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Unit 2 What Would You Like? Part A 陕旅版六年级下册,New words,一碗,盘子,一盘,一玻璃杯,一瓶,一茶杯,一片;一块;一张,任何东西,别的;其他的,New words,Look and match,dumplings hamburgers fruit salad soup drinks noodles,Think and circle,1. People in China usually eat with _. a. forks and knives b. chopsticks 2. People in the USA usually eat with_. a. forks and knives b. chopsticks,3. People in China like to drink_. a. tea b. coffee 4. People in the UK like to eat_. a. fish and potatoes b. dumplings and noodles,Lets learn,Lets learn,a bow of noodles 一碗面条,a plate of beef 一盘牛肉,a glass of juice 一杯果汁,a bottle of water 一瓶水,a cup of tea 一杯茶,a piece of bread 一片面包,Lets talk,Noodle House,Waitress: Welcome to Noodle House. What would you like to eat? Mom: Wed like two bowls of noodles. Waitress: What kind of noodles would you like, beef noodles or tomato noodles? Mom: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles, please. Waitress: OK. Would you like something to drink?,Su Nan: May I have some juice, Mom? Mom: Sure. A glass of juice and a cup of tea, please. Waitress: Anything else? Mom: No, thanks. Waitress: OK. A bowl of beef noodles, a bowl of tomato noodles, a glass of juice and a cup of tea. Please wait a minute.,1. Welcome to Noodle House.欢迎来到面条之家。 welcome 是一个动词,可单独使用,意为“欢迎”。“Welcome to+地点表示欢迎来到某地”。 例: 欢迎来到中国! Welcome to China!,Language points,2. What would you like to eat ? 你们想要吃什么? What would you like to do sth.?常用来询问对方想做什么事情,would like 之后接动词的不定式。 本句中的would并不是will的过去式,而是表示一种委婉的语气。 例: 这个周末你想要去做什么? What would you like to do this weekend?,3. What kind of noodles would you like, beef noodles or tomato noodles? 你想要吃哪种面条,牛肉面还是西红柿面? 本句是一个选择疑问句,句中的or是一个连词,用来连接选择的对象,意为“或者;还是”。 选择疑问句不能用yes 或者no来回答,而要直接回答自己的选择。,4. Would you like something to drink? 你想要喝点什么吗? 本句是一个一般疑问句,常用来询问对方是否想喝点什么东西,语气较为委婉。 肯定回答为“Yes, please. (是的,请来点儿。)”, 否定回答为“No, thanks.(不用了,谢谢。)”。,拓展: would like to do sth.“愿意做某事”,表示愿意,乐意; want to do sth.“想要做某事”,表达的是一种想法。 would like to的语气比want to 更委婉,用 would you like.? 提问比 Do you want .? 显得更有礼貌。,5. Anything else? 还要其他的什么吗? 本句是一个省略句,完整的表达是Would you like anything else ?“你还要其他的什么东西吗?” 本句中的anything是一个不定代词,else是一个形容词,意为“别的;其他的”,形容词修饰不定代词应放在不定代词之后。,6. wait a minute是一个常用短语,意为“等一会儿; 稍等”,同义短语为wait for a moment, wait a second。,例:请等一会儿她! Wait for her for a moment, please!,谢,谢,大,家,学生课堂行为规范的内容是: 按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。 遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。 上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。 尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。 不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。 听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。 上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。 上课必须按座位表就坐。 要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。 要注意保持教室环境卫生。 离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。,
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