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核心员工激励机制研究摘 要在中国加入WTO后,随着外资电力机车企业的进入和国内电力机车企业之间竞争的加剧,核心人才竞争也愈演愈烈。企业绩效改进的关键是留住核心人才,而要留住核心人才,关键在于企业实行的激励机制。要使核心员工在工作中付出最大的努力,管理者就必须对核心员工进行有效的激励,以便从既定的目标出发,寻求组织与个人在目标行为上的内在一致性,从而达到两者之间在行为与其效果上的良性循环。本论文以ZZ电力机车公司构建核心员工激励机制为研究课题,希望通过这一研究,能够对企业核心员工激励机制的建立提供有益的探索。本论文首先对国内外相关激励理论进行简要的概述,对国内外激励理念和观点进行对比分析,指出激励理论对企业建立有效激励机制的启示;接着对企业核心员工的概念进行了认识和界定,分析了核心员工的特征,从而确定了ZZ电力机车公司核心员工的构成;其次是对ZZ电力机车公司目前的核心员工资源管理现状和面临的内外环境进行了分析,总结和分析了ZZ电力机车公司目前对核心员工激励中存在的问题和激励失效的原因。在此基础上,综合运用各种激励理论,从薪酬激励、精神激励、成长性激励、制度激励四个方面构建了ZZ电力机车公司核心员工激励机制。同时,为了保证核心员工激励机制作用的充分发挥,提出了相关的激励机制保障措施。本论文能够运用激励理论去分析和探讨企业核心员工激励机制的建立问题,注重理论联系实践,加深对激励理论的认识,并提出解决实践中存在问题的框架,为建立科学、持久的激励机制奠定基础。注意充分调配各种激励资源,促进人力资源管理的基础研究工作,为企业建立现代企业制度提供支持。ZZ电力机车公司的问题在电力机车企业中具有一定的代表性,因此本文对我国电力机车公司企业激励机制的改进也可以提供有益的启示。关键词激励机制 核心员工 株洲电力机车AbstractAfter China joined WTO,more and more foreign capital Electric lootive enterprises entered into China,the entering of these enterprises increased the petition between them and the local electric lootive enterprises,and in this process,the petition between the core talented person are also being increasingly fierce .The key point of improving the performance of a enterprise is to keep the core talented person ,while the key point of keeping the core talented person lies in the incentive mechanism the enterprise implement. For core staff pay their biggest effort in the work,the effective prompting for them for them from the governors is quite necessary,to the effect that they can set out form the decided target,look for the intrinsic consistency of target behavior between organizations and individuals,thus achieves virtuous circle of both their behaviors and results. The thesis is about the construction of incentive mechanism for core staff in Zhu Zhou electric lootive subsidiary pany,and hope to provide some beneficial explorations for the construction of incentive mechanism for them.This thesis first briefly outlined the relative incentive theories from domestic and foreign,carried on the contrast analysis to the ideas and viewpoints of them,pointed out enlightenment which es from the incentive theories to establishing effective incentive mechanism for a enterprise; And then carried on the understanding and definitions to the concept of enterprisescore staff, analyzed the characteristics of them,thus confirmed the structure of the core staff in Zhu Zhou electric lootive subsidiary pany;Secondly this thesis analyzed the management actuality of the core staff resources and the inside & outside environment this pany face,summarized and analyzed the actual problems on the prompting to core staff and the reason why these problems exist. On this foundation,prehensively utilized each kind of incentive theory, constructed the core staff incentive mechanism of Zhu Zhou electric lootive subsidiary pany from four aspects: The salary drives, the spirit drives, the growth drives and the system drives ,simultaneously ,in order to guarantee the function of incentive mechanism to the core staff can be fully displayed, the author put forward the relative safeguard measures for this incentive mechanism.The characteristics of this thesis lie in, using incentive theories to analyze and discuss the establishment problem of incentive mechanism for core staff, paying attention to the bination of theories and practice, building up the foundation for establishing the scientific and lasting incentive mechanism. Paying attention to fully dispense various incentive management, providing supports for building up the modern enterprise system the problems which Zhu Zhou electric lootive subsidiary pany face has certain representative in all the electric lootive enterprises, therefore the thesis will provide some beneficial enlightenment to improve the incentive system of electric lootive enterprises in china.Key wordsIncentive Mechanism Core Staff,Zhu Zhou electric lootive61 / 68目 录目 录I致 谢i和参考数据的引用声明ii摘 要iiiAbstractiv图目录vi表目录vii第一章 绪 论11.1研究的背景11.2研究的目的和意义21.3待答问题21.4有关名词的解释31.5研究的X围与限制3第二章 文献评述52.1激励概念与激励机制52.2国外激励理论研究62.3国内对激励理论的研究和应用92.4核心员工的概念与特征11第三章 研究方法与设计143.1研究对象143.2 论文研究方法设计143.3研究的基本思路和方法143.4研究的内容与结构17第四章 研究的结果与分析184.1ZZ电力机车公司核心员工基本状况184.2公司核心员工激励中存在的问题与激励失效原因分析244.3核心员工激励机制构建的指导思想和基本任务、思路与模型344.4核心员工激励机制的基本内容394.5ZZ电力机车公司核心员工激励机制的保障措施54第五章 结论与建议575.1主要结论575.2 创新与应用价值585.3待进一步研究的问题58参考文献59图目录图2-1动机的作用过程4图2-2期望理论关系图5图2-3目标设定过程图8图3-1论文研究框架图15图4-l麦肯锡7-S17图4-2ZZ电力机车公司薪酬结构图28图4-3核心员工激励机制总体框架模型38图4-4公司核心员工激励机制体系39表目录表21激励因素与保健因素7表4-1学历结构19表4-2职称结构19表4-3公司竞争优势调查统计表23表44工作效率与生产力调查统计表24表45晋升制度调查统计表24表46工
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