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Introduction and ListeningBody language is one form of non-verbal communication without using words. Body language Facial expressions Hand gestures Posturen.(身体的)姿势, 体态, happyangrysadshysurprisedscaredsleepyconfusedembarrasseddisappointedFacial ExpressionHand GesturequietOKwell doneBad/look down upon sb.I love youstopclapprayvictoryPosturesmilekissshakebowpointnodwavehugbendstare1.Anklekl2.chest3.eyebrow4.finger5.forehead6.knee脚踝眉毛胸部手指前额膝盖11.palm12.elbow手掌肘;肘部7.lips8.shoulder9.wrist嘴唇手腕肩膀Vocabulary-117.cheek 脸颊13.fist14.thumb15.arm16.tongue拳头拇指手臂舌头18.waist腰部20.stomach21.lap胃大腿的上方22.hip臀部vocabularyanklechesteyebrowfingerforeheadkneelipsshoulderwristanklechesteyebrowfingerforeheadkneelipsshoulderwristMatch the parts of the body with the words bend bow clap hug kiss nod raise stare wipe 1.Youuseyourlipsto_someone.2.Ifyou_atsomeoneyoulookatthemforalongtime.3.Ifyou_yourhandyouliftitup.4.You_bymovingyourheadupanddown.kissstareraisenodLook at the list of verbs. Complete the sentences. 5.Whenyoubendyourupperbodyforwardsyou_.6.Youhaveto_yourkneestositdown.7.Ifyourehotyoucan_thesweatfromyourforehead8.Attheendofaconcertoraplayitisusualto_.bowbendwipeclap bend bow clap hug kiss nod raise stare wipe Look at the list of verbs. Complete the sentences. point shake smile waveMatch the verbs in the box with the pictures.(Page21)Can you act out the following body language? clapyourhands nodyourhead shakeyourhead shrugyourshoulders bowtohim/her hugsomeoneThumb upscratch (搔,抓) your headput your hand to support my chin(下巴)show your fist(拳头) to peoplewink(眨眼睛)at someonecross your fingersraise your eyebrow (眉毛)look him/her in the eyeWhat action do you usually do? Speaking:SaywhatyoudowhenyouMeaningAction 1. Meet a friend.2. Show sb. the way.3. See a friend in the distance.4. Say yes.5. Say no.6.Say who?me?7.say goodbye.Shake hands and say “ pleased to meet you”Point in the direction.Wave ones hand.Nod ones head up and down.Shake ones head from side to side.Point to myself and put on a surprised expression.Shake ones hand and say “goodbye”.ListentoaconversationbetweenanAmericanandaChinesestudentwhoisgoingtotheUS.Numberthetopicsintheordertheytalkaboutthem._Whattotalkabout_Gifts_Whentoarrivefordinner_Whattocallpeople_Howtomeetnewpeople_Whattosaytothehostwhenyouleave_Whentoleavethetable.1234567listeningMatch the following pieces of advice with the topics in activity 3. a.Youshouldshakehandswhenyoumeetnewpeople._b.Youshouldbringsomeflowersorabottleofwine._c.Youshouldopengiftsimmediately._d.Youshouldntusefamilynames._e.Youshouldntarrivetoolate._f.Youshouldnttalkaboutpoliticsorreligion.g.Youmustntleaveassoonasyoufinishthemeal._h.Youmustthankyourhostforawonderfulevening._i.Youmustntarriveearly._What to talk about:When to arrive for dinner: How to meet new people: When to leave the table:Gifts:What to call people: What to say to the host when you leave:fe,iagb,cdhB: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing? I hear you 1) _ _ to the States.L: Thats right, Bill. Im going to stay in America for three months. B: Thats great. But you look a bit 2) _ _. Whats the problem? L: Look, Bill, can I ask you a 3) _? I need some advice about what to door better still, what not to do there. B: Oh you mean 4) _ ? Of course. L: For example, what should I do when I meet new people? B: Shake hands at the first meeting. Whoever they are, Americans dont usually like to call each other 5) _ their family name: it sounds too formal. L: What shall I do if Im invited to dinner? B: When youre invited to someones home, its a good idea to bring a gift for your host. It doesnt have to be something expensive, perhaps some flowers or a bottle of wine. And its usual for people to open gifts when they receive them, so dont be surprised. Thats the way we do things in the States. C: OK. B: Be more or less on time, not very early and not very late. L: What 6) _ _ can I talk? B: Its best to avoid any 7) _ conservation topics. So avoid politics or 8) _ completely. If your mind goes9)_, try not to panic. Remember to smile and stay relaxed and unless youre very unlucky youll soon think of something. In difficult situations I always talk about the weather. L: Oh, good idea. B: If you have a meal, dont start eating before everyone is 10)_. And whatever you do, dont leave immediately after the meal is finished. That could seem 11)_. L: Right. B: But when you 12) _ leave, be sure to thank your host for “a wonderful evening”, Oh, and one last thing to remember? L: Yes? B: I ll really enjoy yourself, so be sure to have a great time! B: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing? I hear you 1) _ _ to the States.L: Thats right, Bill. Im going to stay in America for three months. B: Thats great. But you look a bit 2) _ _. Whats the problem? L: Look, Bill, can I ask you a 3) _? I need some advice about what to door better still, what not to do there. B: Oh you mean 4) _ ? Of course. L: For example, what should I do when I meet new people? B: Shake hands at the first meeting. Whoever they are, Americans dont usua
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