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中小学课堂教学精品资料设计广州版五年级英语下册教案Module 3Our School and Our Classunit 7 Is Yongxians new school larger?一、教学内容分析Module 3的Topic 是Our School and Our Class,主要以谈论校内建筑以及学校活动为主,逐步学会运用形容词和名词的比较级谈论事物,以及表达自己的看法。本单元的另一项任务是名词性物主代词的运用。老师在教学过程中应注意语言知识的迁移,运用已学的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词引入学习名词性物主代词,注意它们之间的用法区别,减少学生不习的难度。二、教学对象分析在Module 1 里已经出现过一些简单的形容词比较级,学生能用简单的句子对事物进行比较,学习新知识的时候,注意以旧带新,在学习过程注意培养他们的阅读,写作能力。学生已有了几年英语的基础,老师特别要注意培养学生的综合运用语言的能力,加大语言的输入量,在适当的时候可培养学生的自学能力。三、教学目标(一)语言技能1能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。2能就“比较建筑物”的话题进行交谈。3能理解、朗读课文,背诵课文。(二)语言知识1掌握下面音标和读音规则: u blue ruler truth June July oo food stool cartoon noodles afternoon kangaroo oo cook book foot good goose mushroom u put bull m mum more must gym climb welcome n north nurse neighbour cinema than train ng song long thing boring spring young2巩固形容词比较级和副词比较级的句型 1) His school is better than mine. 2) My new school is much larger than the old one. 3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one? 4) She gets up earlier than us3情态动词would及must、need的否定式的用法及一些交际用语: 1) You neednt go to school by bus. 2) We mustnt pick the flowers. 3) Would you like to visit our new school? Yes, Id love to. 4) Welcome to our school. Thank you. 4掌握代词的用法(三).情感态度培养学生的交际能力和增强他们学习的信心。在教学过程中对学生进行环境教育,灌输绿色奥运概念,小学生要响应号召节能减排。教育好学生保护环境。爱护花草树木,不要乱仍垃圾,教育学生要节约用水。(四).学习策略: 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。能积极运用所学的知识。(五).文化意识:了解中西学样的不同四、教学重点,难点重点: 1. 能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。 2. 能就“比较建筑物”的话题进行交谈难点: 长句的认读五、教学媒体图画,电脑,软件,录音机 六、课时本单元用8课时完成,Unit 7 :3课时;Unit 8:3课时;Unit 9:2课时.七、课时第一课时一、内容Dialogue(书P30) Work with language二、语言点Vocabulary:四会:large , international , bright , more , more than , taller , bigger , larger , lower , smaller , brighter 三会:international Sentence Structure: 1) His school is better than mine. 2) My new school is much larger than the old one. 3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one?三、教学过程(一)Leading-in1出示一幅Yongxians old school 图2让学生用自己的话描述图中的建筑3引导学生用tall , big , small , low , bright , high 等形容建筑物。 (二)Pre-task1出示各有特征的同一组图片(Work with language 的图片)2引导学生用简单的句子作比较例:Building A is taller than building B.3Practise work with language in pairs4教学新单词: large , larger , bright , brighter5再出示Yongxians old school 图,介绍This is Yongxians old schoolGuangzhou International School . He still studies here . But he is going to move to a new school next Monday. Do you know how the new school is . Lets guess.6Guess and say引导学生用Is your new school larger than the old one ? Does it have more buildings and more classrooms? Is the playground larger than the old one ? Is the swimming pool larger than the old one ? Is the library larger than the old one?等句型猜说新学样的建筑,并从中学习操练新句型。7根据学生的操练逐步呈现出新学校。8师生齐比较新旧学校的区别。(三)While-task1听录音,跟读课文2次2小组分角色读、演课文。3检查。(四)Pro-task and Check1让学生把课文中表示比较的句子找出来。2让学生讨论观察这些句子中的比较有何规律。3小结本节课名词和形容词比较级的用法及区别。(五)Homework中小学课堂教学精品资料设计
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