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初三M9知识总结1. -Dad,can Iborrow your camera?(1) borrow与lend的区别:borrow 从某人处借某物 lend 把某物借给某人 = 2. Id like to take some photos on the school visit to the museum next week. They will be put up on the school website.(1) 想要做某事 (2) the visit to (3) put up 3. When I was at school,we waited for weeks to hear from our pen friends abroad.(1) wait for sb. 等待做某事 迫不及待做某事 (2) hear from sb. = 4. But today,we can send and receive photos and mails on the Internet,and its really fast.(1) receive 和accept的区别:5. The Internet and the computer have changed our lives.(1)change chance 6.I wonder.Will computers be used more than books in the future?(1) wonder 7.In the past,we mainly got information from paper books. Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.(1)in the past (2)get information from 8.Today,with the invention of the computer and electronic technology,its easy to get information on the Internet.The Internet is more powerful than books.(1)with the invention of (2)electronic technology (3)powerful n. 9.Anyway,about the camera.?(1)anyway 10. The mamory card may be full.(1) memory card memory v. 11.Ive got an empty memory card. Where are the intructions?(1)empty (2)instruction 12.So you must promise that youll take good care of it. If you have to lend it to anyone,tell them to use it properly.(1)promise 许诺(不)做某事 (2)have to do sth. (3)properly adj. 13.Every morning,my father buys a newspaper on his way to work.(1) on ones way to 当地点为 时,省略 14.Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. (1)look through look for look up look after look into 15. Can we imagine life without paper or print?(1) imagine 想象做某事 (2) without 没有做某事 16. Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China.After its invention,people started to write on paper to make books.(1) write on paper to make books 17. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand. As a result, there werent many books, and they were expensive. So, few people had the chance to read.(1) in those days (2) produce (3) at a time at one time at that time (4) by hand (5) as a result as a result of (6) have the chance to do sth. 18. Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Later,developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.(1)development v. (2).make it possible to do sth. 19.A trade in books resulted, and more people learnt to read. Knowledge and ideas spread fatser than ever before. In a way, we can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.(1) in a way in the way by the way (2)compare.to compare.with (3)在第二十世纪 20.A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet than in books.(1) amount an amount of+ the amount of (2)store v. n. (3) varied varied forms 20.Someone with an Internet connection can find information much ore easily than they can find it in printed forms.And the machines we use to read it are now small and light ,often smaller and lighter than a single book.(1)printed forms (2) use sth. to do sth. (3) a single book 21.Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now, and newspapers and magazines are already read online. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? Will books be replaced by the Internet? Lets wait and see.(1)direction (2) be replaced by (3)wait and see Exercise1All of us want to travel to London after he gives us a short _ about it. Ainformation BIntroduction Ccompetition Dsuggestion 2Please be careful!The bottle is full _ hot water.Aby Bof Cfor Dwith3Could you please _ me your notebook, Grace?Certainly. Here you are.Aborrow Bto borrow Clend Dto lend4Paper making began in China and from here it _ to North Africa and Europe. Arepeated BCreated
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