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基于课程标准的“教学评一体化”设计课时备课卡课题九上 Module 12 Save our world Unit1 If everyone starts to do everything, the world will be saved.(第二课时)日期课时1课型听说授课教师目标确立依据课标分析课标摘录义务教育英语课程标准语言技能五级标准:说:1.能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论。2.能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务。3.能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正。4.能根据话题进行情景对话。5.能在以上口语活动中做到语音、语调自然,语气恰当。读:1.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。2.能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系。写:1.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改。课标分解1.能连贯、流畅地朗读关于污染危害及解决措施的句子、对话;2.能根据表格简单复述出课文对话,关键信息准确;能就污染和环保话题,与同伴用正确的语音语调、自如、流利地展开对话并班内展示;3.能在小组合作中就家乡污染问题和解决措施创编对话。教材分析本模块以绿色环保为话题,以学生的口吻谈论环保知识,内容积极。第一单元的对话,通过谈论环境污染提出建立绿色学校的想法,并讨论了学生能为此所做的事情,呈现了一些环保问题和解决措施的常用语言。学生通过对话的学习,学会进行自如地谈论环保等话题,并提出一些有建设性的可行性的环保建议。学情分析绿色学校给学生带来一种新鲜感,易于激发学生的学习兴趣和引导学生表达自己的想法,鼓励学生提出一些有建设性的可行性的建议。学生在之前学习中,或多或少接触过构词法,如合成法homework, classroom,转化法laugh (v) laugh (n) 等,但还没有系统的知识结构,需要通过本模块的学习形成系统的知识结构,并加深理解。教学目标通过本课时教学,让学生能够:1.根据框架复述出对话内容,并能用本课重点单词(factory, pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, crop, kill, oil, less, hopeless)的正确形式完成篇章。在语境中具体学习构词法派生词:pollution, hopeless, recycle2.通过造句练习和朗读训练,能用本节课的派生词(pollute, recycle, hopeless)以及重要语言点(Its no use doing, if条件句,)正确造句。3.能连贯、流畅地朗读对话,正确运用连读。4.发现家乡的污染问题,并能够提出解决措施。提高环保的自觉性,增强宣传环保意识的责任感。评价任务 评价标准1. 复述对话(自己说或同伴问答)(指向目标1、4)关键信息准确2. 选词并用正确形式填空,完成短文、句子(指向目标1)准确选取并用适当形式写出3. 翻译句子(汉译英),口头说并正确写出(指向目标2)准确写出,无或少语法错误4. 连贯、流畅地运用连读;自己朗读、同伴分角色朗读对话(指向目标3)语音语调符合读音规则和评价标准5. 列举出家乡的污染问题,并就问题给出一些解决措施(指向目标3、4)积极合作参与讨论家长的污染问题和解决措施 教学过程教学环节 教学活动 评价要点Step1Presentation1.Read the words together2. Free talkIn the last lesson weve learned a dialogue about pollution, discuss what you can do about the pollution.3. Retell the dialogue according to the following information. (You can choose to retell it by yourself or with your partner.)Pollution problemsLinglingpollution enemyfightpollutedcant use.Tonyspreads over .illkill. a danger Bettyso much oil cause no use talkingthink ofWhat the students can doLinglingcollects waste be recycledsells the waste help Betty save energy recycle less wasteConclusionTony heavyhopelessbe saved课前读词,学生能快速齐声、有节奏、有英语感觉的读出单词。学生就上节课所学,能积极参与free talk。能复述出对话,关键信息准确。Step 2New words1.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.cause enemy factory kill oil pollute spreadPollution is our great (1)_. Pollution from (2)_is a danger to health, and may even (3)_people. Factories sometimes (4)_the rivers, and farmers cannot use the water for their crops. Pollution(5) _over cities and villages, and that (6)_even more danger. Cars use a lot of (7)_and cause pollution too.2.Check the answers.3.Read the passage aloud by yourself and be prepared to show it.能正确选取单词并用正确形式填空能自主流利朗读短文,并乐于展示。Step 3读后学Newgrammar and language points 学后读.New grammar1 Polluted water is unhealthy.2 Its wasteful to throw so much food away.3 If you look after things well, you may reuse some of them. 4 Its impossible to clean up the river in such a short time .5 If we pay attention to pollution now, the future wont be hopeless.1)Translate the sentences above into Chinese.2)Try to conclude: 观察以上句子中的加粗单词,有何共同点?你还知道哪些类似单词?3)教师讲解:在词根前加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫做派生词。常见的前缀:1. 表示否定意义 “无,不”:un- unpopular, dis- disappear, im- impossible2. 表示其他意义的前缀: re- recycle, mis- mistake, a- alone, inter- international, tele- telephone常见的后缀:1.构成形容词 -able, comfortable, -ful, helpful, -less, hopeless, -al, national 2.构成名词 -tion, conversation, -er, writer, -ence, difference, -ment, advertisement3.构成副词 ly, usually4) 找出文中含有派生词汇的句子,并翻译。1. After our lesson on the environment ,I m worried about the future .2.At a green school, every class collects waste which can be recycled or used again.3.Students at a green school also learn ways to save energy and recycle at home .4.Though pollution is heavy now, I dont think its hopeless. 5)Finish the exercise1.Make new words. Join the words in Box A with the parts of words in Box B. You need to use some of the parts more than once.A: care collect hope possible usual wanted wasteB: -able -ful im- -less re- un-can be collected_ making a lot of waste_full of use_ full of hope_without any hope_ without any use_not possible_ not usual_not wanted_ use again_2.Complete the table.NounVerbAdjectiveAdverb useful/uselesshopehopefully/hopelesslypollutionwasteusually/unusually3.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in activity2.She was _ that h
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