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上海高考英语备考训练高二下学期英语中译英练习Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 期初摸底1, 只要你不轻言放弃,你成为宇航员的梦想终将实现。(as long as)2, 如果你在我们出发前,帮我们提前订好机票,我们将不胜感激。(appreciate)3, 经过了多次的尝试之后,他成功地发明了一种新式的电池。(attempt n.)4, 调查显示,一些家长担心他们的孩子可能在虚拟游戏中犯罪。(concerned)5, 这座以这位杰出的建筑师名字命名的大桥是历史上的一个重要标志。(name v.)1, As long as you dont give up, your dream of becoming / being an astronaut will come true / be realized.2, We would appreciate it if you could book flight tickets in advance before our departure / we leave.3, After (he made) many attempts, he succeeded in inventing a new type of battery.4, Research shows that some parents are concerned that their children might commit crimes in the virtual games.5, The bridge which was named after an outstanding architect is an important symbol in history.Unit 11,那个地区的水不适合饮用。(fit)2,有氧运动是最有益的最美的运动方式之一。(form)3, 到大学里学习什么专业(major)应该由你来做决定。(up to)4,学校设立了许多旨在提高学生们的学习兴趣的选修课(selective course)。(aim)5,现在很多的家长太注重孩子的学习成绩,忽视了他们的心理健康。(emphasis)1, The water in that area is not fit to drink. (=is not suitable for drinking)2, Aerobic exercise is one of the most beneficial and one of the most beautiful forms of exercise.3, Its up to you to decide what to major in / what major to choose / take up in the university.4, The school has set up a good many selective courses aiming / aimed at arousing the students interests in learning.5, Nowadays, many parents lay too much emphasis on the childrens academic performance / school records, neglecting / and neglect their mental health.Unit 21, 教师在课上经常安排学生陈述对时事问题的看法,以培养学生独立思考的能力。(arrange)2, 他几乎听不进别人的建议,总是我行我素。(Seldom)3, 令人吃惊的是呼吸这样污染的空气等于每天抽十支烟。(equivalent)4, 俗话说锻炼使我们的身体强壮,学习使我们的思维敏捷。(strengthen)5, 不可否认,乐于助人,有幽默感的人会给别人带来很多快乐。(It)1, In order to develop the students ability to think independently, teachers often arrange for students to state their opinions / set out their views / perspectives on current issues in class.2, Seldom does he follow others advice, and he always sticks to his own way.3, It is surprising that breathing such polluted air is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a day.4, An old saying goes that / As the old saying goes, exercise strengthens our body while study / learning sharpens our mind.5, It cant be denied that whoever is ready to help others and has a sense of humor is sure to bring much fun / happiness to others.Unit 31, 认为同事不如自己是错误的。(inferior)2, 正在玩耍的孩子们使他想起了自己快乐的童年。(remind)3, 与他沟通是没有用的,因为他总是对别人的建议置若罔闻。(point n.)4, 作为一种有力的工具,颜色常被用于鼓动顾客买不熟悉的物品。(persuade)5, 西方传统越来越受年轻女士的青睐,因此在婚礼上他们更喜欢白色礼服。(thus)1, It is wrong to think that colleagues are inferior to ourselves. / regard co-workers as inferior(s).2, Children at play remind him of his (own) happy childhood.3, There is no point (in) communicating with him because he always turns a deaf ear to others advice.4, As a powerful tool, colors are often used to persuade customers to buy unfamiliar goods.5, Western traditions are becoming more and more popular with / among young women, and thus they prefer (wearing) white dresses at the / a wedding.Unit 41, 放弃那份工作就意味着你失去了晋升的机会。(abandon)2, 据说,这幅画在19世纪为某位欧洲收藏家所拥有。(possess)3, 他依然很难和同学们交流,这可能将导致更严重的后果。(difficulty)4, 鉴于他对科学界做出的杰出贡献,他应该被授予诺贝尔物理奖。(deserve)5, 西方人过母亲节的习俗可追溯到一百多年前。(date from)1, Abandoning that job means your missing the chance of being promoted.2, It is said that this painting was possessed by a European collector in the 19th century.3, He still has difficulty (in) communicating with his classmates, which may lead to more serious consequences.4, Considering his great contribution to scientific community, he deserved to be awarded the Nobel Physics Prize.5, The custom of westerners celebrating Mothers Day dates from over one hundred years ago.Unit 51, 痴迷于美容手术可能伤害你的健康。(obsession)2, 设定个人目标并确保达到是非常重要的。(It)3, 缺乏毅力和实践必将注定你的语言学习的失败。(doom)4, 东方明珠电视塔,上海的象征,已成为海内外游客的旅游景点。(label v.)5, 重要的不是来参观展览会的人数,而是提高全球城市环境的意识。(matter v.)1, Obsession with cosmetic surgery may damage your health.2, It is vital / very important that you should set your personal goals and make sure that you achieve them,3, Due to / For lack of perseverance and practice, you are doomed to fail in your language leaning. 4, Labeled as the symbol of Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower has now become a tourist attraction to visitors from home and abroad.5, What matters is not the number of people who visit the exhibition / exposition / show but the awareness of improving the worlds urban environment.Unit 61, 即使我们相隔千里也不要紧。(matter)2, 接受了一系列的培训后,学生都能独立在兔子身上做实验了。(series)3, 毫无疑问,任何对自己的事业缺乏兴趣的人注定要失败。(doom)4, 当一个人遭到疾病的威胁时,他会充分意识到健康的价值。(aware)5, 这个商人一心只想着盈利以至于无视生产所制造的污染。(So)1, It doesnt matter even if we are thousands of miles apart.2, After taking a series of training, the students can make experiments on rabbits independently.3, There is no doubt that anyone who lacks interest in his career is do
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