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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思词汇常见拼写错误 雅思词汇:雅思词汇常见拼写错误 经统计雅思考试中最容易被拼错的名词是: Accommodation, benefit, country, environment, government, percentage and proportion 在英式英语中,名词programme有两种解释: A training programme = a series of sessions; a TV programme = a TV broadcast But a computer program =computer software 含有ie 或 ei 组合的词往往造成困扰: 英国小孩子通过rhyme来记忆,I before E except after C.” Achieve/achievement, believe/belief, hygiene/hygienic, retrieve/retrieval But: receive/receipt, deceive/deceit, ceiling 在英式英语中,practice是名词,practise是动词: Now they can put into practice what they have learnt. Itll be a good opportunity to practise speaking English. 形容词 dependent 和 independent 的结尾是 -ent: The degree of influence is dependent on a number of factors. . Dependant是名词,指那种经济依赖于他人的人 。 The company provides private healthcare for workers and their dependants. 合成词也需要特别注意: 需要连写成一个词的: countryside, hairstyle, lifespan, lifestyle, website, wildlife, workforce, workplace misuse, outbreak, outcome, outside, overall, overcome anybody, everyone, everything, someone, sometimes furthermore, moreover, nowadays, throughout, whereas 带连字符的合成词: make-up, well-being twenty-four, thirty-five, etc. 需要分开写的固定搭配: Young people often spend a lot of money on clothes. In fact, levels of pollution have decreased in the past five years. She still smokes, even though she knows its bad for her health. 以及一些容易混淆的: Maybe his plane has been delayed. (动词,意为也需) I suspect the main reason for the change may be financial. (动词短语) 以上就是分享的雅思词汇常见拼写错误,希望同学们有则改之无则加勉。最后,雅思考试预祝大家考出满意的成绩。第 3 页 共 3 页
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