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8AU5词组和句型Comic strip-welcome to the unit1. live in the wildwild animals2. Will you please (not) do sth?Would you please (not) do sth?3. no way/in the way/ this way/ on the way/ by the way4. have pity on/take pity onWhat a pity!5. in fact=as a matter of fact=in reality6. the kings of the animal worldthe king of the animal worldthe lion king; the monkey king7. What wild animal do you like best?=whats your favourite wild animal?=which of wild animals do you like best?Reading1. call her Xi Wangcall 911/the police/youa boy called Tommake a phone call to you2. This means.Whats the meaning of this?What does this mean?3. was/were born; give birth to4. weigh just 100 grams5. look like=be like(U2, Its like watching TV. )6. at four months oid7. for the first time/the first time8. eight months later; after eight months9. be not a baby any more=be no more a baby;There is nothing in the box.=There isnt anything in the boxI heard nothing.=I didnt hear anything.(I heard not anything)10. over 35 kilograms11. in the beginning; at the beginning of; in the end=at last=finally; at the end of12. drink her mothers milk13. eat bamboo14. look after herself15. face serious problems; face south; a face16. for example17. have babies18. live mainly on; the main sights of the world19. become smaller and smaller(adjer+and+adjer, er结尾的比较级;more and more+adj, 加more构成的比较级)20. as a result21. have a place to live or food to eat22. in danger23. take action=acttake action to do tth24. right away=at once25. build more panda reserves26. make laws27. protect pandas; protect sb from doing sth28. do nothing=dont do anything29. none of the books; Is there anything? Nothing. Are there any things; none. How many books are there in the schoolbag? None. Whats in the school bag? Nothing30. start to do 31. begin to do32. learn to do33. It is difficult for pandas to do sth34. make laws to protect them35. when sb was six at the age of sixat age 6at 6 years oldat 636. at birth=when sb was born37. serious problems; are you serious?38. more than anything else39. come into the world as a baby40. be very important to them41. Is it easy for pandas to live in the world?42. go outside/inside43. about eight kilograms=around eight kilogramsGrammar1. There may be none left.2. go near the lions and tigers3. They may be playing with each other.4. It may be sleeping.5. jump around6. stand with ones eyes closed; sleep with their eyes open wide7. anything special about wild animals8. work out easy math problems=solve easy math problems9. fly the right way10. with the help of their mouth and ears; with the teachers help= with the help of the teacher; with the support of 11. get lost=be lost=lose ones way; lose-find12. bees always come back the same way as they went.13. save food before winter comes14. forget where to find the foodIntegrated skills and study skills1. a short while2. be able to=can3. catch tigers for their fur, bones or other parts of the body4. without stopping5. stop doing sthstop to do sthstop sb (from) doing sth=prevent sb from doing sth6. work as a team7. never kill for fun8. living areas9. be dangerous to humans10. tell you about some wild animals in danger11. other parts of the body12. fewer and fewer living areas; less and less watermore and more living areas; more and more water13. Its a great pity.14. a book about/on wild animals15. lose their lives16. hunt them17. What a shame!18. I think everybody should act to protect wild animals.=I think everybody should take action to protect wild animals.19. members of the Wild Animal Club20. because of hunting; because + clause21. need our protection22. wonderful paintings of them23. have feelings and happiness and sadness24. kill them for no reason=not kill them for any reason25. accept our invitation26. Thank you for your kindness.Task1. in the daytime2. sleep through the winter3. catch them for their furs and paws4. move around slowly5. take action to stop this6. There may be no bears left in the world.There is sth left in the world.I forget to take my book from home.=I left my book at home. leave it in the air for some time (U4)
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