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3BM1U2 EX1 班级_ 姓名_学号_. .正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标点符号。touch the banana how does it feel its smooth. 按要求写单词。反义词:smooth _ soft _ hot_同类词:touch_ ship_ two_. 用have、has、am、is、are填空。1. I _ a good friend. Her name _ Jessie.2. Where _ the boys? In the playground.3. A frog _ four legs. Two frogs _ eight legs.4. There _ a supermarket on the moon.5. Touch the desk. _ it hard?6. I _ two hands and ten fingers.判断划线部分发音是否相同,用T或F表示。( )1. make fat ( )2. tree see ( )3.she red( )4. chair school ( )5. snake like ( )6. shop ship.改写句子。1. The pineapple is hard. (划线提问) _2. How does the bread feel? (soft) _3. I can see two bananas. (划线提问) _.完成句子。1. A. _ _ is the desk? B. Its black.2. A. What _ _ hear? B. I can hear _ _(一架飞机).3. A. Touch the bag. _ does it feel? B. Its _ and _.4. A. _ you like toy bears? B. No, I dont. 阅读短文并回答问题。Kitty: There are many things in my bag. Ben: What are they?Kitty: Close your eyes. Touch them. Ben: OK. Are they biscuits?Kitty: Yes. There are some biscuits in it. They are nice. Ben: There are some apples and some oranges in it, too. The apples are hard. The oranges are soft.Kitty: Have an apple and orange, please. Ben: Thank you. Oh, The apple is sweet. I like this apple.1. Whats in Kittys bag? _2. Are the biscuits nice? _3. Are the apples soft? _4. Whose bag is it? _5. How do the oranges feel? _3BM1U2 EX2 班级_ 姓名_学号_ _.正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标点符号。please touch the cake alice how does it feel. 判断划线部分发音是否相同,用T或F表示。( )1. elephant desk ( )2. apple name ( )3. toy boy( )4. sheep fish ( )5. peach smooth ( )6. hungry rough.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. _ (this) bananas are smooth and soft.2. Touch the bag. How _(do) it feel.3. Feel the _(glass). How _(do) they feel?4. Supergirl _ (like) the Moon bread.5. I _(have) two ears and two _(eye). I _(can) see and hear.6. There is _(a) aeroplane in the sky. Its very high.填入合适的词,将句子补充完整。1. This apple is _ and _. 2. Im _. I want some bread.3. We can touch and feel_ our hands. 4. The desks arent soft. They are _.改写句子1. The desk is hard.(否定句,意思不变) _2. Miss Wang can hear a monkey.(划线提问) _3. I can touch the rabbit.(否定句) _. 阅读短文并判断,用“T”或“F”表示I am a rabbit. Im soft and warm. I have got white hair and two red eyes. Look at the grass. I like to eat the grass. Its green and soft. I dont like to eat pineapple. Its hard and rough. But its sweet.( )1. The rabbit is hard. ( )2. The rabbit has got black hair and red eyes.( )3. The rabbit likes to eat green and soft grass.( )4. The pineapple is not soft, smooth and sour. .选择填空。( )1.I _ hear a bird. But I _ see the bird.A. can, canB. can, cantC. cant, cant( )2._ can you hear? I can hear a car.A. WhatB. WhereC. What colour( )3._ is the doll? Its brown.A. WhatB. What colourC. How( )4.Can you hear the telephone? _A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, he can.C. Yes, I hear.( )5.Can Kitty hear _ aeroplane?A. aB. anC. /( )6.There _ many birds sitting on the chair.A. areB. isC. /( )7.I can see a bus, _ some cars too.A. butB. /C. and3BM1U2 EX3 班级_ 姓名_学号_. 判断划线部分发音是否相同,用T或F表示。( )1.cat rabbit ( )2. snake snack ( )3. tiger giraffe( )4. desk elephant ( )5. ruler rubber ( )6. shop with.选择合适的单词填空。 smooth hard soft rough nice hungry1. Touch this glass. Its _ and _.2. The pineapple is not _. Its _.3. Superdog is _. He wants some bread.4. The Moon pie is _ and _. 改写句子。1. These apples are smooth and hard.(划线提问) _
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