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7A Module 1 RelationshipsUnit 1 Relatives in BeijingP11 invite v邀请 Ive invited the Smiths to visit us next Friday我已邀请史密斯一家下周五来家里玩。 Shall we invite them back after the theatre? 看完戏我们邀请他们回去好吗? 【联想】invitation n邀请;请柬2 expensive adj. 昂贵的 I think international calls are very expensive我认为国际电话费用很高。 The dress is too expensive for me to buy那条裙子太昂贵,我买不起。 【近义】dear adj. 贵的 【反义】cheap adj便宜的3 talk to说话;讲话;谈话4 * brochure n资料手册 Ill send you the brochure right away,我会马上把资料手册给您寄去。 The travel brochure made me decide to go to the Caribbean for holiday 这本旅游小册子使我决定去加勒比海度假。 【记忆】a travel brochure旅游手册5 agent n代理人;经纪人 He and his agent have parted company他和他的代理人散伙了。 I booked my holiday through the local travel agent我是通过当地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。 【联想】agency n代理处1 Ive got a letter from Uncle Weiming我收到一封卫明叔叔的来信。 He has invited us to stay with his family in August他邀请我们八月去和他家人一起过。 两个句子都使用了现在完成时。在这两个句子中,现在完成时用于表示动作已经发生(但并不追究动作发生的具体时间),并对现在产生一定的影响。 现在完成时的基本结构是:have/has+动词的过去分词构成。 Ive lost my passport.我把护照丢了。(其含义是:I cant find my passport now.) Weve bought a new car.我们买了一部新车。(其含义是:We have a new car now.) get a letter from意为“收到的来信”,与receive a letter from或hear from意思相近。如: My sister got a letter/received a letter/heard from her penfriend yesterday.我妹妹 昨天收到了一封她笔友写来的信。 invite somebody to do something是“邀请某人做某事”的意思。如: Judy invited us to attend her birthday party last Saturday.上周六,朱迪邀请我们去参加她的生日聚会。 stay with意为“与同住;与一起过”。如: Would you like to stay with us for the night?今晚你愿意住我们这儿吗?2 I havent seen my cousins before.我还没见过我的堂弟和堂妹哦。 before在本例中是个副词,意为“以前,之前”。如: They havent been to the USA before.他们以前没有去过美国。 此外,before还可以作连词,表示“在之前,在以前”的意思,用于引导时间状语从句。如: He usually drinks a glass of milk before he goes to bed.他临睡前总要喝一杯牛奶。3 Its cheaper and more interesting.(坐火车)更便宜,而且更有趣。4 Lets talk to Mum and Kitty我们跟妈妈还有基蒂谈谈吧! talk to意为“与交谈”。 talk是不及物动词,我们通常用talk to somebody或talk with somebody来表示“与交谈”的含义,但前者强调“告诉;告知”,有“一人讲、众人听”的意思;而后者强调“交流;讨论”,有“众家之言”的意思。如:They taught the little boy not to talk to strangers.他们教育小男孩不要和陌生人说话。I dont like to talk with him; he has a very rude manner.我不喜欢和他说话,他态度粗野。5 Im going to get some brochures from the travel agent我打算到旅行社代理人那里拿些小册子。 getfrom意为“从处得到”,也可以表示“从中获得”from后跟人或物或地方。如: I get my pocket money of 200 yuan every month from my mother.戒每个月可以从妈妈那儿拿到200元零用钱。 People can get oil from the ground.人们可以从地底下获取石油。 travel agent足指“旅行社代理人”
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