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用英文写介绍信用英文写介绍信你知道英文的如何写吗,英文介绍信如果掌握方法的话其实也不难写,下面由YJBYS办公室王老师为您整理的有关英文介绍信的写法和范文。 一、介绍信的开头 介绍信的开头格式并不重要,可以按照你的喜好设置,但要符合英文信件的要求。具体格式如下: mr. wang jin xi department manager of r d beijing jinge electronics company ltd. tel: 0086-10-66543072 fax: 0086-10-66543086 rm. 4738 no. 5 shenglidajie, beijing, 100065, p.r.china mar. 5th, XX dear sir or madam ( to whom it may concern) 二、介绍信的开场白 介绍信的开场白是用来介绍介绍人的背景的,有几种形式可以选择。如: i am delighted to give mr. yang li a reference in my capacity of general engineer of beijing pulp paper chemicals company. 或者: i am delighted to write this recommendation letter to mr. yang li and his wife, mrs. liu hui for their application of immigration to canada. 或者: this letter of recommendation is regarding mr. yang li, presently working as a programmer in the position of manager of telecommunication department in beijing wanjing commerce co. ltd. 或者 as a general engineer of beijing wanjing commerce co. ltd., i recommend mr. yang li genuinely. 三、背景的介绍 接下来应该介绍你所在的公司的大致情况和产品或技术所涉及到的行业背景。介绍中应该突出亮点,比如 国内最大的 , 国内最著名的 , 上市公司 , 与著名的xx合资的 ,等等。 例如: before i discuss mr. li, i d like to briefly discuss the background of beijing jinyan commerce company(bjcc) and its main technology product. bjcc is famous for xxx in china, itxxx . 四、对申请人的介绍 重要的是这部分内容,移民官希望通过这部分内容了解申请人的工作内容和经验是否符合noc职业定义的描述。这部分内容还应该包括申请人在工作的每一个阶段的具体时间,具体职责,职位,工资。在这些内容里,最重要的是工作职责的描述。工作职责的描述一定要具体,不能泛泛的讲从事什么工作,参与什么项目,而应该具体到在一项工作中的具体任务。比如 从92年9月 到 2022年3月, 王先生从事离散声信号智能识别系统的研制。 这样写非常笼统,因为这句话并不能反映王先生的具体职责。要知道,这样一个系统的研制要涉及很多学科,那么王先生是一个程序员呢,还是一个物理学家呢?或者只是一个操作工?因此应该这样写: 从92年9月到 2022年3月, 王先生参与了离散声信号智能识别系统的研制。主要职责是负责主控部分系统设计和部分神经网络软件设计, 包括:系统所有的界面软件编制系统和dma通道的数据接口软件编制8路通道数据抽取软件编制环境变量参数的抽取软件编制扩展内存(大于1m内存)的管理及控制软件编制动态内存分配软件编制实时屏幕显示采样数据的显示软件编制手工截取波形,手工判别信号软件编制自动截取波形,自动判别信号软件编制 10.波形的打印驱动程序 11.信号识别结果和中央处理所的远程通讯软件编制 12.fft变换,8路通道信号滤波、平滑软件编制 13.多通道信号自动区分、神经元特征抽取软件编制 14.加入环境变量参数的修正计算软件编制 王先生是以程序员的身份参加这个项目的,他采用vc+,standard c,assemble混合编程,其中整个类库结构用vc+设计而成,整个程序量约20,000行, 用时3年完成。在此期间,他的工资是¥1,500元/每月。 这部分内容中应该适当地使用一些专业词汇,但应该尽量的让移民官看懂申请人的工作内容。 五、对申请人其他特点的介绍 这部分要强调申请人的个人特点,如主动性,灵活性,善于解决问题等等。值得注意的是要强调合作精神和协作能力,这在西方国家非常重要,而往往被中国的申请人忽视。例如: after 7 years of cooperating with him, what impress me so much is mr. li is adept at discovering problems and trying his best to solve them. he has quite an active mind. mr. li is honest and is excel at communicating. he has group spirit and can cooperate with colleagues very well to achieve complicated goals. we all hold him in high esteem. 六、结束语 结束语的形式多种多样,可以根据你的喜好。例如: mr. li s experience, skill, intelligence, and the strong team spirit all give me reason to recommend him without reservation. if you have any questions regarding mr. yuan that i might be able to help with, please feel free contact me at 86-10-66543079. yours truly, zhang xi vice general manager of technology development beijing jinyan commerce co. ltd. 以上是撰写介绍信的五大部分,申请人可以根据自己的情况完成介绍信。介绍信不要太长,一般两、三页比较合适。 有关准备介绍信的注意事项 介绍信中的内容一定要和resume以及0008表中所添内容一致,不能有任何出入。有些移民官检查材料非常细致,如果发现有出入,会留下不诚实的感觉,这是非常忌讳的。用英文写介绍信 Directions: Your close friend in college, Li Ming, is going to pursue his postgraduate study in the foreign university where you studied before. Write a letter of no less than 100 words to your former teacher Professor Smith to introduce Li Mings characters and so on, expressing your hope for help from Prof. Smith. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address. Dear Prof. Smith, I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mr. Li Ming, my classmate and best friend. He is going to pursue his studies as a postgraduate in your university after his graduation here. Weve lived and studied together for almost four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as he does. His performance in the school years was outstanding. In addition, he has a very pleasant personality and staying with him is always pleasant. Will you please give him some guidance regarding the postgraduate entrance examination? If it is convenient, could you introduce him to the future tutor? It would be appreciated of you can give him some help. Yours truly, Wang Hua 英文介绍信常用句式: 1、Please allow me to introduce one of my best friends to you. 请允许我向您推荐我最好的朋友. 2、I am writing to introduce Li Ming, one of my college classmates in Beijing. 我写信是要介绍我在北京时的大学同学. 3、I am very glad to have this chance to write to you to 很高兴能有这次机会向您写信 4、I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Li. 很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生. 5、The bearer of this letter is Mr. Li whom I personally know to be a most deserving person for your position. 这里介绍的这封信的持有者李先生,我个人认为是这个职位的最佳人选. 6、Thanks for your attention and hope to receive your reply. 多谢您的关注,希望能收到您的回复. 7、It w
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