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互联网使用管理规定互联网使用管理规定目的Objectives为了确保员工仅将互联网运用于与工作相关的业务,并遵守公司相关的规定。To ensure Internet usages is strictly for businesses purposes, and comply with the code of con duct.适用范围Area application适用于电子邮件,网页浏览,文件传送或其他任何基于网络的工具的使用。Usage of email, internet browsing, file transfer or any related tools used on the Internet medium.规范性引用文件Reference documents无None职责DutyIT部门负责监控与管理所有相关的网络使用。IT department is responsible for the monitoring and administering all related In ternet usage activities.4. 2 IT负责确保提供互联网的可用性以提供相关访问互联网的服务。IT is responsible for ensuring Internet infrastructure availability to provide access of In ternet related services.5. 术语和定义Glossary and definition无None6. 管理内容Content6.1 Suntech-Power为员工提供了计算机设备、内外部网络连接(包括互联网),使得员 工可以更有效率的沟通,为客户提供更好的服务和达成Suntech-Power的营业目标。Sun tech Po wer provides our employees with computer equipment and online access to internal and external networks, including the Internet, so that employees may communicate more efficiently, better serve customers and accomplish the companys business goals.Suntech-Power严禁使用其所提供的设备或网络从事非法目的访问例如(但不仅限 于):未经授权访问或企图损坏其它计算机系统、网络或这些系统及设备中的数据。 从事盗窃、欺骗或任何其他类型的犯罪行为。散播或取得非法拷贝软件、图像、声 音、文木或其它数据/材料。发送或粘贴骚扰性的或胁迫性的信息或含有色情或猥亵 内容的信息。Suntech-Power specifically prohibits using equipment or online access which it provides for any illegal purposes, for example (but not limited to):Gaining unauthorized access to or intentionally damaging other computer systems or networks or the information contained within the committing theft, fraud or other criminal acts of any kinds Distributing or obtaining illegally copied software, graphics, sounds, text, or other material. Sending or posting harassing or th reate ning messages or messages containing porno graphic or patently indecent content.6. 2 Suntech-Power将与法律部门合作依法起诉违法者,对任何违法行为或涉嫌违法的 行为,员工必须及时报告。SuntechPower will cooperate with law enforcement authorities to prosecute oftenders. Employee must report any illegal action or suspected illegal action.6.3未经全球首席信息执行官允许,第三方不得以任何理由直接接触或通过电子方式访 问Suntech-Power的电子设备、数据或计算机。No direct third party physical or electronic access to company facilities, information or computers of an type or for any reason may be established without the express permission of the IT Director.6.4在线通信可能会遭到Suntech-Power以外的人的拦截或侦听,这种拦截或侦听可能 无法被察觉。因此,机密数据在未采取例如加密(在传送前使用软件改变数据型态, 收件者在收到后再予以解除)等保护措施的情况下,不应被通过互联网予以传送,任 何加密软件应该由首席信息官提供或经其核准,且Suntech-Power也应被提供一份 员工为上述目的而使用的加密副本及解密方式。Online communications may be subject to interception by persons outside Suntech-Power and such interception may not be detectable Therefore, no confidential information should be sent over the Inter net without utilizi ng protection such as encryption (using software to scramble messages before they are sent, and descramble them upon receipt). Any encryption software should be provided or approved by the IT Director, and Suntech-Power should be given a copy of all encryption and decrypt!on “keys” utilized by employee for the above purposeo6.5为了保护Suntech-Power免于遭受任何版权侵权起诉,员工不应从任何网络下载或 存取任何数据,除非:(a)该网站明显系官方网站;(b)该数据/资料是被合法地允许 下载的,且没有侵犯任何著作权或商标权。To protect SuntechPower from copyright infringement actions, employee may not dow nload or save any material from any on line source, however retrieved, unless (a) the source is clearly official, (b) the material is legally permitted to be downloaded without violation of copyright or trademark.6.6自外部来源处下载数据、信息、图像、及其他类似物会增加计算机的感染病毒的风 险及其它的危害,除非员工确有业务方面原因而必须如此行事,否则不应自外部取 得资料,特别是自那些员工不了解的来源。任何自外部来源下载的数据/资料都应该 立即检测其是否含有病毒及其它有害成份。信息服务人员将提供必要的软件来做检 测。Downloading data, information, images, and the like from an outside source increases the risks to our computers of viruses and other damaging agents. Employee should not retrieve material from outside sources, particularly from sources not known to employee, unless employee have good business reason to do so. Any material down loaded from an outside source should be checked immediately for viruses and other damaging elements. Information services staff will provide the necessary software and make itself available to employee6.7 Suntech-Power无法控制互联网,我们对信息的发送或是访问外部网站不做任何保 证/担保,例如:员工的邮件可能没有被发送岀去,而员工却没有被通知这项错误。SUNTECH-POWER does not control the Internet. We cannot guarantee delivery of messages or access to external web sites For example, a mail message employee send may never be delivered, and employee would not be notified of this error.6.8当访问外部系统时,员工不应下载、拷贝、扫描、发送或接收机密性的、专有性的 或私人的数据,包括但不仅限于:相应文档、图像、软件程序、模型/范例及设计等。 使用者必须尊重他人的著作权及其它相关知识产权。著作权法律同样适用于对复印 机、录放机、录音机等等的使用,且亦严禁违反这些法令。When accessi ng exter nal systems, employees should not down load, copy, sea n, send or receive confidential or proprietary information, including but not limited to documents, images, software programs, models and projections. Users must respect the copyright and related intellectual property rights of others. Copyright Laws also apply to the use of photocopiers, VCRs, tape recorders, etc., and violatio
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