经历)Once I dreamed to be a scientist so that I can invent new robot to replace workers in the factories. I also imagined being a female astronaut one day, sailing in the space and maybe never come back. There were many other wild dreams which were various and creative. But as I grow older, I began to think otherwise.(此处开始转折,进入less creative的人生经历) I have become more practical now, because I have got more understanding of the world. Now I know myself better than before. I know what I can do and what I cant. And everything I do now is done for a reason. Sometimes I cant even choose the life I like, let alone lead a creative life. So when I was young my world is still filled with creative and fantastic ideas. But not now, not any more.(最后总结句,重申一下自己的观点,也可不加) 希望烤鸭们在雅思口语考试中,女生能够发挥“女人”的优势,男生能够发挥“男人的一半是女人”的优势,用女性细腻充实的思路来答题。生活可以简化,但雅思口语考试,请详尽作答。 以上就是关于雅思口语高分分享的相关内容,供给大家学习和参考,最后和雅思考试祝愿大家考试成功,新年快乐!第 5 页 共 5 页
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