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夹叙夹议文Test 1(2021湖北黄冈高三4月调研)A lonely girl found two starving birds in the woods. She took them home and put themin a cage. She cared for them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl _2 the door to the cage open. One bird flew from the small cage. The girl was so 3 that it would fly away. As it flew close, she grasped it 4 She was glad at her success in 5 it. Suddenly she felt the bird breathless. It was her desperate love that had killed the bird.She 6 the other bird moving back and forth on the 7 of the cage. She could feel its great 8 for freedom. It needed to fly into the blue sky. She lifted it from the cage and tossed(抛)it9 into the air. The bird circled once, twice, and three times.The girl looked happily at the birds10 . She was no longer concerned with her _11_, because she did want the bird to be12 . Suddenly the bird flew closer and 13softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard.The fastest way to lose love is to 14 it too tight, while the best way to keep love is to give it 15 .LA.darkB. woodenC.plasticD.small2. A.leftB.remainedC.imaginedD. remembered3. A.excitedB.frightenedC.annoyedD.pleased4. A.unexpectedly B.quicklyC.wildlyD.immediately5. A.holdingB.reaching6.A.heardB.realisedC-recognisedD.noticed7.A.edgeB.topC.baseD.surface8.A.ideaB.wishC. shareD.destination9.A.softlyB.quietlyC.heavily.suddenly10. A.entertainment B.enjoymentC.exerciseD.singing1 LA.opinionB.reliefC.painD.loss12.A.trappedB.strongC.happyD.alone13. A.landedB.fellC.droppedD.sat14.A.hold upB.hold on toC.take upD.take in15.A.soulB.lifeC.wingsD.legsTest 2Before my year abroad, everyone advised me to say yes to everything. They werentj However, here in Germany,dont mind. doesnt seem to be an acceptable 2 .Neither does Ill do whatever you want to do. or Really, either way is fine by me.” It really is just yes or no.Despite having a huge smile on your face, most 3 will look at you as if youre incapable of 4 a decision which of course isnt true and were just being really typically British. My first encounter of this was when I 5 my hotel for the first two nights in Germany. The owner asked when I would like my breakfast in the morning. Being typically British, I replied that any time was 6 for her. She gave me a confused look and asked again.No, when do you want to have 7 ?Er, OK . err . 8 a.m.? she smiled and I 8quickly,Only if that is 9 for youthough.”I knew about the British stereotype(模式化观念)of10 before I came abroad.However, I didnt 11 until I arrived here and began experiencing it on a day-to-day basis. Waiters give you funny looks in restaurants when you say “thank you” repeatedly when they _ 12 all kinds of services. But thats just right fbr the British and fbr everyone else, being so polite is totally 13 .And when it comes to me asking questions, its even worse/Would you be able to do that fbr me if its not too much trouble, please? just doesnt work here. You have to be 14 and say what you want. The first time I said Pass that here”,my heart was 15 and I could almost hear my mum screaming in my head about manners.B.specialD.kindB.sentenceD.answerB.Chinese .Americans B.making D.correcting1. A.wrongC.clever2. A.excuseC. re ward3. A.GermansC.British4. A.explainingC.understanding5. A.choseC.left6. A.cheapest C.properest7. A.lunchC.breakfast8. A. statedC.apologised9. A. appropriateC.convenient10. A.businessC.weakness11. A.realiseC.expect12. A.acceptC.sell13. A.unfortunateC.unnecessary14. A.cleverC.creative15. A.beatingC.jumpingB. orderedD. reachedB.longestD.hardestB.supperD.dinnerB. agreedD. addedB.ridiculousD.abstractB.politeness D.happiness B.believeD. forgetB.offerD.introduceB.unsatisfying .uninteresting B.directD.honestB.movingD.racingTest 3One day when I was making food in the kitchen, my brother came in. He placed his beefnext to my one,Courtney, your beef is bigger than mine. You dont need to 2 ;youre already fat enough.”Unpleasant 3 on my physical appearance were nothing new. Something inside me accepted his idea that my legs were 4 For the next 15 years, I spent summer after summer 5 in long pants.Then I met Ragen Chastain, who 6 everything. I couldnt believe that this woman weighing almost 300 pounds was so 7 and happy. She talked about how amazing our _ 8_ were, simply because of what they did every day一like breathing, 9 blood to every cell and walking.I suddenly realised how foolish Id been for so long. Some people were born 10 legs or lose their legs, and Id been hiding my healthy and beautiful legs 11 because they werent good enough! The next day, I bought three pairs of shorts and a sundress and spent the entire summer letting my legs 12 the su
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