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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思写作:自然资源过度消耗雅思作文范文:2018雅思写作范文:自然资源过度消耗 雅思考试精品课程指导 The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems? 雅思作文题目讲解 题目的类型属于报告类。话题类型属于环境类。在审题中可以看出越来越快速的资源消耗会引起哪些问题和对应的解决方法。如果单讨论环境如何被破坏会偏题。 范文主体思路分析: 问题1:环境问题,由工厂低效率的资源利用率导致 解决1:公司使用环保设备同时政府设立更严格的环保标准规范生产行为 问题2:引起资源短缺,间接地降低人们生活水平 解决2:让人们对节约资源拥有积极态度,倡导低碳生活 雅思写作大作文范文 The universal phenomenon of excessive consumption of natural resources actually remains a subject of public interest and concern. The objective of this essay is to outline both the potential problems of this negative tendency and appropriate ways of dealing with it. 第 2 页 共 2 页
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