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The properties of waterHuiHua Middle School Made by CuiZhi说课稿结构Part one:The teaching materialParttwo:Teachingmethods,learning guidance and aids Part three: Teaching procedures: Part four :Comments and evaluation Part one:The teaching materialA.contents and status of the teaching material Unit13isaboutwater,soalltheteachingmaterialschosenareaboutwater.Thislessondescribesthepropertiesofwater,suchasitschemicalstructure,density,heatcapacityetc.Asareadingpassage,itplaysanimportantpartinthisunit,forreadingisoneofthefourskillsthatthestudentsshould have.In this reading passage,the teacher shouldhelpthestudentsgetsomeknowledgeaboutthepropertiesofwater.Meanwhile,thestudentsarerequiredtoimprovetheir reading skills by skimming,scanning and doingdifferentkindsofexercises 1.knowledgegoals words:cube,property,range,medium,relatively,dissolve,pure,relationship,mass,absorb,bottom, phrases:alltheway,thatis,addto,mixwith, takeadvantangeof,managetodo sentences: 1)butthewaythewatermoleculeisformedgiveswateritsuniqueproperties. 2)With the right kind of body,it is possible tofloataroundintheoceanandletthewaterdothework.B.teaching aims and demandsB.teaching aims and demands 2.abilitygoals 1)improvethestudentsreadingability 2)teachthestudentshowtograspthemain ideaofthetext 3.emotionalgoals Enablethestudentstorealizethatitisimportant toprotectandsavethewateronourplanet.c. teaching important points 1)developthestudentsreadingskills,eg,how to find the topic sentence ofeachparagraph. 2)enablethestudentstograsptheabovevocabulariesandsentencepatterns 3)improvethestudentsawarenessofsavingwaterD. teaching difficult points HowtomakethestudentsunderstandthereadingpassagebetterPart two:Teaching methods,learning guidance and aids A.teachingmethods1.multimediamethodtoarousetheSsinterests2.skimming,scanning,task-basedmethodtoimpovethestudentsreadingskills3.student-centeredmethodtomotivatethestudentsactiveness4.success-experiencingmethodtoencouragetheSsandmakethemfeelthejoyofsuccessB.studying ways learningthroughcooperation learningthroughcommunication learningthroughpracticeC.teaching aids the multimedia , the recorder.Part three Teaching procedures: Step1. lead-in(4minutes) Show some pictures to let the students saysomethingaboutwater.andaskthestudentstotake a little quiz about water(to arouse theSsinterests and draw their attention to thefollowingtext)The earth revision44The usage of waterentertainment Water can be used for agricultureThe dalian of chinatransportQuiztime:1. Up to _ of the human body is water. A. 60% B. 65% C. 70%2. About _ of the earth surface is covered by water. A. 66.6% B. 75% C. 85% 3. The water molecule is made up of _ atom(s) and _ atom(s). A. two hydrogen; one oxygen B. one hydrogen; one oxygen C. two hydrogen; two oxygen 1. step2 pre-reading( 2m)Askthestudentstoreadthetitleofthetext andsay somepropertiesproperties ororcharacteristicsofwatercharacteristicsofwaterWhat properties or characteristics What properties or characteristics do you know about water?do you know about water?colorlesstastelesshavingnofixedshapethreeformsfeelingwetkeepinglevel?absorbingheatpropertiesproperties step3 while- readingskimming ,scanning,task-based(25m) 1.skimming:trytofindthetopicsentenceofeachparagragh para1.introduction:thepropertiesofwatermaketheoceanagreatplacetolive. Para2.thechemicalstructureofwatermakesitaexcellentmediumforlife Para3 the salinity of sea water affects both itsweightandfreeningpoint. Para4 marine animals and plants takeadvantageofthedensityofwater. Para5 the heat capacity of water keeps thetempertureoftheoceansteady,makingitasafeandcomfortabalehabitat. Para6.oceanmotionaddsenergytothemarineecosystemsandmovesnutrientsaround.1.skimming2.scanning, asktheSstoscanthetexttofinishtureorfalsequestions scanning: the properties of water1. Water is a liquid at room temperature, and it has a relatively high freezing point. 2. The reason why water can dissolve most substances on earth is that water has high heat capacity.3. Like all the other substances, water gets smaller when it freezes. 4. Pure water has a higher freezing point and lighter than salt water.5. The salinity of the earths oceans is about 3.5%.6. When water freezes, its density increases.7. T FF TTF True or false 2.abilitygoals 1)improvethethestudentsreadingability 2)teachthestudentshowtograspthemain ideaofthetext 3.emotionalgoalsEnablethestudentstorealizethatitisimportanttoprotectandsavethewateronourplanet.CarefulReadingComprehension ( para1) uu About _years ago, life on our About _years ago, life on our planet began in the deep blue seas. planet began in the deep blue seas. uu _of the living space on earth is in _of the living space on earth is in the ocean. the ocean. uu In the Ocean there are about _ In the Ocean there are about _ species. species. uuLife in the ocean ranges from _to Life in the ocean ranges from _to _3 billion3 billion99 %99 %5 million5 millionplanktongiants like sharks and whales.Waters unique chemical structureWater is polar.( Water is polar.
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