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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思阅读材料:家具颜色反映内心世界雅思知识点:2018雅思阅读材料:家具颜色反映内心世界 雅思精品辅导课程 Shades of Red 红色的家 For centuries, red has meant passion. People who are partial to shades of red, from apple and rose red to tomato and fire engine, generally are optimistic, outgoing and, well, passionate about life。 几个世纪以来,红色一直代表热情,把家里装扮成红色世界,从苹果红到玫瑰红,再到番茄红,甚至是火红色,这样的人一般都是乐观开朗,积极向上,对于生活充满激情。 Shades of Blue 蓝色的家 Are you blue? Those who lean toward blue generally are calm, compassionate and follow a steady course. Reminiscent of both sky and sea, shades of blue appeal to those with peaceful and quiet personalities。 你是蓝色控?喜欢蓝色的人通常比较冷静、富有同情心,做事稳健。蓝色是天空和大海的颜色,因此,蓝色控的性格也一般比较平和安静。 Shades of Green 绿色的家 Green sends out natural vibes in a big way, and people who want to be surrounded by shades of green tend to like balance and can be counted on to be civilized。 绿色是大自然的颜色,喜欢绿色的人通常比较中庸,而且都比较有修养。 Shades of Yellow 黄色的家 Its a cliche that yellow is sunny, and those who pick shades of this color for their decor tend to be sunny, too. But they go a lot deeper than that: People who love yellow also tend to be intellectual and adventurous and place a high value on freedom。 黄色代表阳光,这已经是定论了。因此,喜欢把家里装饰成黄色的人通常会是很阳光的人。不仅如此,喜欢黄色的人也很聪明、爱冒险、而且看重自由。 Shades of Purple 紫色的家 From lavender to eggplant, plum and dark regal purple, shades of this mix of blue and red add drama and flair to any decor. Purple lovers tend to be artistic and unconventional。 从薰衣草紫到茄子紫,再到李子紫和高贵的深紫色,喜欢这种由蓝色和红色调和而成的紫色的人,一般都喜欢在家居装饰中加入戏剧化的成分并拥有独到的鉴赏力。紫色控通常都富有艺术气息,不走寻常路。 Black 黑色的家 Renowned for both its sexiness and class, black is best used in small doses in decor lest its powerful aura overwhelm the space. Lovers of all things black tend to impress in an understated way and generally promote the idea that they arent telling all。 黑色既性感又经典。如果要把黑色很好地融入在装饰中,是小面积使用,不然黑色强大的气场会罩住整个空间。喜欢黑色的人一般为人低调,不会告诉别人他们内心的真实想法。 Shades of White 白色的家 People who choose white for their surroundings likely believe that pure as the driven snow is more than a cliche. Using shades of white is a clue to a personality that finds comfort in simplicity and sees the world through a youthful, innocent lens。 喜欢把周围一切都变成白色的人通常都喜欢“纯洁无暇”的感觉。使用白色来装饰的人,喜欢在简单中发现舒适,他们用年轻、单纯的视野来看待整个世界。 Shades of Orange 橙色的家 A space filled with shades of orange exudes vitality and cheer. The people who decorate rooms with orange hues tend to be outgoing, social and easy to be with, even if they do like to be the center of attention。 把家里装饰得到处都是橙色的人一般都充满活力、积极热情。喜欢橙色风格家居的人通常都比较外向,社交能力强,容易与人打成一片,尽管他们总是喜欢成为人们关注的焦点。 以上就是今天整理的全部内容了。英语的学习需要我们进行不断地积累,希望考生们能够在考试中踏实复习,预祝各位考生能够考上理想的学校。如果还想了解更多雅思成绩查询时间,请登录雅思考试。第 4 页 共 4 页
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