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高二期末北师大版Unit 10英语单词复习和巩固 (By Mr. Cui)赚得,挣得_皮夹子,钱包_失业_乞讨,恳求_确定,决定_使人快乐的_用过的,旧的,二手的_关于,关系到_勤奋的_寝室,宿舍_高兴的,满意的_赠送给,泄露(秘密)_知道的,意识到的_退学,退出_商人,实业家_炉子_(酒)醉的_新闻工作者,记者_贪婪的,贪心的_爆玉米花_香烟_决心要做的事_粗鲁的,无礼的_扶手椅_地毯_花瓶_交易,便宜货,讨价还价_现金,现款_产品;出品_传真_围巾,头巾,披巾_项链,项圈_很感兴趣的,热情的_羞耻的,惭愧的_坚定的,稳固的_好斗的;有进取心的_食品杂货_衣服_打搅,使烦恼_女售货员_男售货员,男推销员_女衬衫_长筒靴 _皮革_内衣,汗背心_评论,评价_乐趣,娱乐活动_金刚石,钻石_饼干,小点心_吸引;呼吁,恳求_近似地,大约地_泥土,土壤_包含,含有_平衡_移开,挪走_重要(性)_农作物,庄稼_经济_使困惑_谷,山谷_祖国,家乡_祖国,家乡_举止,表现_取得进展,改进_电脑软件_实际的,实践的_移动电话_无用的,无效的_头戴式受话机,耳机_金属丝,金属线_浴缸,洗澡_信号,暗号_自由_摄影;摄影术_信用卡_自动的_中心,焦点_闪光灯,闪光,闪烁_嘈杂的,喧闹的_顾客_清洁器,清洁工人_(电)冰箱_翻译_与电有关的,用电的_水壶_准确地,真正地_课本,教科书_磁盘_代替,取代_失业_赠送给,泄露(秘密)_退学,推出_信用卡_一、单词拼写:1. A good teacher has to be able to _ her students. (激发)2. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks m_. 3. We try to celebrate the _of our students. (成就)4. As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of a_ . 5. I really like the_ the store has to offer. (丰富多样) 6. The audience broke into rapturous _. (欢呼;喝彩)7. We set out to _ exactly what happened that night. (查明)8. The aim of the inquiry was to d_ what had caused the accident. 9. Games can make learning more e_. 10. In her last days the poet expressed _ for her father. (关切) 11. What I have to say _ a man you all know.(与.有关)12. He looked at the gold with g_ eyes. 13. Carol made a _ to work harder at school. (决心)14. The labour union_ for a better contract. (谈判)15. They must have new markets for their_. (产品)16. All the staff are e_ about the project. 17. The singer got an _ reception. (热情) 18. Teachers apparently expect a certain amount of _ behaviour from boys. (攻击性的)19. A successful businessman has to be a_. 20. What _ him most was that he had received no apology. (使. . 生气)21. Everyone in the literary circle _ on upon his new poem. (评论)23. The cats are a constant source of _ to us. (乐趣) 24. The girls family have made a public _l for help to try and catch her killer. (吁请)25. Organizers a_ to the crowd not to panic. 26. The journey took _ eight hours. (大约)27. This drink doesnt _ any alcohol. (包含)28. Tourists often disturb the delicate_ of nature on the island. (平衡)29. He _ his hand from her shoulder. (拿开)30. Three children_ from the school for persistent bad behaviour. (开除)31. What_ me is why he left the country without telling anyone. (使困惑)32. We live in an age of rapid technological _. (前进;发展)33. They havent thought about the _ consequences of the new regulations. (实际)34. At an agreed _ they left the room. (信号)35. His _ is good. You can trust him. (信誉)36. The discussion _ on seven main problems. (集中)37. _, she had no idea what was going on. (令人难以置信的)38. Teachers will never_ by computers in the classroom. (取代)二、句型结构:1. Weve had to _our wedding until September. (推迟)2. _ we are living in London.(目前,现在)3. Hes been _ for six months.(失业)4.I bought the camera _. (二手的) 5. She _ all her property to the local church. (捐赠)6. The group gets smaller as members move away or _. (退出)7.Bill _ of college after his first year. (辍学)参考答案:1.motivate 2.motivation 3.achievements 4.achievement 5. varie
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