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乔治布什每周电台演讲 英语听力篇一:【美国总统电台演说】206【美国总统电台演说】206-04-29206-04-30 布什每周电台演讲 点击: 5317 【美国总统电台演说】206-04-29Presidents Radio Address 此处下载收听THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.Last weekend, the people of Iraq formed a national unity government.This is an important milestone on the road to democracy in Iraq, and it marks the benning of a new chapter in Ameras involvement.Last Sunday, I talked to the President, Prime Minister-designate, and Speaker of the new government.And this week, I sent Secretary of State Re and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to Baghdad to meet face-to-face with the new Iraqi leadership.Weve all been impressed by the Iraqi leaders mitment to maintain the unity of their country and effectively represent the Iraqi people. The new Iraqi government will face manychallenges.Iraqi leaders agree that the newgovernment must continue to build up theIraqi Security Forces to defeat the terroristsand must establish control over militias.Theyalso agree that the new government mustrebuild crital infrastructure, strengthen theIraqi economy, and ensure that all Iraqisbenefit as their nation grows in security and prosperity. During their meetings in Baghdad, Secretaries Re and Rumsfeld made clear that Iraq will have the continued support of Amera and our coalition partners, as we ben the new chapter in our relationship.We will help the new Iraqi government assume grog responsibility for the nations security.And as Iraqis continue to make progress toward a democracy that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself, more of our troops can e home with the honor they have earned.The terrorists clearly recognize the threat that the new unity government poses to their dark plans for Iraq and the broader Middle East.This week the terrorist Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, released a video in whh he denounced the new government and promised further acts of terrorist violence.Zarqawi lashed out at what he called this rotten play of democracy and declared that Iraqs new government will bee a poisoned dagger in the heart of his plans for the Muslim world. On Wednesday, Iraqs leaders united to strongly condemn Zarqawis statements.One Iraqi offial declared that the terrorists and insurgents, te, are feeling this might be the last chance they have to survive.Theyre fighting everyone in Iraq - every Iraqi.I think that shows how weak they are.End te.A newly ointed first Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament said that Zarqawi fears the new government will unify Shiites and Sunnis and Kurds.He said, te, I believe that Zarqawi was caught off guard by the new government taking shape because it will be a very strong one representing all Iraqis.End te. The new leaders of Iraq are shog great courage in the face of terrorist threats.In recent weeks, terrorists have assassinated three siblings of Iraqi politians - but the new leaders of Iraq remain determined to lead their nation toward a future of democracy and peace.These brave leaders deserve our continued support - and I have told them they can count on Amera to stand with them. The enemy is resorting to desperate acts of violence because they know theestablishment of democracy in Iraq will be a double defeat for them.First, it will deny the terrorists their immediate aim of turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under theTaliban - a safe haven where they can plot and plan more attacks against free nations.Second, in the long term, a democrat Iraq will be a major blow to the terrorists hateful ideology because it will send a powerful message across the reon that the future of the Middle East belongs to freedom. There will be more tough fighting ahead in Iraq and more days of sacrife and struggle.Yet the enemies of freedom have suffered a real blow in recent days, and we have taken great strides on the march to vtory.Iraqs leaders now have laid the foundations for a democrat government of, by, and for the Iraqi people.By helping the Iraqi people build their democracy, Amera will deal the terrorists a crippling blow and establish a beaconof liberty in the Middle East - and that will make our Nation and the world more secure. Thank you for listening. END篇二:布什清华大学演讲 口译President Bush:Ve President Hu, thank you for your words of wele.I am grateful for your hospitality, and honored by this reception at one of Chinas great universities. Tsinghua University was founded, with the support of Amera, to further the ties between our two nations.I know how important this place is to the Ve President, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here. I also thank the students here for this opportunity to meet with you, to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions.The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here.My wife Laura and I have two daughters in college, one at Yale and the other
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