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【致胜中考2021】一轮复习:九年级U5 词汇+语法讲解【单词默写】意思单词词性意思单词词性自然环境的,有关环境的形式,类型每天的,日常的法国(有关)历史的德国国际的玻璃它的(分手指的)手套生气勃勃的,(色彩)鲜艳的草,草地当地的,本地的小手提包可移动的,非固定的热,高温银色的叶,叶子广泛地,普遍地材料,原料气球邮递员(女士)短上衣,衬衫产品,制品老板,领导剪刀品牌,牌子银,银器(尤指有貌舌的)帽子钢,钢铁庆典,庆祝活动表面,表层筷子交通,路上行驶的车辆黏土,陶土避免,回避硬币完成参赛者,竞争者包装,装箱棉,棉花磨光,修改,润色展览会,交易会加工,处理餐叉,叉子生产,制造,出产【单词变形】单词三单过去式过去分词现在分词avoidcompletepackpolishprocessproduce单词复数单词复数单词复数ballooncoinhandbagblousecompetitorsilverbosscottonleafbrandfairmaterialcapforkpostmancelebrationformproductchopstickglassclaysteel单词比较级最高级单词比较级最高级lively【单词变性】environmental形容词变名词_international形容词变名词_widely副词变形容词_celebration名词变动词_competitor名词变动词_France名词变名词_Germany名词变名词_produce动词变名词_【一词多义】1. fair _ _Its fair.We can buy different things on the fair.2. heat _ _We feel like in the heat.Heat the cold rice, then we can eat it.3. form _ _Fill in the form, please.The words forms a perfect article.【词汇用法】1. avoid: v./avoid doing/avoid sth.【高频短语】environmental problems_everyday life_everyday things_local people_be widely used_have a celebration_knives and forks_a glass of_on the surface_traffic jam_traffic accidents_【攻占语法】被动语态(一)一、被动语态的基本形式: 不同时态的基本形式一般进行完成现在过去将来二、被动语态的动词变化规则:变化规则done例词一般情况下以e结尾以y结尾以重读闭音节结尾三、被动语态的意义:1) _2) _3) _四、被动语态的判断:谓语动词为_或者_,当句子为被动语态时,谓语动词后_宾语或者_宾语五、主动变被动1. We call that girl Mary.2. Edison invented the bulb.【词汇练习】1. In the street, you should be careful enough to a_ knocking other people down.2. Different kinds of b _ rose up into the air and brought happiness to the people watching them.3. Westerners eat with forks and knives, while we Chinese eat with c _.4. Much homework needs to be c _ in a short time. I think its impossible for me.5. The new blouse is made of one hundred percent c_. It feels so comfortable.6. The new art and science fair is about e_ protection and recycling. Most of the works are made of used things.7. Many of his short stories gave descriptions of the e_ life of the ordinary people in the 1920s in Shanghai.8. China is really good at making e_ things such as handbags, hair bands, pet food, toys and so on.9. People in the East usually find it difficult to have meals with f _ and knives.10. Each different part of China has its own special f _ of traditional art.11. She has been living in F _ for many years, so she knows a lot about French culture.12. I prefer the cars made in G _. They are strong and can work well.13. He dropped his milk g _ on the floor and broke it.14. On winters days people have to wear scarves and g _ when they go outside.15. After playing soccer in the h _ so long, they felt very tired and thirsty.16. Hangzhou has become an i _ city. More and more foreigners come to Hangzhou.17. Each different part of our country has i _ traditional food such as Yunnan rice noodles, Dongbei Jiaozi.18. As the l _ turn yellow we may feel autumn is coming.19. Mr. Chen is an active teacher and he can make his class l _.20. Alice, an exchange student in America, found that so many products in the l _ shops were made in China.21. This shop uses the best m _ to make dresses. So the dresses are of good quality.22. Its thoughtful to design a moving kitchen for the elderly or people who are less m _.23. After being p_, the tea is usually packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.24. My two uncles are both p_. They send newspapers and letters in our neighborhood.25. Computers and mobile phones are the most popular p _ in the 20th century.26. We used to make a decision through a simple gamerock, paper, and s_.2
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