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BUSINESS CENTER商务中心的营业时间Operation Hours7:00am to 12:00 Midnight dailyServices Offered提供的服务English Word Processing 英文编辑Chinese Word Processing 中文编辑Worksheet / Chart表格/图画Photocopy 复印Facsimile传真Rental of Computer 电脑出租E-mail Services电子邮件服务Guest Experience 客人体验Feel impressed with the efficient and courteous services provided.感受到饭店的服务是高效和礼貌的。COPY TYPING打印Procedures 程序:Check with guest the time he needs the typing work back and make sure it is completed promptly.询问客人需要什么时间完成打字工作,并要及时完成.Type a draft for guest to check. Make sure you have done your best to type what is written.打印草稿让客人检查要尽力打印到最好的水平.吊 Be professional. Do not delay any typing work even though guest may say that it is not urgent and that we could take our time. Complete it at your soonest possible and give the guest a call to tell him it is ready for him to proof read or send it up to the room要熟悉业务.即使客人说打卬件不急,我们也不能耽搁,因为我们要节省时 间.要尽可能快的完成打卬,然后给打电话通知客人已经打卬完毕,需更他 认可或者给他送入房间.MAILING PROCEDURES 邮寄程序Procedures 程序:HEnsure that the envelope has the full and correct address, including the postal code. 确认信封/上有完整正确的地址,包括邮政编码。SSeal envelope. 封好信封。HWeigh and calculate the postage required bearing in mind extra fee for registered mail and express mail. If doubt please refer to our postage file.对挂号信和快件称重后计算邮资,并耍加收挂号信和快件的额外费用,如果有 任何疑问,要参照有关邮寄规定。SIndicate on the envelope if mail is registered5 or express. 如果邮件是挂号”或者”快件”要在信封上显示。SAll letters/seated envelopes for mailing to be collected by the office messenger before 9:30am daily.邮件收发员会在每天早上9:30之前,收取所有需要邮寄的信件。HRemind Office messenger to obtain receipts for registered mail. 提醒邮件收发员要记住拿回挂号信的收据。SFor Courier Service to call up our current local delivery service for pick up. 对于快件,我们要打电话给当地合适的邮递服务部进行邮寄。INCOMING FAXESProcedures 程序:H All incoming faxes must be recorded fast. Make sure you collate them correctly before stapling them together.所有接收的传真耍及时记录下来将他们订在一起前,要确认你已经核对了他们 是正确的.E| Check on room and name of guest in the terminal. 在电脑中查询客人的房号和姓名.1=1 Read the first few lines of the fax. Do not take it for granted that if the first line read to Reservations, Front Office that you send them to the department concern. Senders sometimes address faxes to Reservations, etc w让h a message Please relay or deliver this fax to your guest/. Make sure you read carefully before taking action.阅读传真的询儿行内容如果你阅读了传真的第一行是预订部,前厅部,不要轻易 的将他们送到这些部门.因为有时,客人会发传真留言给预订部等r请将此传真转 交给客人”.在你送传真前一定妾仔细阅读.H Recording of faxes is done in a recording book. To call Bell Service for collection within 10 minutes of receiving the fax.将传真记录在记录木上在10分钟Z内通知行李员取走收到的传真.冒 If the fax is marked URGENT,or if guest is due to check out that very day, make an effort to call the guest to inform him. If there is no response, quickly place it in an envelope stated URGENT7 and calls for a Bellboy without a delay.如果传真上标注紧急或者客人预计在那天结帐离店,要打电话给客人.如果客人 的房间没有应答,要立即将其装入信封并标注上紧急,然后立即打电话给行李员IB HOLD FOR ARRIVAL FAXES - these are to be recorded the same way as the other faxes. If the fax states that guest is checking in today but the name listed is not exactly of the same spelling in the terminal, record it and send down to reception. 保存预抵客人的传真:要象其他的传真一样记录下来.如果传真显示客人今天入住, 但是姓名的拼写和电脑小的不太一致,记录下来然后交于接待处.E| Faxes for guest not listed in terminal, record them put no listing/not listed” and send it to the reception for the receptionist to follow up by checking daily in ensuring that when guest checks in, he/she gets the fax immediately.如果电脑中没有客人的名字,就将他们记录在”没有预订”文件中并将其送至接待 处,以便接待员可以留意客人是否入住,当客人入住时,就立即将传真交给他/她.H Faxes that are not delivered (i.e.: cannot be slipped under the door), Business Center Secretary have to send a message to guest informing him of the item/parcel/faxes and advise him to collect it from the Business Center during The Business Center Operations Hours. After the operations hours to collect from Reception.如果传真没有被送到(例如:不能从门缝传进),商务中心职员就耍留言、告知客人 有他的邮件包裹/传真,并且提醒他在商务中心营业的时间收取;其他时间可以 在接待处收取。|B| Faxes that are incomplete, that is if we receive only 8 pages out of the 10 pages etc. If this is so, to send a message to guest, to advise him on that matter. (Enclosed the received faxes with the message).如果传真不完整,如果是10叶而我们只收到了 8叶,就留言给客人,告诉他这件事 情.(将留言附在传真上).Example 例如:Dear Mr White,尊敬的怀特先生,Please be informed that we have received only 8 pages of these incoming faxes instead of 10 pages as stated敬告,我们仅收到了 10张传真中的8张.Thank you.谢谢你.(your name)(你的姓名)BUSINESS CENTER GUEST CHECK CONTROL BOOK商务中心收费记录表Procedures 程序:Date and page control book填写日期和页数。Fill in your name and time of duty.填写你的姓名和当班时间。Enter each billing in sequence.按顺序填写每一笔账。At the end of each shift, calculate the total and 1st bill number to be used for the next shift to start on a new column.在每一班下班前,耍计算总数,下一班要使用新的一栏并且帐单号从一开始。Example 例如:Guest Check Control Book 收费记录表帐单号 明细现金信用卡记房间账总额Bill No. ItemCashCredit Card Charge to Room Grand Total0
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