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大学英语新四级考试听力训练及参考答案听力真题:3.Q: What can we infer from the womans answerA) She dislikes Dr.Andrews as much as the new physian.B) Dr.Andrews has been promoted for his thoroughness.C) She disagrees with Dr.Andrews on many occasions.D) Dr.Andrews used to keep his patients waiting.4.Q: What does the man implyA) Tom is usually talkative.B) Tom has a very bad temper.C) Tom is disliked by his colleagues.D) Tom has dozens of things to attend to.听力原文:3.M: How do you like the new physian who replaced Dr.AndrewsW: He may not seem as agreeable or as thorough as Dr.Andrews, but at least he doesnt keep patients waiting for hours.Q: What can we infer from the womans answer参考译文:男:你觉得接替安德鲁博士的那位内科医生怎么样女:他看上去可能没有安德鲁博士和善、全面,可是至少他不会让病人等上好几个小时。问:从女子的回答我们可以推断出什么信息答案解析:正确答案为D。从女子的回答可以推断出,安德鲁博士总是让病人等待。因此正确答案为D,安德鲁博士经常让病人等待。A,她不喜欢安德鲁博士,也不喜欢新来的内科医生。对话中未提及,排除。B,安德鲁博士因技术全面而获得提升。对话中未涉及,排除。C,她经常与安德鲁博士想法相悖。对话中未提及,排除。4.W: Tom must be in a bad mood today.He hasnt said half a dozen words all afternoon.M: Oh, really Thats not like the Tom we know.Q: What does the man imply参考译文:女:汤姆今天一定心情不好。他一下午都寡言少语。男:哦,真的吗那可不像我们认识的汤姆啊。问:男子暗示了什么答案解析:正确答案为A。从对话中得知,女子说汤姆一下午都很少说话,男子说那不像他们认识的汤姆,可见汤姆平时应该很开朗、健谈,因此正确答案为A,汤姆很健谈。B,汤姆脾气不好,对话中未涉及,排除。C,汤姆的同事都不喜欢他,对话中未提及,排除。D,汤姆要处理很多事情,与对话内容不符,排除。大学英语新四级考试听力练习练及参考答案听力真题:1.Q: What did the two speakers say about the partyA) They enjoyed the party better than the otherguests.B) They knew none of the other guests at the party.C) They didnt think much of the food and drinks.D) They went a long way to attend the party.2.Q: Where will the woman go firstA) To the dentists.B) To the market.C) To the post offe.D) To the bookstore.听力原文:1.M: I think the hostess really went out of her way to make the party a success.W: Yes, the food and drinks were great, but if only we had known a few of the other guests.Q: What did the two speakers say about the party参考译文:男:我觉得这位女主人真的把派对办得很成功。女:是啊,食物和饮料都很棒,不过,如果我们能认识一些其他的客人就好了。问:谈话者说到了派对的什么信息答案解析:正确答案为B。从对话中得知,二人都认为派对办得很成功,女子还称赞了派对上的食物和饮料,只是他们不认识其他的客人,有些遗憾,因此可以推断出正确答案为B,他们不认识派对上的其他客人。A,他们比其他客人更享受这个派对,对话中未提及,排除。C,他们觉得食物和饮料不怎么样,女子说到觉得很棒,C项与对话内容不符,排除。D,他们走了很远的路才到达派对场所,对话中未涉及,排除。2.M: Can you s by the post offe and get me some envelopes and 39 cents stsW: Well, I am not going to s by the post offe, but I can buy you some at the bookstore after I see the dentist on Market street.Q: Where will the woman go first参考译文:男:你能顺便去趟邮局,帮我买些信封和39美分的邮票吗女:嗯,我不打算去邮局,不过我在Market街看完牙医,可以去书店帮你买。问:女子会先去哪里答案解析:正确答案为A。从对话中得知,男子让女子顺便去邮局帮他买信封和邮票,女子说不会去邮局,看完牙医会去书店帮他买,可知女子会先去看牙医,因此A项正确。B,去市场,对话中未提及,Market Street是牙医诊所所在的街道,对话中并没有提到市场,排除。C,去邮局,女子表示不会去邮局,与对话不符,排除。D,去书店,对话中女子说是看完牙医再去书店,顺序不对,排除。大学英语新四级考试听力试题及参考答案听力真题:17.M: Do we have to get the opera tkets in advanceW: Certainly! Tkets at the door are usually sold ata higher pre.Q: What does the woman implyA) The tkets are more epensive than epected.B) The tkets are sold in advance at half pre.C) Its diffult to buy the tkets on the spot.D) Its better to buy the tkets beforehand.18.M: The tai driver must have been speeding.W: Well, not really! He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a bo that hadfallen off the truck ahead of him.Q: What do we learn about the tai driverA) He turned suddenly and ran into a tree.B) He was hit by a fallen bo from a truck.C) He drove too fast and crashed into a truck.D) He was trying to overtake the truck ahead of him.听力原文:17.男:我们必须要提前预订京剧演出的门票吗女:当然了!入口处出售的门票价格高。问:女子暗示了什么答:正确答案为D。从对话中得知,女子说入口处的门票价格高,所以要提前预订。可以推断出正确答案为D,最好提前买票。A,门票价格比预想的要贵,对话中未提及,排除。B,预售门票以半价出售,对话中未提及,排除。C,在入口处买门票很难,对话中未提及门票是否难买,只是比较了价格,因此排除。18.男:那个出租车司机一定超速行驶了。女:嗯,其实不是!他是因为试图躲避从卡车上掉下来的箱子才撞树上的。问:从对话中我们能得知出租车司机的什么信息答:正确答案为A。从对话中得知,男子说出租车司机超速,女子说不是,是因为要躲避突然出现在他前方的箱子才撞树上,而那个箱子是从上车上掉下来的,可以推断出正确答案为A,司机因为突然转弯才撞到了树。B,司机被卡车上掉下来的箱子砸中,与对话不符,对话中提及箱子掉到了司机前方,并没有打中司机,排除。C,他开得太快撞上了卡车,与对话不符,对话中司机没有撞上卡车,排除。D,他试图超过他前面的卡车,与对话不符,排除。看过的人还:第 5 页 共 5 页
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