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Unit 7Will people have robots?http:/ will the future be like? Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees.Will people use money in 100 years?No, they wont. Everything will be free.Will there be world peace? Yes, I hope so.Kids will study at home on computers.They wont go to school.Grammar FocusCountable nouns Uncountable nounsThere will be more people. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution.There will be less free time.http:/ = willwont = will notIm =I amYoure = you areTheres = there isTherere = there areDont = do notDoesnt = does nothttp:/ Fill in the blanks with more, less or fewer.1.In the future, there will be _fresh water because there will be_ pollution in the sea.2. In 100 years, there will be_ cars because there will be _ people in the cities.morelessmoremorehttp:/ There will be_ jobs for people because_ robots will do the same jobs as people.4. I think there will be_ cities because people will build_ buildings in the country.5. In 50 years, people will have _free time because there will be_things to do.fewermorelessmorelessmorehttp:/ Complete the predictions with what you think will happen. 1.Kids study at school now. In 100 years, _ 2. I sometimes see blue skies in my city, but in the future _ _Kids will study at home on computersI will often see the blue skies,because there will be less pollution.http:/ 4. Families usually spend time together on weekends, but maybe in 200 years_ _3. People now usually live to be about 70-80 years old, but in the future_ _ People will live to be 200 years pld.Everyday can be weekend, because they have robots to do everything.http:/ think there will be more tall buildings, and there will be fewer cars and more buses.3c Draw a picture of what you think a city in the future will be like. Then describe it to the class.http:/ can you see in this picture?50 years laterThere will be more people.There will be fewer trees.There will be more pollution.There will be more buildings.There will be more cars.There will be less fresh air.There will be将会有Changes http:/ be going to + V原形1)以人为主语, 表示计划、打算去做某事, 这种计划和打算往往是事前就有的。e.g. She is going to leave tomorrow.There is going to be a football match after class.2) 表示人根据已有的事实和迹象, 认为某事。即将发生. 如: Its going to rain.http:/ Grammar Focus一般将来时 The simple future tense 1.概念: (1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 We will go to see him tomorrow. 我们明天来看他。 (2)表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。 From now on, I will come every day. 从现在起,我每天都来。http:/ + will +V原形主语 + will +not + V原形Will +主语 + V原形特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句2. 基本句型 简略回答Yes, I will. No, I wont. (注意缩写形式)http:/ 句式总结肯定否定一般疑问问句 回答I will have many toys.I wont have many toys.Will I have many toys?Yes, I will. No, I wont.He will do a good job.He wont do a good jobWill he do a good jobYes, he will. No, he wont.There will be more people.There wont be more people.Will there be more people?Yes, there will. No, there wont.They will be happy.They wont be happy.Will they be happy?Yes, they will. No, they wont.http:/ Will 表示将来时态,其后常跟的时间 状语tomorrow 明天 next week 下周next year 明天 before 不久next month 下个月 soon 不久the day after tomorrow 后天the year after next 后年the week after next 下下周http:/ 常用于第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用will。否定式:will not = wont http:/ The simple future tense There be 的一般将来时,表示:将来存在有(1)肯定句:there will be e.g. There will be more people. There will be fewer trees.(2)否定句:there wont be e.g. There wont be more papers. There wont be more buildings.http:/ People wont use money.1) people 作“人” 讲时, 是可数名词, 单、复数相同。a / one people 或 two peoples three people, many people people泛指“人们”, 是一个集体名词. 如:e.g. There are five people in that room. 那个房里有有五个人。 Many people like to go shopping. 很多人喜欢购物。()()Language Pointshttp:/ We study for the people. 我们为人民而学习. the people作“人民”讲, 有“全体”的含义。2) The Chinese people is a great people. 中华民族是一个伟大的民族. people作“民族”讲, 可以说 a people。the village people 乡下人the city people 城里人people指“平民、百姓、居民”3)http:/ people, person, folks和 human.1) people意思为“人们”时, 着重指全体2) person“人”包括men, women, children people的单数形式one peopleone person意思为“人们”时, 着重指个体V I P = very important person 重要成员3) folks如: the old folks at home 家里的老人意为“人们”时, 指一般人或特殊年龄、位置、境遇等特殊阶级的人, 现在常用people。4) human = human being 人(类) 主要用来区别于其他动物http:/ paper money硬币 coinsmall money =change 零钱ready money =cash 现金earn / make money 赚钱bank money 把钱存入银行save money 存钱refund money 退款2) money, 不可数名词, 意为“钱, 金钱”。 可用: much, some, any, a lot of 等修饰。http:/ Everything will be free. free adj. 免费的, 免税的, 空闲的,自由的 n. freedom 免费, 自由 free list 免税货物单 free market 自由市场 free speech 言论自由 free thinker 自由思想家 free way 高速公路 freeman 自由人(公民) freehearted 坦率的 freewill 自愿的http:/ Kids wont go to school.kid小山羊、小山羊皮(口语)小孩Kid =childkids =children(n.)(v.)(口语)欺骗、耍弄、开玩笑变化过去式 kidded现在分词 kidding常用语Youre kidding!你在开玩笑No kidding!别开玩笑http:/ Theyll study at home on computers.homelandhometownhomeworkhomemadehomegrownhomelessbe away from homethe joys of homePlease make yourself at home.祖国家乡家庭作业自制的国产的无家可归的离家在外天伦之乐请随便(不要拘束)!http:/ family, house, 和 home1) family指家、家庭、家人不指住房2) house指居住的房屋、住宅 This is my new house. 这是我的新居3) homeThese are
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