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black coffeeblack coffeewhite coffeewhite coffeeblack sheepblack sheepwhite elephantwhite elephantWhite HouseWhite Houseblue musicblue musicblue and blackblue and blackgreen handgreen handgreen teagreen teablack teablack tea Lesson 35Lesson 35Our villageOur village 我们的村庄我们的村庄1.photograph /ftgrf /n.n照片(正式)n相当于photo(非正式)photos(复数)ntake a photo/take a photograph 照相nNo photos. 不准照相。nphotographer 摄影师n npicture picture 图片图片2. village /vld/ n.n村庄nvillager 村民3. valley/vl/ n. n山谷neg: Our village is in a valley.n我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷中。4. between /btwin/ prep.n在之间(两者之间)nbetween A and B 在A和B之间namong 在之间(三者或三者以上)neg:I like this one among these pictures.n在这些图片中我喜欢这一个。5. hill /hl/ n.n小山nmountain 大山,高山nmount 名山,专有名词Mount Tainrange 山脉,连绵起伏的群山npeak 山峰6. another/n/ det.n另一个nanother+单数名词nThis shirt is too long. Please give me another.n这件衬衫太长了,请给我另一件。7. wifewife/waf/ n.n妻子n复数:wivesn丈夫:husband8. along/l/ prep.n沿着nwalk along the streetn沿着大街走9. bank/bk/ n.n河岸nthe banks of the rivern银行 nThe bank of China 中国银行10. water/wt/ n.n水(不可数名词)ndrink some water 喝点水nV. 浇水nwater the flowers11. swim/swm/. vn游泳n进行时:swimmingn过去式:swamngo swimming 去游泳nswimming pool 游泳池12. building/bld/ n.n大楼,建筑物noffice building 办公大楼nbuild (动词)建造n过去式 builtnbuild a house 建造房屋13. park /pa:k/ n.n(名词)公园n(动词)停车nNo parking. 禁止停车nParking lot 停车场14. into/nt/ prep.n进入ngo into/come into 进入ngo out of/come out of 出来neg: Some children come out of the building, and go into the park.n一些孩子走出大楼,走进公园nphotograph 照片nvillage 村庄nvalley 山谷nbetween 在之间nhill 小山nanother 另一个nwife 妻子nalong 沿nbank 河岸nwater 水nswim 游泳nbuilding大楼,建筑物npark 公园ninto 进入Ask & AnswerAsk & Answer1. Where are you from?2. Do you miss your hometown? city? village?Listen to the story and answer Listen to the story and answer the questions:the questions:WhereWhere is the village? is the village?WhereWhere is the boy? is the boy?Are the children Are the children coming out of coming out of the parkthe park oror going into going into itit? ?Text 课文nThis is a photograph of our village.n这是我们村庄的一张照片nof 表示所属关系,的nOur village is in a valley.n我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷中。nIt is between two hills.n它位于两座小山之间。between 和 among1) between一般指“两者之间” There is a picture between the door and the window. 门和窗户中间有一幅画。2)among指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间,表示“在中间,在之中”They divided the money among ( 或between)themselves. 他们自己把钱分了。(注:用among,they至少是三个人;用between,they是两个人)3 3)betweenbetween还可用来指三个或三个以上还可用来指三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之间。三个或三个以的人或物的每两个之间。三个或三个以上的名词用上的名词用andand链接,前面用链接,前面用betweenbetween,而不用而不用amongamong。4 4)amongamong可用来表示一个比较的范围,可用来表示一个比较的范围,常与最高级连用。常与最高级连用。 Practice1. Im sitting _ my parents.2. Im standing _ many students.3. _ you and me.4. This shoe is popular _ young people.nThe village is on a river.n村庄靠近一条河。n注意,本句中的on不表示“在上”,而是“邻近”,“靠近”的意思。nnear 靠近nI live near the sea.我住在海边。nHere is another photograph of the village.n这是我们村庄的另一张照片。nanother+单数名词none the other “两者之间另一个”nThere are two bottles. One is full, the other is empty.nHe has three daughters. One is a nurse, one is a teacher and another is a worker.nMy wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.n我和我妻子正沿河岸走着。n本句的主语My wife and I,要翻译成我和我妻子。在英语中表达“我和”时,要把I放在别人的后面。 代词顺序口诀:代词顺序口诀:代词并列有顺序,代词并列有顺序,单数并列单数并列231231,复数并列复数并列123123,若把若把错误错误责任担,第责任担,第一一人称最人称最先当先当;时时注意比时时注意比身份身份,人物总在动物前人物总在动物前;单数单数男女同时男女同时到,到,男士男士反而要反而要优先优先。 单数单数 复数复数4. 4. He and his wifeHe and his wife loved their daughter loved their daughter very much.very much.(男士要优先)(男士要优先)3. 3. I and my brotherI and my brother made the mistakes. made the mistakes.(在承担错误时,第一人称要放在其他人称前面)在承担错误时,第一人称要放在其他人称前面)2. 2. She and IShe and I will cook the meal together. will cook the meal together.(第一人称常放在其他人称后面)第一人称常放在其他人称后面)1. 1. You, she and IYou, she and I should help each other. should help each other. ( ( 单数并列单数并列231231)we, you and theywe, you and theyyou, he and Iyou, he and InWe are on the left.n我们在河的左侧。non the left 在左边non the right 在右边nThere is a boy in the water.n河里面有个男孩。nHe is swimming across the river.n他正横渡小河。nHere is another photograph.n这是另一张照片。nHere is = This isnThis is the school building.n这是学校大楼。HeresnIt is beside a park.n它位于公园的旁边。nbeside 在旁边nnext to 在旁边,紧挨着nHe is sitting next to his mother.nThe park is on the right.n公园在右边。nSome children are coming out of the building.n一些孩子正从楼里出来。nout of表示“从里向外”的动作。neg: I am looking out of the window.n我正从窗户向外看。come out ofcome out of 从从出来出来go intogo into 走进走进jump offjump off 从从跳下来跳下来nSome of them are going into the park.n他们中有几个正走进公园。nsome of them表示他们中的一些nsome of +不可数名词/可数名词复数,表示其中一些neg: some of water some of the studentsbe going to be going to dodo 打算做,将要做打算做,将要做后后+ +动词原形动词原形We We are going toare going to playplay football. football.我们将要去踢足球。我们将要去踢足球。What What areare you you going togoing to dodo? ?你要去做什么?你要去做什么?Practice Practice 练习nHe is _ _ _(照相)for his wife.nI like the red one_(在之间)these two T-shirts, but I like the pink_(在之间)all the colours.nThe woman is_ _ _(走出)the shop.going out oftaking a photo/photographbetweenamongLesson 36Lesson 36Where.?Where.?在哪里?在哪里?New words and expressionsNew words and expressionsbesidebeside / /b b ssa a d d/ / 在在 旁旁o
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