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七年级下Unit7 Its raining主题拓展阅读单元话题:天气 编者于洋、完形填空。Do you want to take a trip to China?China isI big country, so its important, choose(选择)the places to2and the time to go. And bring a3 or you may get lost.The best time to visit Xinjiang is from June4 October. You can seebeautiful seiner(风景)and eat5 fruits during(在期间)the time. Theweather is usually 6 during the day. But it may be cold in the evening. Soyou have to bring more7It never gets cold in Hainan. You can also go there in winter. Take your swimmingclothes because you may want to 8 , even in December. Jiuzhaigou is a goodplace to visit in summer 9 its not hot there. The scenery is really beautiful. Dont 10 to take sore photos.()1. A. aB anC. theD.不填()2. A. leaveB. drawC. visitD. clean()3. A. clockB. radioC. guitarD. mad()4. A. forB. toC. inD. of()5. A. newB. deliciousC relaxingD. beautiful()6. A. warmB. dryC. windyD. cloudy()7. A. foodB. waterC. clothesD- books()8. A. singB. danceC. runD. swim()9. A. butB. becauseC. whenD. before()10. A. wishB. 1OveC. forgetD. 1 earn答案:15. ACDBB610. ACDBC二、短文填空从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,有两个单词是多余的。snow, snowy, cold, green,yellow, windy,cool, wet, hot,warm,winter,rain Different seasons has different weather. Spring isnt cold like 1.,but you can feel alittle. The weather gets 2. day and day. People like spring very much. It means thebeginning of a year. Summer is 3. Its also 4.,because it often rains. Autumnis 5.and dry. It is 6. Leaves turn 7.in autumn. Winter is very 8.and 9.It often 10. Its near to New Year.二、1. winter 2. warm 3. hot 4. wet 5. cool 6. windy 7. ye I low 8. cold 9. snowy 10. snows三、短文理解。AZhuzhou is a nice place to visit. My friend Alan wants to visit it very much. He is going there for a vacation next week. He wants to be there for six days. Now he needs to know some things about it before his vacation. The weather is the most important thing that he wants to know. He also wants to know what kinds of clothes he has to take with him. Here is the six-day weather report about Zhuzhou.DateWeatherTemperature(气温)April 22nd5unnv15 2(TCApril 23rdWindy13 17CApril 24thRainy1216CApril 25thRainy12 17CApril 26thCloudy14 I9CApril 27thSunny16 21C()1. How long will Alan be in Zhuzhou?A. Four days. B. Five days.C. Six days.D. Seven days.()2. Alan wants to know about most.A. the food in ZhuzhouB. the weather in ZhuzhouC. the park in ZhuzhouD. the history of Zhuzhou)3. Hows the weather on April 24th?A. Its sunny.B Its rainy.C. Its windy.D. Its cloudy.)4. On April 27th,the highest(最高的)temperature isA. 17CB. 19CC. 20CD. 21 C()5. When is it windy?A. On April 22nd.B. On April 23rd.C. Oh April 25th.D. On April 26th.答案:15. CBBDBBDear Laura.Hows it going? Today is Saturday. 16 I go to the park with my familyin the morning.Its ten oclock. There are also lots of children there. 17 Some boys areplaying soccer. Some girls are dancing and singing by the lakef胡).18 Mysister Alice wants to read a storybook on the chair. 19 but she cant, because she forgets to take her ba9. What are my parents doing? They are taking photos of the lake- What am 1 doing in the park? Im taking a walk with Alice. 20I hope to see you next month.NickA. She likes reading very much B- Its sunny and warm.C. The weather is so nice,just right for walking.D. They are all having great time.E. Others are playing cards under the free.答案:BDEACHave you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England,there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little. When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn. And most students from warm countries do not like this. But the snow in England is different. Though it is cold,it is also beautiful perhaps. After several dark mornings,the student wakes up one day,and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks “Is it so late?” and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean,beautiful snow.1. Many people.A. have ever seen snowB. have never seen snowC. often see snowD. see snow once a year2. There is usuallysnow in the south of England.A. a littleB. muchC. a fewD. little3. When a student from acountry comes to England in the autumn,he feelsat first.A. hot,could B. warm, cold C. warm,hot D. hot,warm4. Most students from warm countries.A. lik
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