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高二英语上学期期中考考试卷二完形填空(30分) When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It was not the first time I had been 21 . Like most English children, I learned French 22 school and I had been to France, so I was used to 23 a foreign language to people who did not understand 24 . But when I went to America I was looking forward to 25 a nice easy holiday without any 26 problems. 27 wrong I was ! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 28 telephone to give my friend Danny a 29 and tell him that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 30 he could help me. Yes, I said. I want to give my friend a ring. Well, that ls 31 , he exclaimed. Are you getting 32 ? But arent you a bit 33 ? Who is talking about marriage ? I replied. I 34 want to give my friend a ring to tell him Ive arrived. Can you tell me 35 theres a phone box? Oh, he said, theres a phone downstairs. When at last we 36 meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me. Dont worry, he said to me, I had so many 37 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 38 differently in meaning from us British. Youll soon get used to 39 funny things they say. Most of the 40 British and American people understand each other.21.A. outB. awayC. outsideD. abroad22.A. onB. duringC. atD. after23.A. sayingB. speakingC. learningD. teaching24.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. RussianD. Latin25.A. buyingB. havingC. givingD. receiving26.A. timeB. humanC. languageD. money27.A. TooB. What aC. WhatD. , How28.A. cheapB. popularC. publicD. good29.A. letterB. ringC. newsD. note30.A. thatB. ifC. whereD. when31.A. wellB. overC. niceD. bad32.A. hurtB. worriedC. excitedD. married33.A. smallB. littleC. oldD. young34A. veryB. justC. muchD. so35.A. whereB. in whichC. over thereD. that36.A. didB. doC. haveD. had37A. troubleB. difficultiesC. thingsD. fun38.A. writeB. speakC. useD. read39.A. everyB. anyC. someD. all the40.A. chanceB. positionsC. conditionD. time三阅读理解 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A 篇Fading beauty She is widely seen as proof that good looks can last for ever. But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with the Mona Lisa. The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum(卢浮宫博物馆) where it is housed. “The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,” the museum said. Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the worlds most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current chemical state(化学状态). Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile. “It is very interesting that when youre not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,” said Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University. “Its because direct vision (视觉) is excellent at picking up detail, but less suited to looking at shadows. Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.” However, the actual history of the Mona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to Frances King Francis I in 1519. In 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre by a former employee, who took it out of the museum hidden under his coat. He said he planned to return it to Italy. The painting was sent back to France two years later. During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces. Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell. 41. What does the writer mean by “time is catching up with the Mona Lisa”? A. The painting woman is not so beautiful any more. B. Ageing is something that affects us all. C. The painting needs repairing. D. At such an old age, she is no longer popular.42. What makes the repair work difficult? A. The wooden panel is thin and old. B. No one knows exactly what materials were used to create the painting and how it might respond to treatment. C. The health of the painting is suffering. D. Experts cant agree on how to carry out repairs.43. What makes her so mysterious according to Professor Livingston? A. The materials the Italian artist used. B. The way she smiles. C. The way Da Vinci painted the smile. D. It plays a trick upon the human eyesB篇Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave peo
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