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【标题】飘中女主人公斯嘉丽奥哈拉的性格分析【作者】张玉婷【关键词】性格;原因;女性;启示性格;原因;女性;启示【指导老师】沈黎【专业】英语【正文】The Character of Scarlett 0 hara in Gone With the WindI IntroductionThe sun rises and sets, the day passes, world is changing at an amazing speed. Everything in the world is quite different from that of the past, especially in the most development country America Although America is a young country, his import a nee and strong power could not be igno red As a leader of the world, his changes are alarming in his history. Along with the development of America, American people s living standard improved as well as people s status, especially woman s status Now woman hold up half of the sky, but back to the American civil war period, the status of woman was very low In American history, there are many famous 1iterate works which chose woman in focus, reflecting her 1ive, Gone With the Wind is one of them.Gone With the Wind is the master work of the American famous fema 1 e author Margaret Mithchell. It has been published in 1936 and has been made into a fi lm, which is welcomed by audiences and becomes one of the most we 11 known 1iterate works of America around the world. This work is a story about a Southern young woman during the American civil war. In this work, Margaret Mithchell has an excellent description on the characters, war seencs, and natural landscapes, especially on description of the heroine Searlett 0 hara, who has been considered as one of the most successful character in American literate history. She was beautiful, sociable, and strong, which were equal to her irrational fantasy about love, fanatical interest in money and no kindness or pity to the weak Margaret Mitchell has created a vivid and live Scarlett 0 hara, and this heroine s success has made up this fiction s popularity.Gone With the Wind is a good work for reader to understand the life, custom, and history of American Southern people during the civil war, and it s heroine Scarlett 0, hara s complexly individual character and her story are also a good chance for modern woman to get good enlightenment.II - The Main Characters of ScarlettA. Merits of Scarlett1. Skill of CommunicationSearlett was a very attractive female, and her charm was not only on her beautiful appearance but also on her excel lent communication skil ls.The first aspect of her communi cat i on skill was that she liked smil ing. Smile has an unconscious charm to people in interpersonal relationship It. can narrow the distance between strangers, can calm the an ger, can beg for mercy and can attract the gentlemen who are young, strong, and handsome She was smiling attractively when she wanted to build a good interpersonal relationship with men. She understood how to take advantages from smile and how to hide her true feeling. So no one could accurately understand her for her sweet smiles For instancc, when she heard of the precontract of marriage between Me 1 anie and Ashley, whom she loved, she had no changes on her face; wh i 1 e fai ling to attract Ashley,s attention, she was mi serabl e, yet she also pretended to be an happy and gentle lady.To the outward eye, never had a girl less cause to be miserable She was undoubtedly the belle of the barbecue, the center of attention, the forbore she was causing among the men, coupled with heart burnings of the other girls, would have pleased her enormously at any time. 1Her attitude towards men was also a good side to her communication skills When she met a guy, or replied someone, she had never refused or accepted, she chose a middle cause to get her own way in men,s rights society. Scarlett got along with men with uncertainly vague response, misleading them with the misconception that, Scarlett has good view on mo. ” Sometimes, in fact, she might think these men were brainless and foolish Her unclear attitude helped her to win high popularity.2. Strong WillOn the second point, Scarlett O hara had strong will. This character was her most outstanding merit In 1861, the American civil war was broken. After dozens of war wedd ings in the Country, all the you ng and strong Southern men had gone to the frontline, in eluding Scarlett s groom Charles and her love Ashely.Firstly, she had to take care of his little son Wade. Because of the war, he was afraid to stay alone, and he followed his mother everywhere Except for her son, she nceded to do things for hospita 1 She attended the wounded solders day and night, bearing the diseases, injury, and blood And that, because of lack of medical suppl ies, linen and cotton bandages were too precious to be thrown away when used, so when off duty, she had to bring home baskets of bloody strips to be washed and ironed and returned for use on other suffers.At the same time, with the promise to Ashely, she had to look after Ashley s pregnant wife Melanie. Without any help and experienee, she delivered Melanie. It was too difficult for a young
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