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Xingtai Polytechnic College教案课程名称高校英语 I学 时2序号1授课班级见附录日 期参考说明任课老师见附录课题Unit 5 Winning is not everything 读写教程 才能目标 :Analyze the structure at sentence and text levels分;析课文结构Make a short speech on topics related to sporting spirit.教 学能够以运动精神为话题绽开争论目 标应用性学问目标:Master the key language points in the text;把握关键语言点训 练项 目(任 务)Develop the listening and speaking skills: work in pairs and discuss听力和口语技能训练教 学新视野读写教程 1 光盘媒 体新视野读写教程 1 unit5 课件准 备第1 页(共3 页)Xingtai Polytechnic College教案教学活动步骤准时间支配: Pre-reading activity:( 10 min)课前预备(听力和口语) Overview of the text and text structure(20 min)课文概述及结构分析教 学 Detailed study of the text(50 min)语言学问点学习过 程 Exercises and conclusion (20 min)课内练习及总结第3页Xingtai Polytechnic College教案板书设计:Text Structure 课文结构Introduction of the general situationCliff Young s life after the race of 1983CliffYoung sets a good example for other people, showing that an ordinary person can achieve great things with deternination and preparation.教 学Language points 语言点mold: Influence sb. Strongly so that they will have certain qualities or behave in过 程a certain way.attribute:a quality or feature of sb. or sth.critical:very important; expressing an opinion when your think sth. is wrong or bad.underline:show that sth, is important; draw a line under a word toshow it is important.humble:not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other peoples; having a low social class or position.作业:Finish the language focus p127-129.完成语言点练习板块课 后总 结Xingtai Polytechnic College教案课程名称高校英语 I学 时2序号2第1 页(共3 页)授课班级见附录日 期参考说明任课老师见附录课题Unit 5 Winning is not everything读写教程 才能目标 :Develop the language skills. 语言技巧教 学目 标应用性学问目标:Master the key language points in the text;把握关键语言点Understand the culture differences between Chinese and English inChinese-English translation. 懂得翻译中的文化差异训 练项 目(任 务)Develop the translation skill: the culture differences between Chinese and English in Chinese-English translation; 翻译技巧训练Develop the writing skill: write a paragraph of time order.写作技巧训练教 学新视野读写教程 1 光盘媒 体新视野读写教程 1 unit5 课件准 备Xingtai Polytechnic College教案教学活动步骤准时间支配: Review activity: retell the main idea of text A ( 15 min)复习 Language focus 20min 词汇练习 Translation skills practice (25 min)翻译技巧训练教 学 Writing skills practice (30 min)写作技巧训练第3页过 程 Self-assessmen(t10 min)自我评测Xingtai Polytechnic College教案板书设计:Translation skills and practiceTranslate the following paragraphsAncient Olympic Games English Chinese 太极拳( Chinese English)Writing skills and practiceTopicTime and event教 学More topics过 程12作业:Preview the Section B. 预习 Section B课 后总 结Xingtai Polytechnic College教案课程名称高校英语 I学 时2序号3第1 页(共3 页)授课班级见附录日 期参考说明任课老师见附录课题Unit 5 Winning is not everything读写教程 才能目标 :Develop the critical thinking. 思维方式Make a short speech on topics related to sporting spirit.教 学能够以运动精神为话题绽开争论目 标应用性学问目标:Master the key language points in the text;把握关键语言点Master the reading skill. 把握阅读技巧训 练项 目(任 务)Develop the reading skill: skimming阅读技巧训练教 学新视野读写教程 1 光盘媒 体新视野读写教程 1 unit5 课件准 备Xingtai Polytechnic College教案教学活动步骤准时间支配: Review activity: words dictation ( 10 min)复习 Pre-reading activity: study skimming skill ( 10 min)阅读预备 Overview of the text and text structure(10 min)课文概述及结构分析 Text reading( 20 min)课文阅读 Text study( 30 min)课文讲解教 学 Exercises ( 20 min)课文大意总结及复述过 程第3页Xingtai Polytechnic College教案板书设计:Key steps教 学过 程SkimingRead the title of the passage. Read the first paragraph.Read subheadings if there are any and firstsentence of every paragraph.Glance over the body of the passage, looking for: clue words transition wordsRead the final paragraph作业:Finish the reading comprehension p140-142.完成阅读练习板块课 后总 结Xingtai Polytechnic College教案课程名称新视野高校英语 I学 时2序号4授课班级见附录日 期任课老师见附录课题Unit 5 Winning is not everything读写教程 才能目标 :Develop the language skills. 语言技巧Understand how to conduct a debate.争论辩论教 学目 标应用性学问目标:Master the key language points in the text;把握关键语言点第1 页(共3 页)训 练项 目(任 务)Unit project : Conducting a debate on the size of th
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