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静宁一中2016-2017学年度高二级第一次月考试题(卷)英 语第卷第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AWhile in college, Tim started to look for easy ways to make money. One of the opportunities he saw was gambling (赌博). He started learning about all forms of gambling. He got lucky enough to make $9,000, but sadly it didnt last long and over the next year he lost all of that money. It was at this point that Tim realized that he needed to stop gambling and focus on learning about finance.One day, he was talking to one of his friends about creating a business, and his friend turned him onto Quick Sprout. So he started reading every blog post on Quick Sprout in the hope that he could learn about how to become a successful businessman and meet some people through Quick Sprout that he could partner up with.A year ago Tim read a blog post on Quick Sprout about another businessman by the name of Timothy Sykes. Tim visited T and learned about his Millionaire Challenge program that taught people how to buy and sell penny stocks (低价股票). Tim thought it would be worth giving a try.Tim spent the next few months learning from Timothy Sykes on how to trade stocks. After he felt that he had learned enough, he wanted to start trading. Within the first 6 months of using what he learned in the Millionaire Challenge program, he made over $40,000. At one point he even made $11,000 in 15 minutes. Over the next 12 months Tim is on track to make even more money. So far things are looking good and he is already ahead of schedule. The Millionaire Challenge program has worked out so well for him and he is now starting to enjoy the finer things of life.1. Tim decide to learn about finance when _. A. he first entered the college B. he was lucky enough to earn $9,000 C. he learned about all forms of gambling D. he lost all the money he got from gambling2. By visiting T, Tim _. A. found a business opportunity B. knew how Quick Sprout developed C. posted a blog he wrote on the website D. set up the Millionaire Challenge program3. How did Tim come to know Timothy Sykes? A. By attending Timothys lectures. B. By trading stocks with Timothy. C. By being introduced by friends. D. By visiting a website by chance.4. The last two paragraphs show Tim _. A. has stopped learning from Timothy B. has taken charge of the program C. benefits from the stock market D. has become a millionaire B The Internet is a growing new world that has been developing ever since it was created many years ago.The only reason Internet sales are not taxed (征税) is because we did not know the Internet would be used to sell products when it was created.Internet sales are no different than going into the store to buy the exact same product except for the fact that Internet sales are not taxed.When buying online, people cannot see and touch the product the same way they could in a store. To fix this, customers are going into the store to see the product. Then if they like the product, they buy it online to save money on the sales tax. This is a form of tax evasion (逃税) if you ask me! Everyone has to pay the tax in the store so they should have to pay taxes online as well. Also, the added money brought in through Internet taxing could help the government to fund (为拨款) certain policies and other things that they could not do without the added funds. This could go toward the countrys schools or other things necessary for society to function well. These funds could be extremely beneficial because of the recession (经济衰退) that the country is in at this point. Internet taxing is a way to increase those funds and in turn improve the quality of life for all who live in that country.In conclusion, there are many more positives than negatives in the argument over taxing Internet sales.I do understand that I may have to pay more if I want to buy something online, but the funds stay within my society and help my country.The added cost may hurt me at first but in the end, the funds will help me and others in our country.5. The text mainly discusses _. A. whether it is a good way to buy things online B. whether Internet sales should be taxed C. why people love to buy things online D. why Internet sales are not taxed6. Internet sales are not taxed because _. A. selling online was unexpected B. they are different from store sales C. people dont know how to tax them D. many people are against taxing them7. What can we learn from Paragraph 2? A. Online shoppers find it difficult to buy satisfactory goods. B. Customers get better products at a lower price online. C. Problems related to online shopping are hard to fix. D. Online shoppers probably try to avoid payin
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