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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 你需要掌握的SAT考试基础词汇34SAT基础词汇:你需要掌握的SAT考试基础词汇34 SAT考试精品课程指导 encumber V./拖累,负担/burden. Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage when they take short trips. endearment N./爱慕;爱的表示/fond statement. Your gifts and endearments cannot make me forget your earlier insolence. endemic ADJ./地方的;小范围内流行/prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country. This disease is endemic in this part of the world; more than 80 percent of the population are at one time or another affected by it. endorse V./认可,默许;支持/approve; support. Everyone waited to see which one of the rival candidates for the city council the mayor would endorse. (secondary meaning) endorsement, N. enduring ADJ./持久的;不朽的/lasting; surviving. Keats believed in the enduring power of great art, which would outlast its creators brief lives. energize V./鼓舞/invigorate; make forceful and active. Rather than exhausting Maggie, dancing energized her. enervate V./使变弱/weaken. She was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window would enervate her. enfranchiseV./赋予公民权(投票权)/to admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote). Although Blacks were enfranchised shortly after the Civil War, women did not receive the right to vote until 1920. engage V./吸引;雇佣;答应;结合;订婚/attract; hire; pledge oneself; confront. Your case has engaged my interest, my lord, said Holmes. You may engage my services. engaging ADJ./有魅力的,有吸引力的/charming; attractive. Everyone liked Nancys pleasant manners and engaging personality. engender V./产生,导致/cause; produce. To receive praise for real accomplishmentsengenders self-confidence in a child. engross V./独占/occupy fully. John was so engrossed in his studies that he did not hear his mother call. enhance V./增加;改进/increase; improve. You can enhance your chances of being admitted to the college of your choice by learning to write well; an excellent essay canenhance any application. enigma N./谜/puzzle; mystery. What do women want? asked Dr. Sigmund Freud. Their behavior was an enigma to him. enigmatic ADJ./朦胧的;谜一样的/obscure; puzzling. Many have sought to fathom the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. enmity N./憎恨;仇恨/ill will; hatred. At Camp David, President Carter labored to bring an end to the enmity that prevented the peaceful coexistence of Egypt and Israel. ennui N./厌倦/boredom. The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling ofennui that made him moody and irritable. enormity N./巨大的,严重的,极恶劣/hugeness (in a bad sense). He did not realize theenormity of his crime until he saw what suffering he had caused. enrapture V./使其狂喜/please intensely. The audience was enraptured by the freshness of the voices and the excellent orchestration. ensconce V./安排妥当/settle comfortably. Now that their children were ensconced safely in the private school, the jet-setting parents decided to leave for Europe. ensemble N./全体;歌舞团;套装/group of (supporting) players; organic unity; costume. As a dancer with the Oakland Ballet, Benjamin enjoyed being part of the ensemble. Having acted with one another for well over a decade, the cast members have developed a true sense of ensemble: They work together seamlessly. Mitzi wore a charming two-piece ensembledesigned by Donna Karan. entail V./要求,需要;牵涉到/require; necessitate; involve. Building a collegelevel vocabulary will entail some work on your part. enterprising ADJ./有魄力/full of initiative. By coming up with fresh ways to market the companys products, Mike proved himself to be an enterprising businessman. enthrall V./俘获/capture; enslave. From the moment he saw her picture, he was enthralledby her beauty. entice V./吸引;引诱/lure; attract; tempt. She always tried to entice her baby brother into mischief. entitlement N./权利/right to claim something; right to benefits. While Bill was entitled to use a company car while he worked for the firm, the companys lawyers questioned hisentitlement to the vehicle once hed quit his job. entity N./实体/real being. As soon as the Charter was adopted, the United Nations became an entity and had to be considered as a factor in world diplomacy. entomologyN./昆虫学/study of insects. Kent found entomology the most annoying part of his biology course; studying insects bugged him. entourage N./随从,随行人员/group of attendants; retinue. Surrounded by the members of his entourage, the mayor hurried into city hall, shouting a brusque No comment! to the reporters lining the steps. entrance V./使其着迷;使其神志恍惚/put under a spell; carry away with emotion. Shafts of sunlight on a wall could entrance her and leave her spellbound. entreat V./恳求/plead; ask earnestly. She entreated her father to let her stay out till midnight. entrepreneur N./商人,企业家,承包人/businessman; contractor. Opponents of our present tax program argue that it discoura
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