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Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Period 2Period 2 Listening and SpeakingStep 1 RevisionT: Hello, boys and girls. Before we begin a new lesson, lets do some translations.Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 我要成为像姚明那样的篮球运动员。(like)2. 你朋友打算搬到哪里?她打算搬到上海。3. 我将来要成为一名作家。你打算如何去实现?我要多读书、每天写文章。Sample translations:1. Im going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming.2. Where is your friend going to move?She is going to move to Shanghai.3. Im going to be a writer in the future.How are you going to do that?Im going to read many books and write articles every day. Step 2 Reading (Section A: 3a)T: We talked about what we are going to be in the future. In another word, we talked about our dream job. Now we will read about Tian Tians dream job. Turn to page 61. Read the diary and underline the things that Tian Tian is going to do.A few minutes later, check the sentences students have underlined. Then call attention to the sentence “I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine”. T: Like “be going to” structure, “want to be/do” can also be used to express future intentions. So “Im going to move somewhere interesting” equals to “I want to move somewhere interesting”. Then let students close their books and review the content of the passage. T: Now close your books; try to recall the sentences you underlined just now. First tell me the title of Tian Tians diary.Ss: My dream job.Ask more questions like:What is she going to do when she grow up? Where is she going to move?What is she going to be?How is she going to do that? (First . Then . Next . Finally .)Ss: (Review one by one)1. do what she want to do2. move somewhere interesting 3. find a part-time job4. save some money 5. be a student at an art school6. study French 7. hold art exhibitions8. buy a big house 9. travel all over the worldThen let them retell Tian Tians dream job according to the phrases above. Step 3 Pairwork (Section A: 3b) 1. Show the chart on the board, let students fill it in according to their own dream jobs.My dream jobwhatwherehow2. Ask a pair of students to read the example conversation aloud.3. In pairs, let students make conversations about their dream jobs. Sample conversation:Sa: What are you going to be when you grow up?Sb: Im going to be an actor.Sa: Why?Sb: Because I like to sing and dance.Sa: How are you going to do that?Sb: Im going to take acting lessons.Sa: Where are you going to work?Sb: Im not sure yet. Maybe Beijing. 4. Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 4 Groupwork (Section A: 4)T: (Write the year “2008” on the board) Why is that an important date for Beijing and China?Ss: The Olympic Games.T: Yes. We all know Beijing is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. It is a big event. All of us are excited about this. What are you going to do to help make the Olympics a success? I believe you have good plans for it. Now please discuss in groups. choose a secretary and writes down your discussion results. Walk around and offer language support if necessary. A few minutes later, let each group representative reads their list and share their ideas with the whole class. A sample list:1. We are going to help the athletes.2. We are going to be news reporters.3. We are going to clean the city.4. We are going to help direct the traffic. Step 5 Section B (1a 1b)1. Call attention to the pictures in activity 1a on page 62.T: Look at the pictures. Some people are making their New Years resolutions. Read the items in the list and match them with the pictures. Check the answers. Explain the meaning of “instrument”. T: (Show a picture of a piano) Piano is a kind of instrument. (Show a picture of guitar) Guitar is also a kind of instrument. Can you guess the meaning of “instrument”?Ss: Yes. It is a kind of music tool.T: Good. What kind of instrument can you play?Ss: .Step 6 Listening (Section B: 2a 2b 2c)In this step, students will do some listening practice with resolutions. T: Listen to the tape and circle the resolutions in activity 1a you hear. Check the answers. T: Listen to the tape again. How are they going to make their resolutions work? Write what they are going to do in the chart.Teacher may pause the tape, gives them time to write their answers. Then check the answers. Step 7 Groupwork (Section B: 2c)T: We talked about New Years resolutions. There are other resolutions in life. Ask two students to read the sample dialogue first.Then get them to make a list of other resolutions and share it with other group members.Finally, ask the group representatives to report their groups resolutions to the class by saying:We have different resolutions. A is going to be .; B is going to .Step 8 Homework Make a survey about your classmates New Year resolutions. Find out what their reso
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