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外文出处:资料 1: Virtual instrument based on (用外文写)serial communication and data acquisition system ofm an agemenL资料2: LabVIEW serial communicationbased on Frequency Control Monitoring System附 件:资料1: 1 翻译译文;2外文原文。资料2: L翻译译文;2外文原文。附件:资料1翻译译文在自动化控制和智能仪器仪表中,单片机的应用越来越广泛,由于单片机的运 算功能较差,往往需耍借助计算机系统,因此单片机和PC机进行远程通信更具有 实际意义,通信的关键在于互传数据信息。51系列单片机内部的串行口具冇通信的 功能,该串行口可以作为通信接口,利用该串行口与PC机的串行口 COM 1或 COM2进行串行通信,将单片机采集的数据传送到PC机中,由PC机的高级语言 或数据库语言对数据进行整理及统计等复杂处理就能满足实际的应用需要。软件设计,初始化后,打开数据通道对上下游信号进行采样,并进行相关运算, 求峰值R,对R.二是否峰值进行判断,以确保正确求出延时从而得出正确的 流量。由于一次相关计算所需时间很短,因此,采用计数器控制。PC机和单片机在进行通信时,首先分别对各自的串行口进行初始化、确定串 行口工作方式、设定波特率、传输数据长度等,然后才开始数据传输,这些工作 是由软件來完成的,因此对PC机和单片机均需设计相应的通信软件。DOS环境卜; 串行通信一般用中断方式來实现,用户对通信端口进行完全控制。而在W i ndow s 环境下,系统禁止应用程序直接对硬件进行操作。在W indows环境下提供了完备 的AP I应用程序接口函数,程序员通过这些函数与通信硕件接口。通信函数是中 断驱动的:发送数据时,先将其放入缓存区,串口准备好后,就将其发送出去;传来 的数据迅速中请中断,使Windows接收它并将其存入缓冲区,以供读取。接收方 式主要有查询和中断方式。采用查询方式时,CPU要不断测试串口是否冇数据,以防 接收串口数据时出现错误、效率低;而采用小断方式则无需测试串口,一旦有数据 传至,CPU终止当前任务,由中断服务程序完成操作。因此,中断方式具有效率高、 接收准确、编程简单等特点。在工业通信及控制领域,特别是分布式的控制系统中,常常需耍在各设备Z 间交换和共享数据,而11对于数据交换的实时性可靠性要求很高在这种情况下, 现场总线应运而生了现场总线由于其良好的实时性 开放性以及工业针对性强的 特点,在工业领域得到了长足的运用和发展 可以说,现场总线在工业领域正发 挥着不可或缺的重要作用。在PLC系统的应用中,经常需要将多台PLC连成一个网络,其中每台 PLC可以实时地获知网络中其它任何一台PLC的特定信息,从而达到整个网络 上的数据同步,实现联动控制;同时在性能上要求良好的实时性和可靠性而且,在 很多情况下,通信的开销也不能太高因此,怎样以较低的开销,较好地实现设 备间的数据同步功能,在PLC及其他工业通信产品的开发中具有很积极的意义。 模拟系统需耍尽量对指控计算机的各个分系统进行逼真的模拟,不仅要实时响应 指控计算机的请求,及时回送符合要求的报文,止确监测通信的时序,检测传输 过程中的CRC校验错,还需要严格控制通信的误码率,具冇良好的人机界面。 鉴于此,模拟系统采用了硬件智能板设计结合软件优化设计的思想,设计了满足 要求的智能高速通信板,然后在此基础上再开发具有良好用户界面的张动控制软 件。固件程序的主要功能包括口检及初始化通信板器件、提供上层驱动软件接I I、 监测双口存储器中标志字节请求、根据请求完成数据传送、判断数据传输状态并 进行相应处理、硬件断处理等。固化程序主体可分为自检、初始化、程序主流程、 中断处理等儿部分。为使系统在某些恶劣环境下也能可靠工作,满足对信息传输 的实时性、高可靠、安全性的要求,在通道的硬件设计上采取了一系列必要的 措施,并在固件中作了处理。其中包括超时计时器的设置和通道故障报警等。传统仪器面板上的器件都是实物,而且是用手动和触摸进行操作的,而虚拟仪 器面板控件是外形与实物相像的图标,通、断、放大等对应着相应的软件程序.这 些软件已经设计好了,用户不必设计,只需选用代表该种软件程序的图形控件即可, 由计算机的鼠标来对其进行操作.因此,设计虚拟而板的过程就是在而板设计窗口 中摆放所需的控件,然后编写相应的程序.大多数初学者可以学习利用虚拟仪器的 软件开发工具,例如Lab Windows/CVk Lab VIEW等编程语言,在短时间内轻松 完成美观又实用的虚拟仪器面附件:资料1外文原文(可以用复印件)In automatic control and intelligent instrumentation, the MCU should more and more widely used, due to poor function of the microcontroller operation is often required to the use of computer systems, remote microcontroller and PC,more meaningful communication, communication is the key to each data channel transmission information. 51 computers with the internal serial port communications features.The serial port can serve as a communication interface with the PC using the serial port serial port COM 1 or COM 2 serial communication, the monolithic can gather data to the PC machine, the PC, high-level language or database language for data compilation and statistical processing to the complex to meet the needs of practical application.Software Design,after initialization, open the data channel on the upstream and downstream signals are sampled.And associated operations, find the peak R on whether the peak for the second sentence R.Off, find the delay to ensure the correct r, to arrive at the correct flow. As A very short time the relevant calculation, therefore, the use of the counter control.Communication during PC, and SCM, the first for their respective Initialize the serial port, serial port work to determine and set waves special rate, transmission of data length, and then began to data transmission, these work is done by software, so the PC, and microcontroller need to design appropriate communication software DOS environment, the serial communication interrupt mode generally used to achieve.Users complete control of the communication port. In the W i ndow s environment the system prohibits the application directly on the hardware to operate. In w indows in the provision of a complete application program interface functions AP I number of these functions by the programmer hardware interface and communications Communication letter number is interruptdriven: to send data, first put it in cache serial ready, it will be sent; application data from the rapid please interrupt, so that W i ndow s receive it and store them in buffer for read. The main methods of inquiry and received interrupt. Using query mode, CPU to constantly test the serial port for data, to prevent receiver serial data errors and low efficiency; and no use of interrupt need to test the serial port, once the data is transmitted, CPU terminates the current task complete the operation by the interrupt service routine. Therefore, an effective interrupt rate, to receive accurate, programming and simple.Communication and control in industrial fields, particularly in distributed control system of systems, often require different equipment in the exchange and sharing between the number of It is, but also for the reliability of real-time data exchange are high in this case ,the field bus came into the scene bus due to its good real-time for open and industrial strong features in the industry have seen significant use and development fair to say, fieldbus
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