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学习必备欢迎下载学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit1 Our school重点单词:playground操场garden花园library图书馆light灯teacher s office老师办公室canteen食堂picture照片art room美术教室computer room运算机教室washroom盥洗室music room音乐教室gym体育TV room电视屋wall墙computer运算机teacher s desk老师的课桌your你的floor地板,楼层重点句子:This is the teacher s office. That is my classroom.这是老师办公室;那是我的教室;Go to the library. Read a story-book.去图书馆;读故事书;Is this the library. Yes, it is.这是图书馆吗 . 是的;Is that the art room. No, it isn t. the art room is on the second floor.那是美术室吗 . 不是,美术室在二楼;Where is the canteen. It s on the first floor.食堂在哪里 .在一楼;学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit2 What time is it.重点单词:lunch午餐English class英语课music class音乐课breakfast早餐dinner晚餐P.E class体育课get up起床go to school去学校go to bed上床睡觉go home回家one一two二three三four四five五six 六seven七eight八nine九ten十it s=it is math Chinese English P.E music class重点句子:What time is it.几点钟了 .It s nine o clock. 现在九点;It s time for English class.该上英语课了;School is over. Let s go to the playground.放学了,让我们去操场吧.It s time to go to school.该去学校了学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit3 Is this your skirt.重点单词:sweater毛衣jeans牛仔裤pants裤子socks袜子shoes鞋子shorts短裤jacket夹克shirt衬衫skirt裙子dress裙子T-shirt T恤衫red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色green绿色white白色colour颜色重点句子:I like the white sweater with the green skirt.我喜爱白毛衣搭配绿裙子;Whose is this. It s my baby brother s.这是谁的 .是我小弟弟的;Is this your T-shirt. No, it s not. 这是你的 T 恤衫吗 .不是;Where are my socks.我的袜子在哪儿.What colour is it. It s white.它是什么颜色的.白色的;学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit4 It s warm today重点单词:hot热weather天气rainy多雨的windy多风的cloudy多云的warm暖和cold冰冷cool凉快的today今日jeans牛仔裤pants裤子socks袜子shoes鞋子snowy雪sunny明媚的let s=let us play football重点句子:This is the weather report.这是天气预报;It s cool in Lhasa.拉萨天气凉快;What s the weather like in Beijing. It s rainy. 北京天气怎样 .下雨;Can I wear my shirt today.我今日能穿衬衫吗 .Yes, you can./ No, you can t. 能/ 不能;学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit5 How much is it.重点单词:colourful五光十色的pretty可爱的,美丽的cheap廉价的expensive昂贵的sneakers运动鞋slippers拖鞋sandals凉鞋boots靴子big大的small小的long长的short短的apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨orange橘子watermelon西瓜重点句子:Look at that dress. It s pretty;看那条裙子,真美丽.Can I help you.需要我为你做些什么吗.I want a pair of sneakers.我想要一双球鞋;How much is it.多少钱 .It s ninety-nine yuan.九十九元;That s expensive.好贵阿 .A pair of sneakers for my son.给我儿子买双球鞋;What size.几码 .Size five.五码 .Are they all right.合适吗 .We ll take it.我们买下了 .How much are they. They re three yuan.他们多少钱 .三元;学校四年级英语下册重点归纳:Unit6 At a farm重点单词:sheep羊hen母鸡lamb羊肉goat山羊cow奶牛tomato番茄cucumber黄瓜potato土豆onion洋葱carrot胡萝卜horse马cat猫rabbit兔子pig猪duck鸭子dog狗eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fifteen十五twenty二十how many there.有多少 .aren t=are not重点句子:What are they. They are goats.它们是什么 .它们是山羊;This farm is so big.这个农场好大阿.Are they ducks. No, they aren t. 它们是鸭子吗.不是的;Look at the cucumbers. Theyre fresh.看那些黄瓜,他们好新奇.I like tomatoes. They are juicy.我喜爱番茄,他们许多汁;I don t like onions. They re smelly.我不喜爱洋葱,他们有股味道;How many horses are there. Twelve.那儿有多少马 .十二匹;
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