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精选资料欢迎下载人教版学校英语五年级上册单词表Unit 1Young j .(年轻的) funny f .ni(滑稽可笑的) tallt .:l(高的strongstr ., str .:.(强壮的) kindkaind (和气的、亲切的) old.uld (年老的)short.:t (矮的)thin in(瘦的)Mr (先生)from从;来自Canada k. n.d. 加拿大likelaik(像、喜爱) know n .u 知道principalprins .p.l 校长university,ju:niv .:s .ti student stju:d .nt, stu:-高校生strictstrikt (严格的)smart sm :t(聪慧的、奇妙的) active . ktiv(积极的、活跃的) Miss小姐lady leidi女士;小姐;夫人so much 很;特别fun f .n好玩;逗笑quietkwai .t (寂静的、文雅的) very veri (很、特别)but 强 b.t, 弱 b.t, b .t (但是)Unit 2Mondaym.ndi, m.ndei (星期一) Tuesday tju:zdi(星期二) Wednesdaywenzdi; -dei(星期三) Thursday :.zdi; -dei(星期四) Fridayfraidi(星期五)Moral m .r.l, m .:- Studies思想品德课Socials .u.l Studies社会课Saturday s.t.di; -dei(星期六) Sunday s .ndei; -di(星期天) day dei(天)wait weit等等;等待tomorrow t .m .r.u, -m .:-明天often .f.n, .ft .n, .:-常常love l .v爱;喜爱have (有、吃)on (在 . 时候)do homework(做作业) watchTV(看电视)read ri:dbooks(读书)Unit 3cabbagek. bid .洋白菜;卷心菜pork p .:k猪肉mutton m .t.n羊肉eggplant e pl :nt,-pl.nt(茄子)fish fi .(鱼)green ri:nbeans bi:n(青豆)tofu(豆腐)potato p .teit .u (土豆)tomato t .m :t .u, -mei-(西红柿)for(为)lunchl .nt .(中餐) we(我们)menu menju:, m.nju: 菜单sound saund 听起来Mew Mew猫咪healthy heli 健康的tastyteisti (好吃的) sweet swi:t(甜的)soursau .(酸的) freshfre . (新奇的) saltys .:lti(咸的)favouritefeiv .rit(最喜爱的)they are(他们是) fruitfru:t (水果) grapereip (葡萄) nownau现在have to不得不eati:t 吃Unit 4empty emptithe trashtr. . cook the mealsmi:ls(烧饭) water the flowersflau . (浇花)sweep swi:pthe floorfl .: (扫地)clean kli:nthe bedroom bedru:m helpfulhelpful有帮忙的at home 在家里illil 有病的wash w ., w .:. the windows wind .u 擦窗户justd .stdo it就这么干吧do housework hausw .:k做家务makemeikthe bed(铺床)kitchenkit .in(厨房)set setthe table(摆饭桌)bathroom b : rum(卫生间)washw ., w .:. the clothes kl .ue z(洗衣服)do the dishesdi .(洗碗碟) put away .weithe clothes have a try试一试robot r .ub .t, -b .t, r .b.t机器人play pleichess t .es下棋useju:za computer k .mpju:t .(使用运算机 Unit 5air-conditioner k.n,di .n curtaink .:t .n (窗帘) trash bin(垃圾箱)closet kl .zit(壁橱)mirror mir . (镜子)end endtableteibl(床头柜)look at看一看own .un自己的flatfl. t公寓third .:d 第三的bedroom bedru:m(卧房)livinglivi.room (客厅)in(在里面)on(在上面)under .nd . (在下面) nearni .(在. 旁边) behind bihaind(在后边) over .uv . 在上面clotheskl .ue z (衣服)work w .:k工作telltel 告知;说Unit 6sky skai 天空cloud klaud云mountainmauntin山;山脉riverriv .(河流) flower flau .(花) grassr:s,r. s (草) lakeleik (湖泊)forestf .rist (森林) path p : , p. (路) park p :k (公园)nature neit .park自然公园farm f :m农场holidayh .l.di 假期picturepikt .(照片) villagevilid . 乡村;村庄citysiti 城市househaus, hauz(房子) bridge brid .(桥) tree tri:(树)road r .ud(大路) buildingbildi.(建筑物) cleankli:n (洁净的)air .空气 run跑;奔跑anyeni任何的;全部的人教版学校英语五年级下册单词表Unit 1do morning exerciseseks .saiz(晨练)eat breakfast(吃早饭)have English class(上英语课)play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner (吃晚饭) when(什么时候)about .baut关于;大约policeman p .li:sm .n 警察work w .:k 工作evening (夜晚;晚上)get up (起床)at (在点钟) usually (通常;一般) noon (中午)tell告知;说climb mountainsmauntin(爬山) go shopping .pi. (购物;买东西) play the pianopi.n.u, pi :- visitvizitgrandparents r.nd,p .r .nt (探望祖父母)go hikinghaiking(去远足)weekend,wi:kend, wi:kend(周末) often .f.n, .ft .n, .:- (常常) sometimess .mtaimz (有时候) rainrein 下雨eitheraie ., i:-也next nekst下一个Unit 2spring spri. (春天) summers .m.(夏天) fallf .:l (秋天) winter wint .(冬天) seasonsi:z .n 季节) which hwit .(哪一个) best best (最;极)always .:lweiz, -wiz总是play with玩snow sn .u 雪leaf li:f (复数 leaves )叶子plantpl :nt, pl.nttreestri:(种树)why hwai (为什么) because bik .z(由于) sleep sli:p (睡觉) Unit 3Jan./Januaryd . nju .ri (一月) Feb./Februaryd . nju .ri (二月) Mar./March m :t .(三月) Apr./Aprileipr .l (四月) Maymei (五月)June d .u:n (六月)July d .la .(七月)up .p至北方或北方城市north北方;向北方Aug./Augest (八月)Sept./Septemberseptemb.(九月)Halloween,h. l.ui:n 万圣节之前夕Oct./October.kt .ub .(十月)Thanksgiving .ks,Nov./Novembern .uvemb .(十一月)ivi.; , .ks- 感恩节 swim
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