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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上RESERVATIONS 预定TOTAL SCORE0.0%DATE AND TIME日期和时间:总分Standards that are different from Hotel IQ, are highlighted in yellow.STANDARD标准MEET 符合BELOW不符N/A没有使用RESERVATION - STANDARDS 预定 - 标准: 1Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting and the department identified?在三声或者十秒内接听电话,问候并报出部门?2If the call was not answered in 3 rings or 10 seconds, was anapology extended?假如无法在三声或者十秒内接听电话,是否会表达歉意?3If caller is put on hold did it not exceed 30 seconds?是否将电话置于等候档不超过三十秒?4Was the background free of any noise or disturbances (i.e. makes the conversation difficult to hear or causes a distraction)?背景是否没有噪音或者其它干扰(例如:让对话难于听清楚或者心烦意乱)?5Did employee obtain guests name and clarify its spelling where required?得知客人的名字并能清楚地拼写出来?6Did employee confirm date in and date out?是否有与客人确认入住及退房日期?7Did the employee clarify if the guest had stayed before?如果客人以前入住过,是否可以准确地称呼客人?8Did the employee establish the purpose of the visit (i.e. business, leisure, special occasions, etc.)?是否知道客人本次住宿的目的(例如:商务、休闲旅行、特殊庆典等)?9Did employee immediately check availability and if the dates requested were unavailable were alternative dates offered?是否可以迅速的确认入住期间可提供房间予客人或者无法提供时可以主动提供另一日期供客人选择?10Were a minimum of two room types/rates offered?至少提供两种房型/价格供客人选择?11Did employee attempt to up sell to a higher room category by highlighting its benefits (i.e. size, view, amenities, etc.)?是否尝试通过房间类型的好处向客人推荐更高级别的房型(例如:大小,景色,令人舒适的程度等)?12Did employee clearly state room rate and what it included/excluded (i.e. tax, service, meals etc)?是否清楚房价及房价所包含的内容(例如:税金,服务费,餐费等)?13Did the employee ask for the business (i.e. would you like me to make a booking for you)?是否请求交易(例如:需要帮您做预订吗)?14Did employee offer to take down the guests address details?是否主动记录客人的地址信息? 15Did employee obtain guests telephone number?是否询问客人的电话号码?16Did employee obtain guests fax number or e-mail address?是否询问客人的传真号码或者邮箱地址?17Did employee request the callers credit card details and were they repeated back for verification?是否要求致电者留下信用卡信息并再三重复确认?18Did employee explain cancellation policy and if applicable, thedeposit policy?是否向客人解释预订的取消制度?19Did the employee clarify the hotels smoking policy or clarify theguests smoking preference?是否清楚酒店区域的吸烟政策或者清楚客人是否吸烟?RESERVATIONS 预定TOTAL SCORE0.0%DATE AND TIME日期和时间:总分Reservation - standards.STANDARD标准MEET 符合BELOW不符N/A没有使用20Did employee ascertain expected time of arrival and advise the check in time (in the case where the guest was an early arrival)?是否清楚客人的到达时间或者告知客人酒店的标准入住时间(以防客人需要提前入住)?21Did the employee clarify if the guest had any personal preferences (i.e. bed preference)?是否清楚客人的个人喜好(例如:对床的喜好)?22Did employee ascertain if the guest required any transport arrangements?如果客人需要接送服务,是否有跟客人确定信息?23Did the employee promote at least one other hotel facility (i.e. offer to make a dinner or spa reservation)?是否至少推荐一项酒店设施(例如:建议订餐或者预订SPA)?24Did employee repeat and confirm all details of the reservation during or at the end of the call?在电话预订的过程中或者结束前是否有跟客人重复确认预订信息?25Did employee offer reservation number or booking reference?是否提供预订确认号或者预订确认信?26Did the employee offer his/her name at the end of the call for any further assistance required?员工是否在交谈结束前提供自己的名字给客人,以便客人有其它的需要?THE EMPLOYEE - BEHAVIOURAL STANDARDS:员工 - 行为标准27Did the employee speak in a considerate, interested and friendly manner and refrain from using any jargon?谈吐是否体贴,有趣及友好礼貌,并避免使用一些行话?28Did the employee demonstrate good listening skills (i.e. avoidrepetition of questions) and ask additional questions where necessary?是否表现出好的收听技巧(例如:避免重复客人的问题)和在必要时向客人提出问题?29Did employee use the callers name at least once during theinteraction?是否在通话中称呼客人的名字?30Was the employees speech clear and use of English adequate to be fully understood? 是否使用英语时吐字清晰并恰当以被充分的了解?31Did the call end with the employee offering a warm and enticing comment regarding the guests forthcoming stay?是否在交谈结束前对于即将入住的客人致予真诚的问候?PRODUCT - CONFIRMATION 产品 - 确认:32Did employee automatically offer to send a confirmation?是否主动发送预订确认信?33Was the confirmation received within 24 hours with the hotels/groups logo and hotel contact details present and was all information within the confirmation correct? 是否在24小时之内可以接收到正确的预订确认信,包括酒店/集团的标志和酒店的联系方式,以及确认信的信息是否都是正确的?34Did confirmation promote any other hotel facilities (i.e. restaurants, spa, airport transfers)?确认信里面是否提供其它的酒店设施(例如:餐厅,水疗,机场接送服务)?35Did confirmation explain cancellation charges?确认信是否解释取消预订的费用?TOTAL NUMBER OF STANDARDS 标准
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