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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 5BUnit 2 学习任务单一 基础知识部分:(要求:会读、会背、会默)1 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词)2 词组 1. your new home 你的新家2. far from school 离学校远3. on Moon Street 在月亮街4. near City Library 在市图书馆附近5. go/come to school 去学校6. come home/go home 回家7. live near school 住在学校附近8. on foot 步行9. live in Sunshine Town 住在阳光小镇10. by metro 乘地铁11. live on Park Street 住在公园街12. a taxi driver 一位出租车司机13. ride a bike 骑自行车14. go to Canada by plane 乘飞机去加拿大15. by ship 乘轮船16. go to Beijing by train 乘火车去北京17. have a new bike 有一辆新车18. show his bike to me 把他的自行车给我看19. too young 太年轻20. I dont think so. 我不这么认为。21. sit in the basket 坐在篮子里22. go there 去那儿23. get there 到达那儿24. live in Shanghai 住在上海25. work on a big ship 在大轮船上工作26. go to many cities 去许多城市27.public transport 公共交通 3 句型 1.Where do you/they live? I/We/They live on Moon Street. 你/他们住在哪儿?我/我们/他们住在月亮街。 2. Where does Su Hai live? She lives in Sunshine Town. 苏海住在哪儿?她住在阳光小镇。 3. Where does Mike live? He lives far from school. 迈克住在哪儿?他住的离学校远。4. How do you/they come to school? I/We/They come to school by car. 你/他们怎样去学校?我/我们/他们乘小汽车去学校。 5. How does Yang Ling come to school? She comes to school by metro. 杨玲怎样去学校?她乘地铁去学校。 6. Do you like your new home?Yes, its big. 你喜欢你的新家吗?是的,它很大。 7. My home is not far from school. I go to school on foot. 我的家离学校不远。我步行去上学。 8. Su Hai and Su Yang live near school . They come to school by bus. 苏海和苏阳住在学校附近。她们乘公交车去上学。 9. My brother likes riding a bike in the park. 我的弟弟喜欢在公园里骑自行车。10. Bobby wants to show his new car to Sam. 鲍勃想要把他的新车给山姆看。 11. Can I go to City Library on foot? No , you cant . Its far from here. 我能步行去市图书馆吗?不能。它离这儿远。 12. My aunt lives in Beijing. We sometimes visit her by plane. 我的阿姨住在北京。我们有时乘飞机去看望她。 13. My parents always go there by bike. 我的父母亲总是骑自行车去那儿。 14. My uncle works on a big ship. He goes to many cities. 我的叔叔在大船上工作。他去过很多城市。 15. My father goes to work by bus. 我的爸爸乘公交去上班。 二 语法知识部分:(要求:读一读, 理解运用)1. 在show的后面经常会出现两个宾语,一个是物(直接宾语),一个是人(间接宾语)。这两个宾语的位置有两种情况:show +直接宾语+to+间接宾语 如:show his bike to me show +间接宾语+直接宾语 如:show me his bike 除show 之外,常见的双宾语动词还有give , send 等如 :give a cake to him = give him a cake send a letter to her = send her a letter2. I dont think so. 为避免重复,在think , guess等动词后可以用so 来代替上文已经说及的内容,意思是“这样”、“如此”。如: I think so . 我认为是这样。 I guess so. 我猜是这样。 否定结构是I dont think so. 和I dont guess so. 3. live 表示“住”“居住”, 后面的介词可以是in , on 或at in 后面跟国家、城市、乡镇或房屋等。如:Peter lives in London. on 后面通常是街道或楼层。如:Liu Tao lives on Park Street. at 接具体的街道门牌号码。 Wang Bing lives at 156 Jinlin Street. 4. by 和take 的用法by (介词,表示方式,有靠、用、通过、乘的意思。)take (动词,乘坐某种交通工具)词性不同,用法也不同。如:I come to school by bus. I take a bus to school. 三 拓展部分:(要求:根据老师要求,认真完成) 1. 根据中文意思,完成下列句子。 1) 你住在哪里?我住在阳光小镇。 do you ? I live Sunshine .2) 迈克住在哪儿? 他住在光华街。 Where Mike ? He Guanghua . 3) 你每天怎样回家?我乘公交车。 do you home every day? . 4) 你爸爸怎样上班?他开车。 How father go to ? He to work by car. 5) 你家离学校远吗?不,我家在学校附近。 your home school? No, its school. 6) 我弟弟住在学校附近。他步行到那儿。 My brother near school. He foot. 2. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop there. His mother is a doctor. He is seven years old and he goes to school from Monday to Friday. The school is far away from his home. His father drives him to school every day. His teachers all like him because he is a lovely boy. It is Monday morning. Miss Green teaches them numbers from one to ten. Sam studies hard. Soon, he can count(数) them. Miss Green is happy and asks,” How many people are there in your family, Sam?” Sam stands up and says, “Two, Miss Green.” “Huh?” Miss Green is surprised. She says,” There are three people in your family. ” “But now I am not at home. Im at school. “( ) 1. Sam lives in . A. the US B. China C. London( ) 2. Sams mother is a . A. cook B. doctor C. teacher( ) 3. Sam is a . Ahigh school student (高中生) B. primary school student(小学生) C. middle school student (中学生)( ) 4. Sam usually goes to school . A. by bike B. by car C. on foot( ) 5. There are people in Sams family. A. two B. three C. four 专心-专注-专业
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