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2006年高二英语学科教案Unit 1 Making a difference 【教学目标】1. 谈论科学和科学家(talk about science and scientists)2. 练习描写人物并展开辩论(Practice describing people and debating)3. 进一步学习动词不定式(Learn more about the infinitive)【单元内容概述】 本单元的中心话题是 “科学家”, 具体涉及科学家的名言、轶事、科学家的成功之道、如何向科学家学习等。 语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕介绍 “科学家” 这一中心话题设计的。1. 单词 undertake analysis obvious within agriculture gravity curious branch debate scan boundary graduate resaech weelchair disable theory seek misunderstand scientific observe match predict unhappiness crime astronomer microscope telescope heaven intelligent patient experiment2. 词组work on go by go on with dream of turn out use up be satisfied with take a look at what if the other way round3. 功能英语1) 描述人物 (Describing people)The scientist is curious and careful.He is also intelligent and patient. you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduated student2) 辩论 (Debating)I think biology is the most important and useful science becauseThats correct. Thats trueIts clear that I doubt thatIts hard to say. Well, maybe, butTheres no doult that Whats your idea?Have you thought about?4. 语法 动词不定式(短语)作主语、宾语、定语和状语:To obey the law is everyones duty. (作主语)Scientists try to describe and explain what we see. (作动词宾语)That will be the only thing to do now. (作定语)Learn from the past mistakes to avoid the future ones. (作状语,表示目的)We were surprised to find him there. (作状语,表示原因)重、难点知识讲解 一. 重点单词与词组1undertake vt. & vi. (undertook, undertaken)(1)着手工作start on (work),担任职位(take up a position). He undertook a revolutionary task then. 他当时从事一项革命工作.(undertake. sth.) He undertook a journey.他准备旅行。(2)承担;接受;同意;保证 We should undertake the responsibility for changes. 我们应该承担起改革的责任。(承担) He undertook to be our guide. 他同意做我们的向导。(undertake to be 同意) (相当于promise /agree) He undertook to improve the working arrangements. 他答应改善工作方式。 (undertake to do sth.相当于promise /agree to do sth.) I will undertake that all the cattle will grow well.我保证所有的牲畜都能长得好。(undertake that保证)2 curious adj.(1)好奇的;好求知的(eager to know /learn). A good student should always be curious to learn. 好学生应有求知欲。(be curious to do sth)(2)好管闲事的,爱打听隐私的(having /showing too much interest in other peoples affairs)He was so curious to know what was in the letter that he opened it; even though it was addressed to his father.虽然,信是寄给他父亲收的,但他对信的内容十分好奇,就把它折开看了。(be curious to do sth)(3)古怪的;奇怪的;奇特的;不寻常的(strange, unusual) This is a curious piece of 19th century art. 这是一部稀罕的十九世纪艺术品。 派生词:curiously adv. Curiously (enough), he seemed to know that already.真奇怪,那件事他好像知道了。3 branch n.(学科)分科;树枝;支流;支线;分支机构Some birds settled on the branches of a big tree.一些鸟栖息在一棵大树的枝头上。(树枝)The Han River is a branch of the Changjiang River.汉水是长江的支流。(支流)You can find a branch road /railway in front of you.你可在眼前发现一个道路/铁路支线。(支线)Physics is a branch of science.物理学是一门科学。(分科)Our business has branches in many cities.我们在许多城市设有分店。(分支机构)He comes from a branch of our family that settled in America.他来自我们定居美国的家族的一支。(分支)相关搭配:a Party branch 党支部a League branch团支部a general Party branch党总支a branch office分局;分店4 debate n. 辩论;争论vt. 与辩论;争论vi.辩论;争论;参加辩论There will be a long debate before the new law is passed.新法令通过以前要先作一次长的辩论。(n.)I debated upon /about the question with Mary.我跟玛丽辩论这个问题。(v.)与upon /about 连用,构成词组:debate upon /about sth with sb或debate with sb upon /about sth.与某人辩论某问题They debated the question at the meeting yesterday.昨天他们在会议上辩论了这个问题。(vt.)另外,此词也可指心理的思想的斗争,可作“考虑,思考”讲,如:I debated the idea in my mind until I fell asleep.我入睡前心中一再思考这个问题。派生词:debater n.好争辩者;精于争辩者5 work on(1)继续工作例如: They have been working on the problem these five years. 这五年来他们一直致力于解决这个问题。(2)对做工作,对施加影响例如: Work on your father until he agrees. 做做你父亲的工作,直到他同意为止。(3)影响 A childs tears always work on his mothers feeling. 孩子的眼泪总是影响其母亲的情绪。6 research vt. & vi.调查、研究、探索(into, on)They researched on /into the effects of cigarette smoking.他们研究了抽烟的影响。(research on /into sth. vi.)We are researching a subject.我们正在研究一个专题。(research sth. vt.)This book has been very well researched.这本书的研究做得很深入。(vt.)n.(1)研究,探讨( U ) They will do some research on disease of the blood. 他们将研究血液疾病。(do research on /into sth.) They are working on a piece of research. 他们正从事一项研究。(2)一项研究成果( C ) They carried out a research into the causes of brain damage. 他们进行了脑伤原因的研究。 My researches were directed towards finding a cure for headaches.我的研究目标是治头疼的方法。7 seek vt. & vi.(sought, sought) 寻找,探索,追求(after, for)We sought after the truth in the matter.我们寻找事情的真相。(seek after sth. vi.)They were seeking among his untidy papers for the right one.他们正在杂乱的文件堆中找寻着要的那一份。(seekforvi)You could seek shelter from the rain.你能寻找避雨之所。(seek sthvt.)You s
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