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2021-2021 学年第一学期期中质量调研初四英语考试时间 ;90 分钟总分: 120 分(留意:收卷时只收答题卷,务必把全部答案写到答题卷上)第一卷 :70 分一、 单项挑选 30 分 1. He asked me there waas mall near here and I said yes.A. ifB. thatC. whereD. when 2. My mom is a wonderful.The food she cooks tastes.A. cook,goodB. cooker, deliciousC. cook, wellD. chef, nicely 3. - The car ranme quickly.- Woe. How dangerous.A. throughB. pastC. overD. across 4. -I wonder if theya party on the coming Christmas Eve.-If they, I am sure they ll invite us to take part.A. will have, doB. will have, willC. have, doD. have, will 5. “ Excuseme, could you tell me where the department store is. ”sounds than“ Where is the department store.”A. politeB. less politeC. ruderD. more polite 6. I used to prefer swimmingwhen I was young.A. to skateB. than skatingC. to skatingD. than skate 7. The young man whose parents died had to make money by selling newspaperscontinue with his schooling.A. in order toB. so thatC. in order thatD. in order 8. The sweater fits me well, but it isexpensive.A. a kind ofB. kinds ofC. a fewD. kind of 9. Its very difficult to learn English well, but you cant.A. put it up B. take it up C. look it up D. give it up 10. I don t knowit next.A.what to doB. how to doC. what can I doD. how can I do 11. My lifea lot in the last few years.A. changeB. changedC. has changed D. have changed 12. There used to be a tall tree in front of our classroom.A. used thereB. didn t therCe . wasn t there D. did it 13. Iyesterday. It was broken.A. had my bike repairB. had my bike repairsC. had my bike repairedD. has my bike repaired14.Hewenttoseethemanwhowasinhospitalyesterday.-.A. So did weB .So we didC. We did soD. Did so we. 15. I had a little troubleEnglish grammar.A. to learnB. learningC. learnedD. of learning 16. Aboutof the students in our class come from the countryside.A. two- fiveB. two- fifthC. two - fifthsD. second - fifth 17. Great changesin my hometown since 1980.A. have been taken placeB. have taken placeC. took placeD. were taken place 18. Do you like the skirt. Itsoft.A. is feelingB. feltC. is feltD. feels 19.middle school students allowed to use mobile phone at school .A. DoB. DidC. AreD. Can 20. Many students will beif the class is boring.A. sleepB. sleepyC. sleepingD. slept 21. The National Day is coming, we ll have 7 days.A. onB. offC. upD. down 22. - May I go swimming now.- No, you. You must finish your homework first.A. mustn t B. may notC. couldn tD. needn t( )23. - Tom, where is your father.- I m not sure. Hein his office.A. isB. maybeC. maybeD. may() 24.There are many tall buildings onsides of the street .A. eachB. everyC. bothD. either() 25. That is a watch of. .A. hisB. himC. myD. me() 26. Wehere two hours ago. Wehere for two hours .A. have arrived, have beenB. have come , have beenC. came, have comeD. arrived , have been()27. We will have aholiday after the exam .A. two monthB. two-monthC. two-monthsD. two months() 28. The little girl often makes his motherhim.A. talk, something interesting B. tell, something interestingC. say, interesting something D. speak, interesting something() 29.“I hopeplay soccer with us tomorrow.” “ Yes, I hope.”A. him not to, not tooB. he won t,toitoC. him not to, that tooD. he won t, stoo() 30. The two men walkedthe forest and got to a small house.A. throughB. acrossC. crossingD. over二、阅读懂得;( 40 分)AOnce Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister 宰相. He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily,“Effendi, since既然 you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death 死 . Say it out, or you ll die today.”Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then he answered,“But how can I know.I ll die two days earlier than you.” The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive活着 as long as possible, so he let Effendi go.( )31. This story tells us.A. how Effendi fooled 愚弄 the kingB. when the king would dieC. why the Minister diedD. Effendi knew the dates of everyone sdeath( )32.The prime Minister died because.A. Effendi killed himB. Effendi said he would dieC. He was badly illD. He fell off the horse() 33. Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendis own death.A. Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.B. Because the wante
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