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的英语自我评价Graduates Cllege, has a strng self-mtivated, gd wrking interest cncentrated, with great plasticity and wrking ptential. After fur years f prfessinal learning English SUTH mastered slid fundatin f knwledge, language prficiency has been imprved greatly, strng cmmunicatin skills. Schl educatin management system f strict bedience t superir shaped my decisin-making and management system awareness. Mre utging persnality, gd at uniting cmrades, can better handle interpersnal relatinships, strng cllabratin capabilities.范文二Cheerful and ptimistic, sincere, and actively participate in schl activities carried ut, there is a gd team spirit and cmmunicatin skills, English prfessinal knwledge, t master the cmputer ffice autmatin sftware. In cmpleting the required curses at the same time, we have made a natinal English majrs, intermediate and Mandarin interpreters qualificatin certificate. Thrugh the use f the epertise f the internship, he accumulated sme eperience.范文三Practical wrk, adaptable, pineering visin and cheerful persnality, sincere peple, like t make friends, independent-minded, creative, willing t accept the challenge, have strng rganizatinal skills and team spirit. At the same time, wrking in a variety f practice and a lt t learn in the classrm des nt have, has a wealth f eperience in scial practice and wrk eperience, and the develpment f their rganizatinal capacity.范文四Gd cmmand f Cmputer skills: familiar with different versins f Windws S and ffice sftware, able t prgram with C and Frtran languages, btained sme eperience and understanding abut ther widely-used sftware like Autcad, Phtshp, Creldraw and Dreamweaver.范文五1.Easy-ging and cngenial, with a strng sense f respnsibility and gd team-pleted all the curses in the specialized field, btaining gd cmmand f theretic knwledge and eperimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Gd at leaning.3.Having played a cuple imprtant rles in the student rganizatins, hning the interpersnal cmmunicatin skills and rganizatinal capability.
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