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term 是什么意思用法有哪些aa既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道term做名词和动词分别 都是什么意思吗?下面为大家带来term的英语意思和相关用法,欢 迎大家学习!把…称为;把…叫做term作名词的意思术语;期限;学期;条款term 的英语音标英t:m 美tmterm的用法:term的用法1 : term的基本意思是“期,期限” 引申可表示“学期” “开庭期,会期”“终止期”等。作“学期”解时 其前有时加不定冠词,主要是指英国的中学、大学中一年三个学期中 的任一学期。作“终止期”解时,通常用作单数形式。term的用法2 : term也可作“术语,行话”解,指有特定意义的 词或专门名词,通常用作复数形式。term的用法3:在数学术语中term还可作“项”解。term的用法4 : term的复数形式terms还可作“条件,条款” “费 用,价格,价钱”“关系友谊”解,其后常与介词at或on连用。term 的英语例句 1. This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.这可以说是一场与宿敌你死我活的比赛。2. The country had confounded the pundits by electing afourth-term Tory government.该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不 已。3. Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spains election.费利佩;冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第4次连任。4. There was a net outflow of about £50m in short-term capital.短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。5. The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。6. They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects.他们需提供绝对可靠的担保,才能投资长期项目。7. This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain.这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。8. The term "early retirement" is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays.现在“提前退休”几乎就是裁员的委婉说法。9. A term in prison will concentrate his mind wonderfully.一想到要被判刑,他的头脑就会变得非常清醒。10. Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term.违犯者可判处7年监禁。11. Investors werent concerned about short-term profits over the next few years.投资者对未来几年里的短期收益并不感兴趣。12. McKen criticises the lack of explication of what the term "areas" means.麦肯批评说对“区域” 一词的含义缺少解释。13. She was dumped by her long-term lover after five years.5年后她被相恋多年的恋人抛弃了。14. What a crazy scheme, and I use that term advisedly.这是个多么疯狂的计划,我用了那个词是斟酌过的。15. Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy.在保单有效期内,所缴纳的保险费是有保障的。term是什么意思 4
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