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全新版大学英语综合教程第二册自主学习测试题答案Unit 4 Text B Mothers Mad about the InternutsI. Useful expressions (20 points)1.对入了迷be hooked on 2.除之外(还)on top of3. 历史久远的方式time-honoured way4. 传播媒介vehicle5. 总的看来 on the whole6.恐怖电影 a horror movie7. 据所知 to ones knowledge8. 不用说 needless to say10.模仿艺术 imitate art9. 唤起邪恶的力量call forth evil forcesII. Reading comprehension(30 points)Section A (10 points)11.L 12.013. B14.C15.116. D 17. K18. H19. N20.FSection B (20 points)21. D22. D23. A24. D25. A26. C27. A28. C29. A30.CIII. Translation (20 points)31. is really annoying32. from a completely different angle33. in a household that is otherwise peaceful34. What frightens me is that35. But I cannot clear it from my headIV. Writing (30 points)Open
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