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北师大版高三一轮英语卷七选修7第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)21The people of China are proud of Zhai Zhigang,_man who has realized all Chinese dream of flying in_space.Athe;/Ba;theCthe;aDa;/22The seat can be_to make you feel more comfortable.Aadapted Badjusted Cadopted Darranged23Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes_to American audiences.Athrough Bback Cacross Dround24The match was cancelled because most of the members_a match without a standard court.Awere opposed to have Bwere objected to haveCwere opposed to having Dobjected to have25_you may be right,I cant altogether agree.AWhile BAs CIf DSince26Traditionally,Native Americans are believed_from northeast Asia,arriving over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska 12,000 years ago.Ato come Bto have come Ccoming Dcome27_the world thinks of the US these days,American labels dominate this years annual Interband Corp.ranking of the 100 most valuable global brands.AWhat BWhich CThat DWhatever28Bill Gates said that he planned to_almost all of his vast fortune,largely to the cause of global health,during the course of his lifetime.Agive away Bgive way Ctake away Dthrow away29Dad,we have been invited to uncle Toms birthday party this Saturday evening.Please remind me again_I forget it.Aeven if Bin case Cas if Dwhat if30I cant_staying with him;he is so selfish.Atolerate Bremove Cpass Dcompromise31All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were_.He died soon afterwards.Ain place Bin return Cin vain Din order32Yao Ming played games with children of the Jianshecun Village Elementary School,the first school built from Yao Mings_to the earthquakehit region.Asolution Bcollection Cdevotion Ddonation33_young people see and hear in the media helps them to figure out how the world works.AWhich BThat CWhat DHow34Their_request is refused,which is not beyond expectation at all.Aabrupt Babsurd Cacute Dacceptable35Many students find_jobs during their summer holidays.Apermanent BcomfortableCtemporary Dcontemporary第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)The power of encouragement is great.You may draw some inspiration from the following story.Dante Gabriel Rossetti,a famous 19thcentury poet and artist,was once_36_by an elderly man.The old man had some sketches (素描) and drawings that he_37_Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good,or if they at least showed_38_talent.Rossetti looked them_39_carefully.After the first few,he knew that they were worthless,showing not the least_40_of artistic talent.But Rossetti was a_41_man,and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were of little_42_and showed little talent.He was sorry,but he could not_43_to the man.The visitor was_44_,but seemed to expect Rossettis_45_.He then apologized for_46_Rossettis time,but would he just_47_a few more drawingsthese done by a(n)_48_art student?Rossetti looked over the_49_batch (一批) of sketches and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they_50_.“These,”he said,“oh,these are good.This young student has great talent.He should be given every_51_and encouragement in his career as an artist.He has a_52_future if he will work and stick to it.”Rossetti could see that the old man was_53_moved.“Who is this fine young artist?” he asked.“Your son?”“No,” said the old man sadly.“It was I who painted the pictures 40 years ago._54_I had heard your praise then!For you see,I got discouraged and_55_drawingtoo soon.”36A.abandonedBapproachedCinspectedDrequested37A.hoped Bmade Chad Dwanted38A.potential Bcommercial Cofficial Dspiritual39A.up Bon Cover Ddown40A.sign Bmark Cchance Dview41A.rude Bkind Ctalented Dcreative42A.help Bprice Cvalue Dquality43A.speak Bapologize Clisten Dlie44A.disappointed Bannoyed Cdelighted Dpuzzled45A.achievement BadjustmentCstatement Djudgment46A.taking up Bturning upCmaking up Dlooking up47A.aim at Bglare at Clook at Dstare at48A.old Byoung Cfamous Dtalented49A.first Bsecond Cthird Dlast50A.reviewed Bexposed Crevealed Drejected51A.help Btime Cchance Dwork52A.charming Bbooming Cpromising Dtouching53A.slightly Bsmoothly Cbarely Ddeeply54A.If only BOnly if CNow that DAs long as55A.insisted on Bgave up Cheaded to Dled to第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThey crossed in front of me as I was driving out of the store parking lot (停车场)I would be delayed for a whole ten seconds.However,I realized that it was an elderly couple who were briefly delaying my departure (出发)No more anger.The man leaned on his wife wh
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