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期中考试试卷一、单词辨音。(每题1分,共5分) 1adviseAdesignBbasisCcaseDadvice2conquerAnestBthinkCprintDborn3mediaAdialogueBdairyCfearDaffair4receiveAfriendBinterviewCceilingDscience5architectAmachineBChristmasCcheckDchannel二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6. He talks as if he _ an expert。A. is B. was C. are D. were7.It is nine days since the accident occurred. Some trapped miners are believed to_ hunger and cold after so long a time.A. die of B. die for C. have died of D. have died for8.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A. 20 dollars remained B. remaining 20 dollars C. remained 20 dollars D. 20 dollars to remain9.We _touch since we graduated from school.A. have lost B. have been out of C. got in D. lost10. This is one of the problems _ at the meeting at present.A. discussed B. discussing C. to be siscussed D. being discussed 11. _ only by ones appearance, Im sure, he will have you get just half of him or less.A. Judging B. Judged C. Judge D. To be judged 12. The experiment_ to be _. A. turned out; a great success B. turned out; great success C. turned up; greatly successful D. turned up; great success 13. production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. As BFor CWith DThrough14. Once , it will never be forgotten.Avisited Bvisiting Cvisits D. visit15. A net to a fisherman _a gun is to a hunter.Athat Bas if Chow Dwhat16. The reason_ Im writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.AbecauseBwhyCfor Das17. It was the third time that he of the changes of the meeting.Ahad informedBhas informed Chad been informed Dhas been informed18. When he was seeing the _ film, he was very _ .A. bored; disappointing B. boring; disappointed C. boring; disappointing D. bored; disappointed 19. Only after liberation _ to be treated as human beings. A. did they begin B. they had begunC. they did begin D. had they begun20. I dont think theres any _ in only offering them the seeds they need, for they know nothing about farming.A. meaning B. rescue C. aid D. point三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Many years ago there lived a young couple in a small town. The husband was out of job for a long time and the wife 21 make a living by sewing for others. They were so poor that there was almost nothing in the house but a jar under a 22 table, in 23 was a little rice 24 from their neighbor for the coming New Year. 25 New Years Eve, the wife had already fallen asleep, but the husband was 26 in bed, worrying about the life. Suddenly he heard something. In the darkness he saw a man breaking into the room.“It 27 be a thief.” He thought, “but it 28 matter, there is nothing that can be 29 .” So he 30 to be asleep and kept watching over the thief. The thief began to 31 the room. At last he found the rice in the jar. “But 32 can I take it away?” the thief thought hard. Then he had an idea. He 33 his coat and spread it on the ground between the bed and the table. After that he turned round to take the jar. Now the husband realized what the thief 34 . He picked up the coat quickly and 35 himself with it while the thief was turning around. The thief 36 the jar, poured the rice out on the place where he had just spread his coat and squatted (蹲) down to feel it. But to his surprise, his coat had 37 . “Hey”, he couldnt help 38 out. The 39 woke up the wife. She asked her husband, “Did you hear any sound? Maybe there is a thief in the room.” “ Nonsense(胡说)!” replied her husband. “Go back to sleep. There is no thief in the room.” “No, thats 40 ,” the thief shouted loudly. “If there isnt a thief, then, wheres my coat?”21 A. was able toB. wanted toC. had to D. would22. A. good B. old C. niceD. broken23. A. it B. which C. whereD. that24. A. borrowedB. askedC. lentD. taken25. A. DuringB. At C. InD. On 26. A. working B. sewing C. lying D. thinking27. A. willB. mustC. canD. may28. A. isntB. wasnt C. doesntD. didnt29. A. lostB. carried C. destroyedD. stolen30. A. pretendedB. triedC. decidedD. started31. A. look into B. search C. discover D. examine32. A. whatB. whenC. whyD. how33. A. usedB. took off C. put onD. brought34. A. had doneB. did C. would doD. could do35. A. hungB. covered C. studiedD. dressed36. A. shookB. laid C. liftedD. touched37. A. lost
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