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初中诚信演讲稿初中诚信演讲稿1初中诚信演讲稿2初中诚信演讲稿3初中诚信演讲稿4初中诚信演讲稿5初中诚信演讲稿6初中诚信演讲稿7初中诚信演讲稿8初中诚信演讲稿9初中诚信演讲稿10初中诚信演讲稿11初中诚信演讲稿12初中诚信演讲稿13初中诚信演讲稿14初中诚信演讲稿15初中诚信演讲稿16初中诚信演讲稿17Hell, everyne. Tday Im ging t talk abut integrity and priceless.It is well knwn that hnesty is a fashinable wrd right nw. T buy and sell things shuld be hnest, t be hnest with peple, and t be hnest in business negtiatins. Small t a persn, big t the whle sciety, credibility is the fundatin, it can determine a persns status and scial stability. A persn can lse wealth, lse a career, lse an pprtunity, but never lse credibility.China is knwn fr its ancient civilizatin, and the Chinese peple have a lng histry and a lng culture. China is the hme f gd faith, benevlence, righteusness, prpriety, wisdm, letter, is Chinas dminant in the 某年 years f the cre cntent f Cnfucianism, and letter is the essence f Cnfucianism, is als a fine traditin f the Chinese natin. Cnfucius used t talk abut letters, peple wh are unfaithful? And nt t trust my friends? It is tw f the three things Cnfucius des every day in his intrspectin. In the analects f Cnfucius, frm persnal cultivatin t letter : peple withut letter, d nt knw it. Cart n, trlley car free haunters, why it As a man, a man withut faith is a man withut a wrd. The master said f the letter when it came t gverning the affairs f the state: since ancient times, all peple have died, and the peple have n faith, he said. Standing in the psitin f thenfucius believed that faith is mre imprtant than military and fd. unzi als believed that gd faith begets gd. In the han dynasty, dng zhngshu listed letter as ne f the five elements : fu ren, yi, li, zhi, in, in, wuchang rad, the king shuld be rderly. u shen f the han dynasty wrte the letter cheng as the letter in wen, and shi in as sincere, and the mutual training f integrity. In the sng dynasty zhu i believed that hnesty is the reality f nature, and faith is the reality f human being. In the late Ming and early qing dynasty, wang chuanshan said, it is just a matter f faith. It is nly by faith that man and man are alike. In this way, the relatinship between peple is regarded as the implementatin f trust, s the relatinship between peple and peple shuld be taken int cnsideratin. Speaking f credit is the mst basic mrality and cde f daily activities. Hnesty and trustwrthiness, hw precius is a prmise!The histry f the scrll, the eample f integrity, everywhere.During the warring states perid, shang Yang, wh paid a heavy price fr a stick, was hnest, and his etrardinary lift was the basis fr the refrm f the refrm, which laid the fundatin fr the strng and unified wrld.TengTian f Japan, the stick n amunt f mney t als want t deliver yur rder n is hnesty, his talk f practice t lse the wrld, nt nly earned his ginza jews the laudatry name, has wn hundreds f millins f wealth fr the cmpany;Haier, led by Mr Zhang deliver everywhere is hnesty, his custmary practice, nt nly aruse the enthusiasm fr the creatin f wnership f brad wrker, als make the haier grup ut f China, is famus in the wrld.Thats enugh. Thats enugh. N mre. These eamples demnstrate the imprtance f integrity.Them t deal with sciety, always put the gd faith as a cmmitment t the first standard, always try t use actin shwed his des prmise, and the bject, dealing with the same reliable, that is t always see him whether faith. It is because f their hnesty and trustwrthiness that they have wn the trust f thers and achieved a brilliant career.Friends, d nt cheat, d nt cnceal, is the crrect life attitude. Away frm cheating, sleek sphisticatin, a mre sincere feelings, the eyes f a little mre trust, being a party the pure land f hnesty, can irrigate the life the mst beautiful flwer, tamper build life slid irn wall.Have gd faith, a small match, can burn a heart empty; Have integrity, a small green leaf, can dump a seasn; With integrity, a small spray, can splash the entire cean.Believe in the pwer f gd faith, it can pint stne gld, tuch wd fr jade. We advcate such a kind f hnesty: lift up the face f hpe, clap delicate hand, crked head, say: believe yu! At this mment, is there a surge f ecitement in yur heart? We yearn fr such a gd faith; Shu pened the frwning eyebrw, shwed the dimple, walked quickly t the friend in frnt, said: sincere cngratulatins t yu! Dnt yur mind blink a happy clud? Sw gd faith, yu reap nt nly the trust f yur friends, but als the wrld yu can trust.Abandn gd faith, the mask f hypcrisy will fill every crner f life, life becmes angry all, the friendship flwer is withered, the fruit f affectin is falling; Lifting up peple in frnt f the clrful veil, epsing the gentlemen f a dignified face, changed the ugly face. Such a wrld, the flw f ful bld, flating the smell f decay, terrible.Hwever, due t the laws and regulatins is nt very perfect, cause sme peple take any chances, gd faith cnsciusness and the cncept f weak, nt hnest, unscrupulus, unruly phenmena ften ccur. All kinds f peple a
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