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妇女节快乐的英文妇女节快乐英文 妇女节快乐英语 【xx诗歌】 3.8国际妇女节是全世界妇女的节日。这个日子是联合国承认的,同时也被很多国家确定为法定假日。以下是小学生作文网 分享的妇女节快乐英文 妇女节快乐英语,希望能帮助到大家!妇女节快乐英文 妇女节快乐英语 妇女节快乐英文:happy Womens Day 妇女节的英文例句 一到妇女节,我就想起了母亲 the Childrens DAY reminds me of my mother. 今年的三八妇女节是徐新过得最踏实的一天。 Womens Day this year is Xu Xin passes the most dependably one day. 此外,我们有妇女节、劳动节和国庆节。 Besides, we have Womens Day, Labor Day, and the National Day. 今天是三八妇女节,祝各位节日快乐! Today is Womens Day, happy womens day to everybody! 在国际妇女节讲述泰国女人的生活 Life in Thailand on International Womens Day 此外,我们有妇女节、动节和国庆节。 Besides, we have Womens day, Labour Day, and the National Day. 今天我们汇聚一堂,隆重庆祝三八国际妇女节。 Today we gather here to grandly celebrate the International Womens Day. 三月八日是国际妇女节。 March 8 is the International Womans Day. 我们向您献上妇女节的祝福。 offer Womens Day blessings to you. 联合国纪念国际妇女节 United Nations Marks International Womens Day 在国际妇女节之际,我邀请你们与我一起在全世界赞颂妇女。 On International Womens Day, I invite you to join me in celebrating womenworldwide. 一百年前在欧洲的一小部分国家首次庆祝了国际妇女节,此后,它便成为全球性的庆祝活动,而且取得了很大的成果。 International Womens Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries. Since then, the celebration has become global,and much has been achieved. 在此国际劳动妇女节之际,我们应该重新呼吁妇女解放,它关系到一个更高的层面:为了人权解放,也为了劳动人民支配自己生产的财富。 This International Womens Day we should recommit to a womens liberation whichis connected to a wider movement for human emancipation and for workingpeople to control the wealth they produce. 今年的国际妇女节使我们所有人有机会来应对这些挑战。 This International Womens Day is a chance for us all to address thesechallenges. 或许,这才是对三八国际妇女节诞生一百周年最好的纪念,才是对世界各国妇女最为切实的节日祝愿! This, perhaps, is the best commemoration of the centenary of the InternationalWomens Day, and warmest greetings to women of the world! 在中国,今年的妇女节具有格外重要的意义。 In China, the Womens Day this year is of particular importance. 萨维茨卡娅返回地面后,在庆祝国家妇女节的活动中,被挑选出来指挥联盟号的所有女机组人员访问礼炮7号。 Following her return, Savitskaya was selected to command an all-female Soyuzcrew for a visit to Salyut 7, in observance of National Womens Day. 他在被捕时遭到毒打。2022年,他曾因试图组织国际妇女节庆祝活动而受到审讯(当然也被拷打了)。 He was beaten severely as he was arrested. in 2022, he was interrogated (andbeaten of course) after he tried to organize a celebration of InternationalWomens Day. 德国默克尔在上周六的国际劳动妇女节可是让俄罗斯总统普京难堪了一回,她问这位前克格勃有没有为妻子柳德米拉做早餐庆祝节日。 German Chancellor Angela Merkel put President Vladimir Putin on the spot on Saturday, asking if the former KGB spy had cooked breakfast for his wifeLyudmila to celebrate International Womens Day. 这一报告为纪念国际妇女节 而发布,目的是呼吁性别平等。 The report, released to mark International Womens Day, called for greaterequality for women. 据路透社报道,在为三八国际妇女节拍摄的一部短片中,现任詹姆斯邦德的扮演者丹尼尔克雷格以女装亮相。 此片以性别平等为主题。 James Bond actor Daniel Craig has dressed in drag for a short film about sexualequality made to coincide with International Womens Day on Tuesday, Reutersreported. 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马于本周一出席在白宫召开的国际妇女节招待会时表示,目前美国女性仍面临着不公正待遇和困境,并承诺要为实现性别平等而努力。 President Barack Obama warned on Monday that women in America still facedunfairness and hardship, as he vowed to fight for gender equality at a White House reception on International Womens Day. 国际妇女节是庆祝并思考如何消除对妇女和女童歧视的日子。 International Womens Day is a day of celebration and reflection on how toeliminate discrimination against women and girls. 今年的国际妇女节致力于终止对妇女和女孩施暴而不受惩罚。 This years International Womens Day is devoted to ending impunity for violence against women and girls. 今天我们汇聚一堂,隆重庆祝三八国际妇女节。 Today we gather here to grandly celebrate the International Womens Day. 事实上,有人可能会问,国际妇女节不再适宜了吗? In fact, one might ask, does International Womens Day hold any relevanceanymore? 为庆祝三八国际妇女节,今天非常高兴地邀请五湖四海的姐妹们,欢聚一堂,共庆我们自己的节日。 Today it gives me great pleasure to have with us our sisters from all parts of theworld to celebrate the International Womens Day. 妇女节在俄罗斯很受重视,男士们在这一天要送花给伴侣和女同事,还要做家务。 Putin snapped back. Womens Day is a serious celebration in Russia, where menare expected to give flowers to their female partners and colleagues and do thehouse work at home. 三八国际妇女节不仅属于女性,也属于所有人。 In this sense, the International Womens Day not only belongs to women but alsoto all people of the world. 当埃及人庆祝三八国际妇女节的时候,一帮男人阻止了他们。 When Egyptians celebrated International Womens Day on March 8, gangs ofmen harassed them. 7
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